========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.317 December 25, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 1999 年1月に広島大学で行われます研究集会 「見える幾何学−応用幾何学をめざして−」 のプログラムをお送りします。 ************************************ \documentstyle[a4j,12pt]{jarticle} \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{center} \Large{\gt 「見える幾何学−応用幾何学をめざして−」} \end{center} 平成 10 年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究A(2), 研究代表者 松本堯生 (広島大学理学部)「応用幾何学」) による表記の研究集会を下記のように開催いたしますのでご参加ください. \begin{center} 記 \end{center} \begin{flushleft} 日時:1999 年1月 21 日(木) 13 時 20 分 〜1月 22 日(金) 16 時 40 分 場所:広島大学理学部B棟 707 号室 連絡先:〒739-8526 東広島市鏡山1-3-1 広島大学理学部数学教室 \\ \hspace*{1.7cm}松本 堯生 \\ \end{flushleft} \ \noindent プログラム: \ {\gt 1月21日(木)} \noindent 13:30〜14:20 松本 堯生(広島大学理学部) \\ \hspace*{1.2cm} トポロジーにおける見える幾何学的手法 \\ \noindent 14:40〜15:30 山下 雅史(九州大学システム情報科学研究科) \\ \hspace*{1.2cm} ロボット工学における計算幾何 \ \noindent 15:50〜16:40 原田 耕一(広島大学総合科学部) \\ \hspace*{1.2cm} 3次元自由曲面の効率的な三角形パッチ近似法 \\ \ {\gt 1月22日(金)} \noindent 10:00〜10:50 浅野 哲夫(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学) \\ \hspace*{1.2cm} 幾何アルゴリズム設計の楽しさと方法論 \\ \ \noindent 11:10〜12:00 梅原 雅顕(広島大学理学部) \\ \hspace*{1.2cm} 単純閉曲線の円錐曲線による近似について \\ \noindent 13:30〜14:20 甘利 俊一(理化学研究所) \\ \hspace*{1.2cm} Information Geometry of Neuromanifold \\ \noindent 14:40〜15:30 品川 善久(東京大学大学院理学研究科) \\ \hspace*{1.2cm} 特異点とホモトピーに基づく三次元 CAD システム \\ \noindent 15:50〜16:40 小林 亮(北海道大学電子科学研究所) \\ \hspace*{1.2cm} 結晶成長の幾何学 \end{document} MATUMOTO, Takao 松本堯生 Dept. Math., Fac. Sci., Hiroshima U. 広島大学理学部数学教室 Higashi-Hiroshima 739 Japan 739 東広島市鏡山1−3−1 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.316 December 24, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 研究会のお知らせ Title: Physical Combinatorics 講演者(一部) O. Foda, A. Kirillov, A. Kuniba, B. McCoy M. Okado, A. Schilling, J. Suzuki, R. Warnaar 日程 (前半と後半に分けて行ないます。) 前半 場所 国際高等研究所: 1999 年1月 28 日 (木)開始 10:00 1月 29 日 (金) 1月 30 日 (土)終了 17:00 宿泊:京阪奈みやこホテル (0774)95 0101 各自申し込んで下さい。(高等研の研究会であることを伝えること) --------------------------cut here-------------------------------- 国際高等研究所での研究会に参加します。 次の日の昼食(1,500 円)を申し込みます。(不要な所を消す)。 木 金 土 名前 所属 --------------------------cut here--------------------------------- 後半 場所 数理解析研究所: 1999 年2月 1日 (月)開始 10:00 2月 2日 (火)終了 17:00 柏原 正樹 三輪 哲二 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.315 December 4, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Information ============================================== 皆様,学会の講演申し込みの季節がやってきました. 今回の締め切りは12月11日(金)です. 無限可積分系セッションに奮って申し込み下さい. 前回の阪大では一般講演は15しかありませんでしたが, 今回は少なくとも20は欲しいところです. なるべく1件につき,15ー20分ぐらいで申し込んで下さい. よろしくお願い申し上げます. 無限可積分系セッション責任者 山田裕史 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.314 December 2, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 研究会「無限可積分系の新展開II」のお知らせ 以下の要領で研究会を開きます。 この研究会に参加を希望される方は、尾角(okado::sigmath.es.osaka-u.ac.jp)まで 連絡頂ければ案内の続報をメールにてお送りします。 (既に申込を済ませた方はもちろんその必要はありません。) また、若干の方には旅費の援助ができる可能性がありますので、尾角まで お問合せ下さい。 <日時> 1998年12月20日(日)9時 -- 12月22日(火)12時 <会場> 沖縄オーシャンビューホテル 12F 珊瑚の間 (沖縄県那覇市久米2ー1ー5 tel: 098-853-2112, fax: 098-862-6112) <スケジュール> 12/20 9:00-12:00 神保道夫 「楕円型量子群について」 13:45-14:45 TBA 12/21 9:00-12:00 時弘哲治 「超離散化--ソリトン方程式から ソリトンセルオートマトンへ--」 13:45-14:45 TBA 12/22 9:00-12:00 Anatol N. Kirillov: 「Discrete Hirota equations, Schutzenberger involution and rational representation of the symmetric group」午後の講演のあと15:00から18:00まで (21日は17:00まで) 講演会場の半分を discussion room としてリザーブしています。 <沖縄オーシャンビューホテルについて> ホテルは那覇市内の中央部やや南に位置し、空港からはタクシーで約10分 (1000円以内)で、これが一番便利な行き方です。このホテルは那覇の迎賓館 といわれる『ハーバービューホテル』の別館で、ビジネス客向けになっています。 名前に反してどの部屋からも海は見れませんが、 波の上ビーチまでは徒歩10分、また市内随一の繁華街である国際通りや市場へも 徒歩でいくことができます。 宿泊料金:9700円(シングルルーム、税サ別、土曜日+500円) 『(団体名)可積分系研究会の**』と申し出ると若干安くなる可能性があるので 交渉してみてください。 支払いはクレジットカード可。 部屋にはデスクがついています。 <その他のホテルについて> 会場の徒歩圏内にはこれ以外にもいくつかのホテルがあります。たとえば 沖縄ワシントンホテル(徒歩約五分)tel: 098-869-2511 料金 9124円 (シングル、税サ込み、朝食なし) など。くわしくはホテルガイド等を参照ください。 <飛行機のスケジュールと予約について> 以下のサイトから情報が入手できます。 JAL: http://www.jal.co.jp ANA: http://www.ana.co.jp organizing committee: 尾角正人、国場敦夫、中西知樹、松尾厚 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.313 December 2, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Workshop on string theory at KSH のご案内 (3rd announcement) 以下の要領でworkshopを開きます。 