What’s new
17 Jun, 2013 | From 19 Jun, seminar room is changed to K202. |
08 Apr, 2013 | 'Seminars' page opened. |
22 Mar, 2013 | Schedule updated. |
19 Jan, 2013 | Bugs in registration fixed ('Modification' works; 'Special requests' works). |
28 Dec, 2012 | Registration page opened; Visa information added. |
27 Sep, 2012 | Calendar added. |
10 Apr, 2012 | Long-term workshop homepage opened. |
Aims and Scope
Laser-interferometric ground-based gravitational-wave detectors, advanced LIGO, advanced VIRGO, and KAGRA, will be in operation in this decade. These detectors will observe general relativistic and dynamical phenomena such as merger of binary neutron stars and binary black holes. Observation of general relativistic objects by gravitational-wave detectors could also be a new window for exploring the theory of gravity. Furthermore, observations by large telescopes for electromagnetic transient signals together with the gravitational-wave observation will provide rich information for high-energy phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts. Progress in theoreitcal research tools in general relativity is also very rapid. In particular, nemerical relativity has been developed significantly and yielded a wide variety of predictions for the gravitational-wave sources in the recent years.
The aim of longterm workshop on "Gravitational waves and Numerical relativity", held as a part of the Yukawa International Program for Quark-Hadron Science (YIPQS), is to provide an opportunity of discussing central issues to be persuited in the coming years around the field of gravitational waves, inviting leading researchers in the world and young researchers.
Main subjects in this workshop are:
- Interfacing analytical and numerical relativity
- Electromagnetic and neutrino signals from gravitational-wave sources
- Current and future prospects in numerical relativity
- Possibility of exploring alternative theories of gravity by gravitational-wave observation
The workshop will be held with a relatively small number of participants, focusing on the discussion and a restricted number of seminars.
During the workshop, we will hold YKIS2013 conference. If you would like to get information on YKIS2013, please go to the following site:
Conference Site
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Kitashirakawa Oiwake-Cho,
606-8502 Japan
International & Local Advisory Committee
- Luca Baiotti (Osaka)
- Emanuele Berti (Mississippi)
- Patrick Brady (Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- Alessandra Buonanno (Maryland)
- Toni Font (Valencia)
- John Friedman (Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- Eric Gourgoulhon (LUTH)
- Kostas Kokkotas (Tübingen)
- Luis Lehner (Perimeter)
- Takashi Nakamura (Kyoto)
- Christian Ott (Caltech)
- Misao Sasaki (YITP)
- Masaru Shibata (YITP, chair)
- Takahiro Tanaka (YITP)
Local Organizing Committee
- Takashi Hiramatsu (YITP)
- Kenta Hotokezaka (Kyoto)
- Kenta Kiuchi (YITP)
- Koutarou Kyutoku (KEK)
- Hiroyuki Nakano (YITP)
- Yuichirou Sekiguchi (YITP)
- Yudai Suwa (YITP)
- Masaru Shibata (YITP)
This long-term workshop is supported also by
- Yukawa International Program for Quark-Hadron Sciences (YIPQS)
- The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas : New development in astrophysics through multimessenger observations of gravitational wave sources
- Japan Society for Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 24244028