YITP workshop

Probing the physics of high-density and low-temperature matter with ab initio calculations in 2-color QCD

3rd - 6th November, 2020
Online (zoom and Remo)

On this workshop

Although the first-principles calculation by the lattice QCD has the sign problem and even its qualitative understanding is still unknown, in recent years, the first-principles calculation of the superfluid phase of two-color QCD has been performed by several lattice groups. Two-color QCD is a good testing ground of QCD which is given by a simple reduction for the degree of freedom of color by one. No sign problem appears since the fundamental representation of SU(2) group has pseudo-reality. This workshop focuses on the phase diagram of two-color finite-density QCD and its non-perturbative properties of quarks and hadrons in the superfluid phase. There are several invited talks, mainly on lattice calculations, and related topics by researchers in effective models and field theories, sharing recent progress and discussing future directions.


Invited speakers

Schedule & Venue


Kei Iida (Kochi University)

Etsuko Itou (YITP, Kyoto University,Chair)

Yuya Tanizaki (YITP, Kyoto University)



Supported by

No. 19K03875 "低温高密度領域における2カラーQCDの相図と超流動性の解明"
No. 18H05406 "物質の階層変化および状態変化に伴う普遍的物理"
No. 18H01211 "中性子星現象論に基づく新しい極限物質探究"