参加される方は、松尾泰(東大理)または清水勇二(京大理)まで ご連絡下さい。(すでに連絡下さった方は結構です。) 期日 : 平成10年12月9日(水)午後〜11日(金) (2泊3日) 場所 : 関西セミナーハウス (606 京都市左京区一乗寺竹の内町23 ; tel.075--711--2115 ; 市バス「修学院道」より徒歩15分、鷺森神社の東、曼朱院の北) (宿泊費: 5500円/一泊、食事代:朝食 1000円、昼食 1200円, 夕食 2000円) 関西セミナーハウスの地図が次にあります。 http://www-hep.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~susy/ksh01.JPG プログラム : Dec.9(Wed) 13:30 -- 14:30 向井 茂(名大多元) Fourier-Mukai変換 15:00 -- 16:00 斎藤政彦(神戸大理) 楕円曲面とMordell-Weil格子(1) 16:30 -- 17:30 斎藤政彦(神戸大理) 楕円曲面とMordell-Weil格子(2) 夕食 20:00 -- 21:00 平野真司(京大基研) AdS_7/CFT_6 correspondence and Matrix Models on M5 brane Dec.10(Thu) 9:30 -- 10:30 中村 郁(北大理) Hilbert scheme - basics 11:00 -- 12:00 中村 郁(北大理) Hilbert scheme - McKay correspondence 昼食 14:00 -- 15:30 中津了勇(阪大理) AdS/CFT correspondence 16:00 -- 17:00 清水勇二(京大理) Heterotic string and derived categories (after Aspinwall-Donagi) (Note that there're talks by Borcherd at YITP.) 夕食 20:00 -- 21:00 松尾泰(東大理) M^N/S_N orbifold and solvable system Dec.11(Fri) 9:30 -- 10:30 菅野浩明(広島大理) Higher Dimensional Instanton and Calibrated Geometry 11:00 -- 12:30 河合俊哉(京大数理研) Gromov-Witten invariants of CY manifolds for all genera -- a hint from string duality -- 昼食 14:00 -- 15:30 江口徹(東大理) TBA 世話人 : 松尾 泰 (東大理・物理) 清水勇二 (京大理・数学) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.312 November 30, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: December 4 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto Univertsity Speaker: Mikhail Karasev (Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics) Title: Restriction of star-products to irreducible components Abstract: We introduce a notion of quantum restriction to irreducible leaves in quantum manifolds. For manifolds with quantum polarization we obtain an explicit construction of such a restriction. In particular cases, this construction presents a solution of the well-known problem: how to determine a star-product over coadjoint orbits which would be consistent with the star-product on the enveloping algebra. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.311 November 17, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Workshop on string theory at KSH のご案内 (2nd announcement) 以下の要領でworkshopを開きたいと思います。 関西セミナーハウスに宿泊を希望される方は、まだ少し余裕が ありますので松尾泰(東大理)または清水勇二(京大理)まで ご連絡下さい。(cf.下のアンケート、食事の希望も忘れずに。) なお京都在住の方等、関西セミナーハウスに宿泊しない参加も可能です。 その場合も会場の運営上参加をご連絡下さい。 期日 : 平成10年12月9日(水)午後〜11日(金) (2泊3日) 場所 : 関西セミナーハウス (606 京都市左京区一乗寺竹の内町23 ; tel.075--711--2115 ; 市バス「修学院道」より徒歩15分、鷺森神社の東、曼朱院の北) (宿泊費: 5500円/一泊、食事代:朝食 1000円、昼食 1200円, 夕食 2000円) プログラム : Dec.9(Wed) 13:30 -- 14:30 向井 茂(名大多元) Fourier-Mukai変換 15:00 -- 16:00 斎藤政彦(神戸大理) 楕円曲面とMordell-Weil格子(1) 16:30 -- 17:30 斎藤政彦(神戸大理) 楕円曲面とMordell-Weil格子(2) Dec.10(Thu) 9:30 -- 10:30 中村 郁(北大理) Hilbert scheme - basics 11:00 -- 12:00 中村 郁(北大理) Hilbert scheme - McKay correspondence lunch 14:00 -- 15:00 中津了勇(阪大理) Nahm 変換入門 16:00 -- 17:30 河合俊哉(京大数理研) Gromov-Witten invariants of CY manifolds for all genera -- a hint from string duality -- Dec.11(Fri) 9:30 -- 10:30 菅野浩明(広島大理) Higher Dimensional Instanton and Calibrated Geometry 11:00 -- 12:00 清水勇二(京大理) Heterotic string and derived categories (Aspinwall-Donagiの仕事の紹介) lunch 13:30 -- 15:00 江口徹(東大理) TBA <夜間行われるかも知れない講演> 細野忍 (東大数理) "有理楕円曲面のプレポテンシャルと E-string" 松尾泰 (東大理) "M^N/S_N orbifold and solvable system" 旅費のsupport : 科研費より旅費の援助の可能性がありますので旅費の援助を希望される方は 清水勇二(京大理)までご相談下さい。 世話人 : 松尾 泰 (東大理・物理) 清水勇二 (京大理・数学) ---CUT HERE------------------------------------------------------ Workshop on string theory at KSH(関西セミナーハウス)に参加します。 氏名: 所属/職名(or 学年): 電話番号・FAX番号(あれば): 部分参加の場合: 日(朝食・昼食・夕食・泊)〜 日(朝食・昼食・ 夕食・泊) 食事のみ必要な場合も希望をお書き下さい。 (全参加なら9日夕食〜11日昼食) 旅費の援助を希望する: ( ) (Yesとお書き下さい。) 