Poster Sessions: 2nd-3rd weeks

Poster Session: 2nd week (July 10th, Poster preview 1:40 PM - 3:00 PM, Poster session 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM)

Please visit this page for the detailed program.

2. Chi-Keung Chan
 "Anticipation and negative group delay in a retina"

3. Yoshiaki Horiike
 "Relaxational entropy production classifies structures of interaction networks"

4. Samy Lakhal
 "Intermittency of wind power productions"

5. Cesar Maldonado
 "Irreversibility properties of ECGs as indicators of heart conditions"

6. Pavel Muraev
 "Conductance transition with interacting bosons in an Aharonov-Bohm cage"

7. Jonas Roenning
 "Active Brownian and run-and-tumble particles trapped at boundaries: a first-passage approach"

8. Kazuhiko Seki
 "Influence of reflecting boundary on fluctuation relation in a lattice random walk model"

9. Tingzhang Shi
 "Exact work distribution and the Jarzynski's equality of a relativistic particle in an expanding piston"

11. Guohua Xu
 "Geometric Bound for Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation in Periodically Driven Systems"

12. Zhongmin Zhang
 "Non-equilibrium design principles — intelligent molecule for temporal pattern recognition and computation"

13. Jiming Zheng
 "Information Geometry of Markovian Trajectories and Universal Thermodynamic Bounds on Non-stationary Responses"

Poster Session: 3rd week (July 17th, Poster preview 1:40 PM - 3:00 PM, Poster session 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM)

Please visit this page for the detailed program.

1. Ruicheng Bao
 "Estimating irreversibility under coarse-graining"

2. Pablo Bayona Pena
 "Entanglement Spectrum crossings as a dynamical probe of point gapped non-Hermitian topology"

3. Rodrigo Braz Teixeira
 "Liquid Hopfield model: retrieval and localization in multi-component mixtures"

4. Yongjae Oh
 "Phase separation of active particles with chemokinesis and fuel depletion"

5. Jong-Min Park
 "Equation of motion for nonequilibrium dynamics with strong system-bath coupling"

6. Shanhe Su
 "Efficiency bounds for bipartite informationdriven thermodynamic systems"

7. Tomohiro Tanogami
 "Universality and scale-to-scale information flow in turbulence"

8. Yuxin Wu
 "Scaling relations for finite-time first-order phase transition"

9. Yusuke Yanagisawa
 "Phase coexistence in a weakly stochastic reaction-diffusion system"

10. Ryosuke Yoshii
 "Quantum heat engine in presence of exceptional points"