Conference Timer

[Japanese] version 3.01 (C) 2007-2019 Yukinori NAGATANI
Countdown timer for presentations in conference or seminors, using a web-browser.
You can freely download and use it.

Starting up the timer


  1. The timer works on a modern web-browser capable of WebGL, like a firefox etc.
  2. The timer is invoked by clicking the above link (to timer301eb-en.html). (You can maximize the web-screen by the "F11" key.)
  3. The timer starts to count down by pushing the "Start" button.
  4. The "Pause" button and the "ReStart" button are available.
  5. The timer is initialized by the "Reset" button.
  6. A period of talk and timings of bell and buzzer are selected by the "Talk-Type" drop-down list.
  7. Period, timings of bell and buzzer are tunable by [⇑] [⇓] buttons. The buttons tune in one minute, and the buttons with a shift-key tune in one second.
  8. Parameters, periods of talks and timings of bell/buzzer, are described in init-en.js. It should be placed in the same directory of timer301eb-en.html.


  1. Stand-alone fileset: [],
    Unzip the zip-file, and open timer301eb-en.html by a web-browser.
    All image-files are embeded into the file timer301eb-en.html for solving the CrossOrigin restriction.