給与の等級号俸 : --------------------------------------------------------------------- ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.310 October 23, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: Nov. 20 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: C. Dong (University of California) Title: Coset construction and dual pair in vertex operator algebras ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.309 October 16, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Particle Physics Seminar Speaker: Paul Sorba (LAPTH/CNRS) Date : October 29 (Thur) 13:30-- Place : Seminar Room K202, Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University Title :"Elliptic algebras and deformed Viasoro and W algebras" ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.308 October 14, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Information ============================================== First announcement. CIMPA School : Quantum symmetries in theoretical physics and mathematics 10-24 January 2000 - Bariloche, Argentina. List of lecturers: N. Andruskiewitsch, M. Dubois Violette, V.Jones, A. Ocneanu, O. Ogievetsky, N. Reshetikin, M. Rosso, J. Wess, S. Woronowicz, J.B. Zuber If you are interested, you may consult the following web page http://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~coque/bariloche2000.html (already operational) or its mirror: http://cabtep5.cnea.edu.ar/bariloche2000.html (this page will be available shortly) If you want to print the document, you should retrieve the following TeX file: http://www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/~coque/Bariloche2000/Bariloche2000.tex These documents will be regularly updated. A leaflet describing the school (in english, french and spanish) is also available from CIMPA (Programme 1999). Nota: The CIMPA schools taking place in January 2000 are included in the 1999 program. Yours, R.C. =================================================== Robert Coquereaux Groupe "Interactions Fondamentales" Centre de Physique Theorique Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Case 907 - Campus de Luminy 13288 MARSEILLE Cedex 9 FRANCE ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.307 October 12, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Department of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo Time: 29 October (Thu) 14:00--16:00, 30 October (Fri) 10:00--12:00, Place: Room 122, Dept. of Math. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, Speaker: Kanehisa Takasaki (Kyoto University), Title: Integrable systems and isomonodromic deformation. Information: Takashi Takebe (takebe::ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.306 October 7, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: Oct. 9 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Y. Pugai (Kyoto University) Title: Comments on combinatorics of Forrester-Baxter paths ---------------------------------------------- Time: Oct. 16 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: K. Nagatomo (Osaka University) Title: Representation theory for charge conjugation orbifolds ---------------------------------------------- Time: Oct. 23 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: M. Okado (Osaka University) Title: Semiperfect crystals of quantum affine algebras ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.305 October 2, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar A series of lectures by Takasi Takebe (University of Tokyo) on solvable models related to elliptic functions: The lectures are given in English, in Room 005 of RIMS, Kyoto University October 5 (Mon) 14:00-16:00 XYZ spin chain and 8 vertex model October 6 (Tue) 14:00-16:00 Elliptic Gaudin model October 7 (Wed) 10:00-12:00 WZW model on elliptic curves Abstract: Among well-known examples of solvable lattice models are the XYZ spin chain and the 8 vertex model. Their "quasi-classical" limit, the elliptic Gaudin model, is also solvable. I will talk about approaches to these models such as the algebraic Bethe Ansatz, separation of variables and discuss a connection between the elliptic Gaudin model and a variant of the conformal field theory. