Career and Education
Okayama University of Science, Japan
Graduate School of Science,
Associate Professor (2024.4-), Lecturer (2020.4-2024.3)
Faculty of Science,
Department of Applied Physics (2018.4-2022.3), Department of Physics (2022.4-)
Associate Professor (2024.4-), Lecturer (2018.4-2024.4)
Hiroshima University, Japan
School of Science,
Visitor (2013.4-)
National Institute of Technology, Niihama College, Japan
Faculty of Fundamental Science,
Lecturer (2015.4-2018.3), Assistant professor (2013.4-2015.3)
Postdoctral fellow (2011.10-2013.3)
National TsingHua University, Taiwan
Postdoctral fellow (2010.7-2011.9)
Nagoya University
Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2007.4-2010.6)
Nagoya University
Ph.D of Science
(Nagoya University, 2005-2010)
Nagoya University
Bachelor of Science
(Nagoya University, 2001-2005)
Awards and Grants
Awards and Honors
- Incentive Award of OUS (Okayama University of Science) forum 2022 (11th Nov. 2022)
- Science and Technology Award of Okayama Foundation for Science and Technology (6th Jul. 2021)
- Outstanding Researcher Award 2021 of Wesco Scientific Promotion Foundation (3th Jun. 2021)
- JSPS fellow by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC1, Apr. 2007 - Jun. 2010)
Research Grants
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No.24K07061 , (F.Y.2024-F.Y.2026)
- Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A), No.24H02244, as Co-Investigator, (F.Y.2024-F.Y.2028)
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No.24K07032, as Co-Investigator, (F.Y.2024-F.Y.2026)
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No.21K03562, (F.Y.2021-F.Y.2023)
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No.21K03583, as Co-Investigator, (F.Y.2021-F.Y.2023)
- Houga-Kenkyu, Okayama Foundation of Science and Technology, (F.Y.2021)
- Grant for Research Activities, Wesco Foundation for the Promotion of Science, No.27, (F.Y.2021)
- Grant for Research Activities, Wesco Foundation for the Promotion of Science, No.29, (F.Y.2019)
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), No.18H03699, as Co-Investigator, (F.Y.2018-F.Y.2021)
- The Iyo Bank Environmental Fund "Evergreen" Public Trust, No.10, as Principal Investigator, (F.Y.2017)
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), No.16H02189, as Co-Investigator, (F.Y.2016-F.Y.2019)
- Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), No.26800151 (F.Y.2014-F.Y.2017)
- Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, No.07J02309 (F.Y.2007-F.Y.2010)
International Conferences
10 Jul. 2024: PASCOS 2024: 29th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam
6 Jun. 2024: PLANCK2024 - The 26th International Conference From the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Portugal
14 Mar. 2024: The 15th International Workshop on Fundamental Physics Using Atoms (FPUA2024), Okayama University, Japan
5 Mar. 2024: Unraveling the History of the Universe and Matter Evolution with Underground Physics (UGAP 2024) (invited), Tohoku University, Japan
1 Aug. 2023: Key Interactions Bound for the Invisibles 2023, Okayama, Japan
10 Jul. 2023: The Dark Side of the Universe (DSU2023), EAIFR, Kigali, Rwanda
6 Jul. 2023: XV International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology (ICGAC15), Gyeongju, Korea
27 Sep. 2022: APCTP online mini-workshop, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (invited), Korea (Online)
18 Oct. 2021: APCTP Workshop:Recent development of beyond the standard model, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (invited), Pohang, Korea (Online)
18 Aug. 2020: 14th International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology (ICGAC14), National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan (Online)
