Intensive Courses W’†u‹`
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2024.11.06 -- 2024.11.08)
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“Œ‹ž‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@ —ŠwŒnŒ¤‹†‰È “V•¶ŠwêU Department of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo
—˜_“V•¶Šw“Á•Êu‹`‡Z ‰F’ˆ˜_“Á˜_ ^Theoretical Astronomy, Advanced course ‡Z Advanced Cosmology
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2022.09.29-- 2023.01.26)
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‘ˆî“c‘åŠw —HŠwp‰@ æi—HŠw•” •¨—Šw‰È ‰F’ˆ•¨—ŠwŒ¤‹†Žº Tsujikawa Cosmology Group, Dept. of Physics, Waseda University
‘f—±Žq“I‰F’ˆ•¨—Šw“Á˜_‚` Introductory course of particle cosmology A
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2021.06.23-- 2021.06.25)
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‘åã‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@@—ŠwŒ¤‹†‰È •¨—ŠwêU ‘f—±Žq˜_Œ¤‹†Žº Particle Physics Group, Dept. of Physics, Osaka University
‘f—±Žq“I‰F’ˆ˜_“ü–å Introductory course of particle cosmology
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2019.09.25-- 2019.09.27)
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‹ž“s‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@@—ŠwŒ¤‹†‰È/—Šw•”@•¨—Šw‘æ“ñ‹³Žº ‘f—±Žq˜_Œ¤‹†Žº Particle Physics Group, Dept. of Physics, Kyoto University
‘f—±Žq“I‰F’ˆ˜_“ü–å Introductory course of particle cosmology
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2019.05.13 -- 2019.05.15)
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Invited lecture talks on ``Primordial Black Holes''
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2018.11.28-- 2018.11.29)
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Yonsei University, KOREA
Invited lecture series, "Primordial Black Holes"
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2017.04.24-- 2017.04.26)
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ˆïé‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@@—HŠw•”@ Dept. of Physics, Ibaraki University
‘f—±Žq“I‰F’ˆ˜_“ü–å Introductory course of particle cosmology
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2016.10.17-- 2016.10.19)
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‘åãŽs—§‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@@—ŠwŒ¤‹†‰È/—Šw•”•¨—Šw‰È@ Dept. of Physics, Osaka City University
‘f—±Žq˜_“I‰F’ˆ˜_ Introductory course of particle cosmology
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2016.05.18-- 2016.05.25)
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—§‹³‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@@—Šw•”•¨—Šw‰È@ Dept. of Physics, Rikkyo University
Œ»‘㕨—Šw“Á•Êu‹`@‚Q (‘f—±Žq“I‰F’ˆ˜_“ü–å) Introductory course of particle cosmology
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2015.09.17 -- 2015.09.18)
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The 4th Particle Physics School in South-East Asia, Vietnam National University of ScienceAHanoi, Vietnam
Invited lecture talks on ``Particle physics theory: Cosmology''
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2015.05.22-- 2015.07.24)
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‘ˆî“c‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@@—H@ Dept. of Physics, Waseda University
‘f—±Žq“I‰F’ˆ•¨—Šw“Á˜_A Introductory course of particle cosmology
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2014.11.07 -- 2014.11.09)
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VŠƒ‘åŠw-ŽRŒ`‘åŠw ‡h Joint study camps of Niigata U. and Yamagata U.
‘f—±Žq“I‰F’ˆ˜_“ü–å Introductory course of particle cosmology
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2014.09.24 -- 2014.09.26)
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ɪ‘åŠw—Šw•”•¨—Šw‰È@ Dept. of Physics, Shizuoka University
‰F’ˆ˜_“ü–å Introductory course of cosmology
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2013.07.29 -- 2013.08.05)
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Invited lecture talks on ``Cosmological constraints on decaying/annihilating dark matter''
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2013.02.13 -- 2013.02.15)
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–kŠC“¹‘åŠw ŽD–yƒEƒCƒ“ƒ^[ƒXƒN[ƒ‹2013 Sapporo Winter School 2013, Hokkaido University
‘f—±Žq“I‰F’ˆ˜_ Particle Cosmology
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2013.01.17 -- 2013.01.18)
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‹ž“s‘åŠw‘åŠw‰@ —ŠwŒ¤‹†‰È/—Šw•”•¨—‹³Žº‘f—±Žq˜_Œ¤‹†Žº@ Dept. of Physics, Kyoto University
‰F’ˆ˜_‚©‚ç‚Ì•ö‰ó—±Žq‚ւ̧ŒÀ Introductory course of particle cosmology
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2012.09.18 -- 2012.09.19)
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KITPC Lecture Program Beijing China
Invited lecture talks on ``Gravitational wave, primordial black hole, large running spectral index in Hilltop inflation/inflating curvaton'', and ``Determination of neutrino mass hierarchy by 21 cm
line and CMB B-mode polarization observations''
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2012.02.08 -- 2012.02.10)
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Žñ“s‘åŠw“Œ‹ž‘åŠw‰@ —ŠwŒ¤‹†‰È Tokyo Metropolitan University
‘f—±Žq“I‰F’ˆ˜_“ü–å Introductory course of particle cosmology
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2010.09.12 -- 2010.09.20)
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The 4th UniverseNet School in Lecce, Italy
Invited lecture talks on ``Big-bang nucleosynthesis and new
W’†u‹` Intensive courses (2008.11.10 -- 2008.11.10)
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L“‡‘åŠw —Šw•” W’†u‹` Dept. of Phys., Hiroshima U.
Invited lecture talks on ``Cosmological and astrophysical bounds on
dark matter candidates''