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.304 September 16, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: Sep 18 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Kenji Iohara (Kyoto University) Title: TBA ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.303 September 14, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== RIMS Workshop Topological Field Theory and Related Topics in Geometry ---------------------------------- October 7 - October 9 Room 115 ---------------------------------- -October 7 Wednesday 13:00 -- 14:30 Youjin Zhang (Kyoto Univ.) Frobenius manifolds and Virasoro constraints 15:00 -- 16:30 Jun Murakami (Osaka Univ.) Topological field theory derived from universal quantum invariant -October 8 Thursday 10:30 -- 12:00 Toshitake Kohno (Univ. Tokyo) Chern-Simons perturbative theory and integral invariants of configuration spaces 13:00 -- 14:30 Nobuya Sato (Osaka Furitsudai) Operator algebras and topological invariants of 3-manifolds 15:00 -- 16:30 Katsushi Ito (Yukawa Institute) Seiberg-Witten Theory and d<1 Topological Strings -October 9 (Friday) 10:30 -- 12:00 Shinobu Hosono (Toyama Univ.) Mirror symmetry and its application to rational elliptic surfaces in Calabi-Yau 3-folds 13:00 -- 14:30 Itaru Mitoma (Saga Univ.) Wiener space approach to a perturbative Chern-Simons integral ------------------------------------- Information: Toshitake Kohno ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.302 September 7, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Information ============================================== Kobe Seminar on Hypergeometric Systems ---------------------------------------------- Time: September 11 (Fri) 15:30-16:30 Place: Room C501, Dept.Math. Kobe University Prof. Konrad Schmudgen (University of Leipzig) Covariant differential calculi on quantum groups and quantum spaces For further information, contact: Masatoshi NOUMI ============================================== Lectures and Colloquium by Prof. Konrad Schmudgen (University of Leipzig) at Fukuoka University ---------------------------------------------- Lectures on Quantum groups Time: September 21, 22, 24, 25, 1998; 13:30-15:00 Place: Department of Applied Math, Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University 1) An introduction to Hopf algebras and quantum groups 2) The FRT-approach, R-matrices and basic examples of quantum groups 3) Coquasitriangular Hopf algebras 4) Braided quantum groups Colloquium Time: September 22 (Tue); 16:30-17:30 Title: Operator representations of a q-deformed Heisenberg algebra For further information, contact: Hideki KUROSE ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.301 September 2, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: Sep 11 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Tomoyuki Arakawa (Nagoya University) Title: Drinfeld functor and finite-dimensional representations of Yangian $Y(sl_n)$ ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.300 August 13, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Information ============================================== Workshop "New Aspects of Infinite Analysis" Date: Aug 17 (Mon) -- Aug 21 (Fri), 1998 Place: Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya Univ. Speakers and Topics: Aug 17 K. Aomoto (Nagoya), Quasi Hypergeometric Functions Aug 18 S. Hosono (Toyama), Mirror Symmetry Aug 20 M. Miyamoto (Tsukuba), Vertex Operator Algebra Aug 21 M. Noumi (Kobe), Painleve Equations Each lecture starts at 1:00 pm. Currently no lecture is scheduled on Aug. 19. For further information, please contact Tomoki Nakanishi Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya Univeristy ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 299 August 6, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: August 14 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: David De Wit (The University of Queensland) Title: An invariant for knots and links from $U_q[gl(2|1)]$ ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 298-2 July 23, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Information !!Change of the time!! ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: July 24 (Friday) 12:30-13:30 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Boris Feigin (RIMS) Title: Semi-infinite constructions of integrable representations, Shubert varieties and modular funktors ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 298 July 21, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: July 24 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Boris Feigin (RIMS) Title: Semi-infinite constructions of integrable representations, Shubert varieties and modular funktors ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 297 July 13, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: June 17 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Bernard Leclerc (Universite de CAEN) Title: Canonical bases of q-deformed Fock spaces, and decomposition matrices ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 296 June 30, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Information ============================================== 無限可積分系ニュース 秋の学会,無限可積分系セッションの特別講演は以下の2つを 日本数学会理事会に提案いたしました. Anatol Kirillov (北大理) "Fermionic formulas for branching functions of affine Lie algebras" Bernard Leclerc (Univ. de Caen, 数理研) "q-deformed Fock spaces and decomposition matrices" 無限可積分系セッション責任者 山田裕史(北大理) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 295 June 24, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Information ============================================== 皆様,秋の学会の講演申し込み締めきりが近づいてまいりました. 無限可積分系セッションの繁栄のためにも皆様の御講演をお願いいたします. 申し込み方法は「数学通信」第3巻,第1号の64ー66ぺージをご覧下さい. 6月29日必着です.よろしくお願いいたします. 無限可積分系セッション責任者 山田裕史(北大理) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 293 May 27, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: June 5 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: H. Awata (YITP) Title: Correspondence between black hole and string ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 292 May 13, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: May 15 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: A. Mikhailov (University of Leeds, UK) Title: Integrable top equations on associative free algebras Abstract: (to be announced) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 291 April 20, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar April 23 (Thursday) Room 005, RIMS 11:00-12:00 Vladimir Bazhanov (The Australian National Univ.) Integrable structure of the conformal field theory I 13:30-14:30 Sergei Khoroshkin (Inst. for Theoretical and Experimental Physics) Weyl group extension of quantized current algebras I 14:45-15:45 Fedor Smirnov (Lab. de Phys. Theorique et Hautes Energies) The properties of matrix elements in the periodic Toda chain I ----------------------------------------------------------------- April 27 (Monday) Room 005, RIMS 10:00-11:00 Vladimir Bazhanov Integrable structure of the conformal field theory II 11:15-12:15 Sergei Khoroshkin Weyl group extension of quantized current algebras II 13:30-14:30 Fedor Smirnov The properties of matrix elements in the periodic Toda chain II ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER (Extra) April 10, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Announcement ============================================== 購読者の皆様へ Dear Subscriber, 重点事務局から可積分系事務局への変更に伴い、 address も以下のように変更になりました。 According to the change from "Juten" to "Kaseki bunkei," the account has also changed as follows: mugen::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp 今後はこの address をご利用下さい。 可積分系事務局 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 290 April 10, 1998 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: April 17 (Friday), 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: F. A. Smirnov (LPTHE, Paris VI) Title: Quasi-classical analysis of the form factors in finite volume ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 288 March 31, 1998 ========================================================= Secretariat, Infinte Analysis Tel. & Fax: 075-753-3707 Email: juten::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp We welcome related information. ============================================== Announcement ============================================== INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTERを購読の皆様方へ 重点領域 231「可積分系」は平成9年をもって 無事、終了いたしました。皆様のご協力に感謝 申し上げます。 重点事務局は可積分系事務局と名を改め、今後も INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER を取り扱うことに なりました。現在 mailing list の点検を行って おりますが、購読者を増やしていきたいと思いますので、 周りの方々に購読をお勧めいただければ幸いです。 今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。 