
Nonequilibrium physics is among the most fascinating open fields in fundamental science. In recent years we have encountered some new fundamental concepts in nonequilibrium statical physics which are deeply related to various different fields in science. The goal of the workshop is to deepen our understanding of these concepts themselves and their relations to related thoughts in different areas.

All participants to this long-term workshop will become visiting members in the Yukawa Institute with their own desks provided throughout their stay. The workshop will be designed to have a plenty of time for interactions and discussions among participants. Staying in Kyoto, the Japanese old capital, you will also enjoy unique cultural experiences.

The main topics include the following:

  • Machine Learning (July 21st - 24th)
  • Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics (July 27th - 31st)
  • Thermalization in Isolated Quantum Systems (August 3rd - 7th)
  • Physics of Glassy Materials (August 11th - 14th)
  • YKIS2015 "New Frontiers in Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics 2015" (August 17th - 19th)
  • SFS2015 (August 20th - 23rd)

  • We organizers particularly welcome young scientists to join in this workshop and to promote their research activities towards exploring new frontiers through exciting scientific exchanges with other international participants. This workshop is organzed as a part of the program Yukawa International Program of Quark-Hadron Sciences running at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics.

    Important Dates

    May 10th Registration deadline
    Jul. 21st - Aug. 23rd Workshop

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