14 Jan. 2020: International Conference on Neutrinos and Dark Matter (NDM-2020), Hurghada, Egypt
9 Jan. 2020: 2020 NCTS Dark Physics workshop (invited), NCTS (National Tsing Hua University), Taiwan
13 Dec. 2019: NCTS Annual Theory Meeting 2019: Particles, Cosmology and Strings, NCTS (National Tsing Hua University), Taiwan
10 Sep. 2019: 16th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics(TAUP2019)(poster talk), Toyama, Japan
19 Feb. 2019: The 4th International Workshop on "Higgs as a Probe of New Physics" (HPNP2019)(poster talk), Osaka, Japan
25 Mar. 2019: 2nd workshop on Phenomenology for Particle and Anti-Particle 2019 (PPAP2019), Hiroshima University, Japan
29 Dec. 2018: 5th International Workshop on Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry (invited), Kaohsiung, Taiwan
22 Oct. 2018: Cosmology 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia
30 May 2018: Second International Workshop on Nuclear Emulsions for Neutrino Studies and WIMP Search (invited), Capri, Italy
6 Mar. 2018: 1st workshop on Phenomenology for Particle and Anti-Particle 2018 (PPAP2018) , Hiroshima University, Japan
13 Oct. 2017: NCTS workshop on Dark Matter, Particles and Cosmos (invited), National Dong Hua University, Taiwan
29 Aug. 2017: DAvCo:DArk matter, neutrinos and their Connections, Odense, Denmark
22 Aug. 2017: ICNFP2017:6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, Crete, Greek
31 Dec. 2016: 4th International Workshop on Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry (invited), NCTS, Taiwan
12 Jul. 2016: PASCOS 2016: 22nd International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology at ICISE, Vietnam
11 Oct. 2014: 2nd International Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology after Higgs and Planck at NTHU, Taiwan
22 Aug. 2014: Interplay between Particle and Astroparticle physics at Queen Mary University of London, UK
11 June 2013: CYGNUS 2013 in Toyama, Japan
21 Aug. 2012: SI2012 at Sun-Moon Lake, Taiwan
15 Mar. 2012: GUT2012 at YITP (poster talk), Kyoto, Japan
29 Feb. 2012: KEK-PH2012 at KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
Mar. 2011: KEK-PH2011 at KEK, Japan
Nov. 2010: International workshop on dark matter, dark energy and matter-antimatter asymmetry at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Sep. 2010: LHC focus group workshop at Chung-Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
Mar. 2010: Rencontres de Moriond at Italy
7 June 2009: SUSY09 at The Northeastern University, USA
22 May 2009: Mini-workshop at Nagoya University, Japan
Feb. 2009: Nagoya GCOE Winter School at Iseshima (poster talk), Japan
July 2007: LHC meeting at KEK, Japan
Domestic Workshops
30 Aug. 2024: Setouchi Summer Institute 2024, Hiroshima University, Japan
19 Aug. 2024: 基研研究会 素粒子物理学の進展2024(PPP2024) (invited), Kyoto University, Japan
6 Jul. 2024: Investigation on the Origin and Evolution of Matter in the Universe by Extremely Rare Events (学術変革領域(A)「極稀事象で探る宇宙物質の起源と進化」領域研究会) (UGRP2024) (invited), Osaka University, Japan
27 Jun. 2024: Workshop on Inelastic Nuclear Scattering for Dark Matter Detection, Kurashiki, Japan
1 Mar. 2023: Workshop on Development of research on human habitat transition through collaboration between geoelectromagnetics, archaeology, and anthropology (poster talk), at Okayama University of Science, Japan
24 Mar. 2023: JPS 2023 Spring Meeting (Online), Japan
22 Feb. 2023: Kagoshima Workshop on Particles, Fields and Strings 2023 in Kagoshima, Japan
7 Sep. 2022: JPS 2022 Autumn Meeting at Okayama University of Science, Japan
30 Jul. 2022: Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter of JSAP 2022 Annual Meeting, at Kagawa University, Japan
23 Jul. 2022: Local School Hokuriku Gassyuku (Online, invited), Japan
