On this workshop
Recently the breakout phenomenon that a jet or shock wave breaks through surrounding medium is rapidly growing as research subject. Most recently, electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational waves have been discovered, in which the breakout phenomenon of jet and cocoon shock wave is suggested to play an essential role. Also the breakout phenomenon is also related to the discovery of very early flash from recent supernova explosions. These are based on the rapid progress in discoveries of cosmic transients, driven by the recent advances of multi-messenger astronomy and big survey. We have not understood yet the physical processes of radiation-mediated shock wave, post-breakout acceleration and nonthermal emission at breakout. Theoretical understandings will progress with the development of observations. Also, these progresses will give a new perspective on classical mysteries such as gamma-ray bursts and active galactic nuclei. The workshop aims to bring together experts related the breakouts, and discuss recent developments, current tasks and future prospects. We also welcome other topics widely than below: - supernovae - gamma-ray bursts - neutron star mergers - active galactic nuclei - tidal disruption events - magnetar flares - fast radio bursts