可積分系事務局 田中紀子 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 287 March 26, 1998 ========================================================= Secretariat, Juten Ryoiki Kenkyu 231 Tel. & Fax: 075-753-3707 Email: juten::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp We welcome related information. ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: April 3 (Friday), 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS Speaker: Masaki Kashiwara Title: Crystal bases for the $q$-analogue of super $\goth{gl}(n,m)$ ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 286 February 26, 1998 ========================================================= Secretariat, Juten Ryoiki Kenkyu 231 Tel. & Fax: 075-753-3707 Email: juten::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp We welcome related information. ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Time : March 18 (Wed.) 13:30 - 15:00 Place: Room 327, Department of Math., Kyoto University Speaker: Prof. Jun'ichi Shiraishi Title: "d-wave superconductivity in 2 dimensions, 1-dimensional models of electron, and affine Lie superalgebras" ============================================== 3月7日〜12 日の「大学における数学教育II」および 「数論的代数幾何学と Painlev\'e 方程式」に ご参加の皆様へ: 「数論的代数幾何学と Painlev\'e 方程式」のプログラムが以下のように 決まりましたので、お知らせいたします。 なお、7日と10日の夜には懇親会が開かれ、カニすきの予定です。 費用はそれぞれ4,000円です。 京大・理・数 上野健爾 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 March 9:30--11:30 Lin Weng (Osaka Univ.) "Green's functions with respect to singular volume forms" 13:30--14:30 M. Noumi (Kobe Univ.) "Introduction to the Painlev\'{e} equations" 15:00--16:00 J. Matsuzawa (Kyoto Univ.) "Affine root systems and period mappings I" 16:15--17:15 J. Matsuzawa (Kyoto Univ.) "Affine root systems and period mappings II" 19:30--20:30 Y. Yamada (Kobe Univ.) "Symmetry of the Painlev\'{e} equations" ------------------------------------------------------ 10 March 9:30--11:30 Lin Weng "Admissible arithmetic intersection" 13:30--14:30 H. Sakai (Kyoto Univ.) "Discrete Painlev\'{e} equations and rational surfaces I" 14:45--15:45 H. Sakai (Kyoto Univ.) "Discrete Painlev\'{e} equations and rational surfaces II" 16:15--17:15 H. Umemura (Nagoya Univ.) "Spaces of Initial conditions of the Painlev\'{e} equations and Cremona transformations" 18:00(?) Kanisuki Party (the fee: 4,000 yen) ------------------------------------------------------ 11 March 9:30--11:30 Lin Weng "New determinant metric on determinant of cohomology" 13:30--17:00 (To be announced.) ------------------------------------------------------ 12 March 9:30--11:00 Lin Weng "Mumford relations for puncturd Riemann surfaces" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 285 February 20, 1998 ========================================================= Secretariat, Juten Ryoiki Kenkyu 231 Tel. & Fax: 075-753-3707 Email: juten::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp We welcome related information. ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: S. Khoroshkin Title: D-modules over the arrangements of hyperplanes Time: February 27 (Friday), 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 284 February 6, 1998 ========================================================= Secretariat, Juten Ryoiki Kenkyu 231 Tel. & Fax: 075-753-3707 Email: juten::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp We welcome related information. ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Vladimir Bazhanov (Canbera) Title: Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz for excited states Time: March 10 (Tuesday), 14:00-15:00 Place: Room 202, RIMS, Kyoto University Abstract: We develop a method of computing the excited state energies in Integrable Quantum Field Theories (IQFT) in finite geometry, with spatial coordinate compactified on a circle of circumference $R$. The IQFT ``commuting transfer-matrices'' introduced earlier [Commun.Math.Phys. 177 (1996) 381] for Conformal Field Theories (CFT) are generalized to non-conformal IQFT obtained by perturbing CFT with the operator $\Phi_{1,3}$. We study the models in which the fusion relations for these ``transfer-matrices'' truncate and provide closed integral equations which generalize the equations of Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz to excited states. The explicit calculations are done for the first excited state in the ``Scaling Lee-Yang Model''. =========================================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 283 February 6, 1998 ========================================================= Secretariat, Juten Ryoiki Kenkyu 231 Tel. & Fax: 075-753-3707 Email: juten::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp We welcome related information. ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Abdellah SEBBAR (CRM, Canada) Title: q-de Rham cocycles in quantum groups Time: February 13 (Fri) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University =========================================================
\item[3.プログラム:] \end{description} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline より& まで & 16日 & 17日 & 18日 & 19 日 \\ \hline 9:30 & 10:30 & & 前野(1)& 小野(1)& 吉岡 \\ \hline 10:45 & 11:45 & & 前野(2)& 小野(2)& 高橋 \\ \hline 13:30 & 14:30 & 清水・齋藤& 齋藤(1)& 深谷(1) & \\ \hline 14:45 & 15:45 & 清水・齋藤 & 齋藤(2)& 深谷(2)& \\ \hline 16:00 & 17:00 & 細野 & 寺嶋 & 秦泉寺 & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \smallskip \smallskip \addtolength{\textwidth}{50pt} \vspace{0.5cm} \noindent 2月16日(月) \begin{itemize} \item 13:30 -- 14:30: \quad 清水 勇二(京大理), 齋藤 政彦(神戸大 理)\\ 量子コホモロジー入門 I \item 14:45 --15:45: \quad 清水 勇二(京大理), 齋藤 政彦(神戸 大理) \\ 量子コホモロジー入門 II \item 16:00 -- 17:00: \quad 細野 忍 (富山大理) \\ Gromov-Witten不変量と超幾何級数 ( Lian, Liu and Yau (alg-geom/9712011)の紹介 ) \end{itemize} \smallskip \noindent 2月17日(火) \begin{itemize} \item 9:30--10:30: \quad 前野 俊昭 (京大理) \\ Moduli stack of stable maps I (Behrend-Maninの紹介) \item 10:45--11:45: \quad 前野 俊昭 (京大理) \\ Moduli stack of stable maps II (Behrend-Maninの紹介) \item 13:30 -- 14:30: \quad 齋藤 政彦 (神戸大理) \\ Gromov-Witten不変量の代数的構成 I(Behrend-Fantechi, Li-Tianの論文紹 介) \item 14:45 --15:45: \quad 齋藤 政彦 (神戸大理) \\ Gromov-Witten不変量の代数的構成 II (Behrend-Fantechi, Li-Tianの論文紹介) \item 16:00 -- 17:00: \quad 寺嶋郁二 (東大数理) \\ Grassmann多様体のGromov-Witten不変量とfusion rule \end{itemize} \smallskip \noindent 2月18日(水) \begin{itemize} \item 9:30--10:30: \quad 小野 薫 (お茶水大理) \\ Symplectic 多様体のGromov-Witten 不変量 I \item 10:45--11:45: \quad 小野 薫 (お茶水大理) \\ Symplectic 多様体のGromov-Witten 不変量 II \item 13:30 -- 14:30: \quad 深谷 賢治(京大理)\\ ラグランジアンとミラー対称性 I \item 14:45 --15:45: \quad 深谷 賢治 (京大理) \\ ラグランジアンとミラー対称性 II \item 16:00 -- 17:00: \quad 秦泉寺 雅夫(東大数理) \\ ${\bf C}P^n$の超曲面の量子コホモロジー環に対する漸化式 \end{itemize} \smallskip \noindent 2月19日(木) \begin{itemize} \item 9:30--10:30: \quad 吉岡 康太(神戸大理) \\ Gromov-Witten不変量の代数的構成とsymplectic構成の比較 \\ (alg-geom/9712035(Li-Tian)の紹介) \item 10:45--11:45: \quad 高橋 篤史(京大数理研)\\ Primitive Forms, Toplogical LG models and Mirror Symmetry \\ \end{itemize} \smallskip 掲示について: \newline http://www.math.s.kobe-u.ac.jp/HOME/mhsaito/index.html, \newline http://www.hiten.himeji-tech.ac.jp/join/algebra を御覧下さい。時々更新されます。 \pagebreak \begin{thebibliography}{Kauf} \bibitem[GWI]{gwi} K.~Behrend, {\em {G}romov-{W}itten invariants in algebraic geometry}, {\em Invent.\ math.}, 127:601--617, 1997. \bibitem[BF]{BF} K.~Behrend and B.~Fantechi. {\em The intrinsic normal cone.}, {\em Invent.\ math.}, 128:45--88, 1997. \bibitem[BM]{BM} K.~Behrend and Yu. Manin. {\em Stacks of stable maps and {G}romov-{W}itten invariants.}, {\em Duke Mathematical Journal}, 85:1--60, 1996. \bibitem[FO]{FO} K. ~FUKAYA and K. ~ONO {\em Arnold Conjecture and Gromov-Witten Invariant for General Symplectic Manifolds}, Preprint, Kyoto-9604. \bibitem[Giv1]{Giv-1} A. B. Givental, {\em Homological geometry I: Projective hypersurfaces}, Selecta Math. (N.S.) {\bf 1} (1995) 325-345. \bibitem[Giv2]{Giv-2} A. B. Givental, {\em Homological geometry and mirror symmetry}, Proc. Internat. Congr. Math. Zurich 1994 (S.D. Catterji, ed.), vol. 1, Birkh\"{a}user Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin, 1995, pp.472-480. \bibitem[Giv3]{Giv-3} A. B. Givental, {\em Equivariant Gromov-Witten invariants}, 1996 (alg-geom/9603021). \bibitem[Giv4]{Giv-4} A. B. Givental, {\em Stationary Phase Integrals, Quantum Toda Lattices, Flag Manifolds and the Mirror Conjecture.} (alg-geom/9612001). \bibitem[G-Y]{G-Y} B. Greene, S.