July 4th-7th, 2017
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
The Relativistic Quantum Information North (RQIN) 2017 workshop is hosted and held at the Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan. This workshop, under the auspices of the International Society of Relativistic Quantum Information, is the eighth in a series of international workshops held previously in Taiwan in 2010, Spain in 2011, Canada 2012, UK 2013, South Korea 2014, USA 2015 and Canada in 2016. These workshops have been the single most important platform in the field of Relativistic Quantum Information in the Northern Hemisphere. The aim of the 2017 Kyoto workshop is to bring together an interdisciplinary community at the interface of quantum information science and technology on one side and the general relativistic quantum field theory on the other side. The workshop will feature talks and discussions about new mathematical techniques as well as about opportunities for experimental advances, both for finding quantum gravity effects and applications of relativistic quantum information methods for quantum technologies. This conference will provide an ideal setting for the communities of researchers in gravity, quantum field theory, quantum information and even metamaterials to meet and to share their expertise and to develop new collaborations. Topics that will be covered at the workshop include relativistic effects in quantum information theory and quantum information processing, quantum optics, implementations in quantum metrologies as well as more fundamental topics.
(confirmed, up to January 2017 and to be updated)
P. Alsing (AOARD)
P. Chen (National Taiwan University)
B.-L. Hu (University of Maryland)
A. Kempf (University of Waterloo, Perimeter Institute)
T. Kim (SK Telecom)
N. W. Kim (Kyung Hee University)
J. León (IFF)
J. Louko (University of Nottingham)
R. Mann (University of Waterloo)
E. Martin-Martinez (University of Waterloo)
D. Page (University of Alberta)
T. Ralph (University of Queensland)
R. Schützhold (University of Duisburg-Essen)
T. Takayanagi (YITP)
D. Terno (Macquarie University)
W. G. Unruh (University of British Columbia)
L. Vaidman (Tel-Aviv University)
A. Coutant (University of Nottingham)
B. Yoshida (Perimeter Institute)
RQIN-2017 is organized and sponsored by YITP.
The coference is also sponsored by Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, SK Telecom and Inoue Foundation for Science.
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