15 Mar. 2022: JPS 2022 Annual (77th) Meeting at Okayama University (Online), Japan
15 Sep. 2021: JPS 2021 Autumn Meeting at Kobe University (Online), Japan
15 Mar. 2021: JPS 2021 Annual (76th) Meeting (Online), Japan
15 Sep. 2020: JPS 2020 Autumn Meeting at Tsukuba University (Online), Japan
17 Mar. 2020: JPS 2020 Annual (75th) Meeting at Nagoya University (Online), Japan
8 Dec. 2019: Shikoku seminar at Kochi University, Japan
4 Jul. 2019: Dark Matter Meeting (poster talk) at Waseda University, Japan
17 Mar. 2019: JPS meeting at Kyushu University, Japan
1 Dec. 2018: Shikoku seminer at Ehime University, Japan
23 Mar. 2018: JPS meeting at Tokyo University of Science, Japan
24 Dec. 2017: Shikoku seminer at Kagawa University, Japan
13 Sep. 2017: JPS meeting at Utsunomiya University, Japan
20 Mar. 2016: JPS meeting at Osaka University, Japan
3 Dec. 2016: Shikoku seminar at Tokushima University, Japan
28 Sep. 2015: JPS meeting at Osaka City University, Japan
13 Dec. 2014: Shikoku seminar at National Instutute of Technology, Niihama, Japan
18 Sep. 2014: JPS meeting at Saga University, Japan
9 Sep. 2014: Setouchi Summer Instutute (SSI), Okayama, Japan
20 July 2014: ILC Summer Camp in Toriyoshi, Japan
26 Mar. 2014: Tera-scale workshop at University of Tokyo, Japan
22 Sep. 2013: JPS meeting at Kochi University, Japan
26 Mar. 2013: JPS meeting at Hiroshima University, Japan
14 Sep. 2012: JPS meeting at Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan
7 Mar. 2011: PPP2011 (poster talk) at Kyoto University, Japan
Mar. 2010: JPS meeting at Okayama University, Japan
Sep. 2009: JPS meeting at Konan University, Japan
2 June 2009: Science forum at Nagoya University (poster talk), Japan
9 Dec. 2008: ICRR Theory meeting at ICRR, Japan
Sep. 2008: JPS meeting at Yamagata University, Japan
Sep. 2007: JPS meeting at Hokkaido University, Japan
25 Feb. 2007: JPS meeting at Tokyo metropolitan University, Japan
29 Mar. 2024: National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan
27 Mar.-2 Apr. 2024: stay at National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan
13 Dec. 2023: Seminar for undergraduate students (Danwakai), at Ochanomizu University (Online), Japan
3 Sep. 2020: Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Korea
17 Dec. 2019: Academia Sinica, Taiwan
14-18 Dec. 2019: stay at Academia Sinica, Taiwan
17 May 2019: Nagoya University, Japan
17-18 Oct. 2017: stay at Hiroshima University, Japan
18 Oct. 2017: Hiroshima University, Japan
20 Aug. 2016 - 30 Aug. 2016: stay at Nagoya University, Japan
30 Mar. 2016 - 28 Mar. 2016: stay at Hiroshima University, Japan
20 Aug. 2015: Nagoya University, Japan
17 Aug. 2015 - 21 Aug. 2015: stay at Nagoya University, Japan
4 Mar. 2015 - 18 Mar. 2015: stay at Hiroshima University, Japan
6 Mar. 2014: Hiroshima University, Japan
3 Mar. 2014 - 8 Mar. 2014: stay at Hiroshima University, Japan
2 Sep. 2013: Ochanomizu University, Japan
1 July 2013: Ehime University, Japan
16 Nov. 2012: Indiana University, Indiana, USA
2 Nov. 2012: University of California, Irvine, USA
1 Oct. 2012 - 29 Nov. 2012: stay at University of California, Irvine, USA
9 Jul. 2012: University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
8 Nov. 2011: KEK, Japan
Feb. 2011: GCOE Young researchers seminar at Nagoya University, Japan
2 Feb. 2011: Hiroshima Univeristy, Japan
1 Feb. 2011: Osaka Univeristy, Japan
21 Jan. 2011: Kobe Univeristy, Japan
25 Nov. 2010: National Taiwan Univeristy, Taiwan
May 2010: National Tsing Hua University at Taiwan
20 Feb. 2010: poster talk in GCOE winter school at Nagoya University, Japan
28 Jan. 2010: defense of doctoral thesis
11 Feb. 2009 - 22 Mar. 2009: stay at Bonn University, Germany
10 Oct. 2008: SAITAMA University, Japan
7 Oct. 2008: OSAKA University, Japan