-T. Yau (eds.): {\bf Mirror Symmetry II}, Studies in Avanced mathematics vol. 1 American Math. Soc. / International Press (1997) \bibitem[Kauf]{Kauf} R.~Kaufmann. {\em The intersection form in $h^*(\overline{M}\sb {0n})$ and the explicit {K}\"unneth formula in quantum cohomology }, {\em Internat. Math. Res. Notices}, 19:929--952, 1996. \bibitem[Kon]{Kon} M. Kontsevich, {\em Enumeration of rational curves via torus actions, The Moduli Spaces of Curves}, (R. Dijgraaf et al. eds.), Progress in Math., col. 129, Birkh\"{a}user, Boston, 1995, pp. 335-368. \bibitem[KMZ]{KMZ} R.~Kaufmann, Yu.\ Manin, and D.~Zagier. {\em Higher {W}eil-{P}etersson volumes of moduli spaces of stable $n$-pointed curves}, {\em Comm. Math. Phys.}, 181:763--787, 1996. \bibitem[KM]{KM} M.~Kontsevich and Yu. Manin. {\em {G}romov-{W}itten classes, quantum cohomology, and enumerative geometry.}, {\em Communications in Mathematical Physics}, 164:525--562, 1994. \bibitem[LT1]{litian1} J.~Li and G.~Tian. {\em Virtual moduli cycles and {G}romov-{W}itten invariants of algebraic varieties}, Preprint, 1996. \bibitem[LT2]{litian2} J.~Li and G.~Tian. {\em Virtual moduli cycles and Gromov-Witten invariants of general symplectic manifolds}, alg-geom/9608032 \bibitem[LT3]{litian3} J.~Li and G.~Tian. {\em Comparison of the algebraic and the symplectic Gromov-Witten invariants}, alg-geom/9712035. \bibitem[MKM]{KMK} Yu.\ Manin and M.~Kontsevich. {\em Quantum cohomology of a product}, {\em Invent. Math.}, 124:313--339, 1996. with an appendix by R. Kaufmann. \bibitem[Y]{Y} {\bf Essays on Mirror Manifolds}, edited by S-T., Yau, International Press, Hong Kong, {\bf (1992)} \end{thebibliography} \end{document} =========================================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No. 281 January 14, 1998 ========================================================= Secretariat, Juten Ryoiki Kenkyu 231 Tel. & Fax: 075-753-3707 Email: juten::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp We welcome related information. ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== The Second Announcement Workshop "Algebraically Integrable Systems and Superstring" After the second superstring revolution, there are amazing developments and much influence to mathematics and/or interaction between physics and math. We organize a workshop as below with focus on integrable systems related to spectral curves or branes, developments on Donaldson invariants by Moore-Witten, and works by Kontsevich on (II)B model. We have much time after the talks each day and want to have discussion on the topics chosen. We expect participation by both of physicists and mathematicians who have interest in the above topics. Date : Jan. 28(Wed) -- 30(Fri) Place : Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto Univ. DaikaigiShitsu (1F) Topics (=titles of lectures): 1) Spectral curves and Prym varieties 2) Seiberg-Witten spectral curves 3) Donaldson invariants - work of Moore-Witten(hep-th/9709193) 4) Gauge theories in six dimensions (?) 5) Integrable systems and D-branes 6) Kontsevich's work on B-model(q-alg/9709040, alg-geom/9710032) 7) Seiberg-Witten invariants and symplectic geometry 8) Branes and Calabi-Yau threefolds Program : Jan.28 10:00 -- 11:00 2) K.Itoh (Dept. of Phys., Tsukuba Univ.) 13:00 -- 14:00 1) Y.Shimizu (Dept. of Math., Kyoto Univ.) 14:30 -- 15:30 5) K.Takasaki (Dept. of Fund. Sci., Kyoto Univ.) Jan.29 10:00 -- 11:00 3P) H.Kanno (Dept. of Math., Hiroshima Univ.) 13:00 -- 14:00 3M) H.Nakajima (Dept. of Math., Kyoto Univ.) 14:30 -- 15:30 7) H.Ohta (Polymath., Nagoya Univ.) Jan.30 10:00 -- 11:30 6) ? (Math. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo) 13:00 -- 14:30 4) Y.Sugawara (Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Tokyo) 15:00 -- 16:00 8) T.Eguchi (Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Tokyo) (Each lecturer can have more than 1 hour. So there might be a change in the program.) Note : There's a possible support from Kiban(A), Grant-in-Aid of Monbusho. Those who need support, please contact Y.Shimizu. Organizers : Y.Shimizu (Kyoto Univ.) =========================================================