Y.Nagatani's Web Page
Yukinori Nagatani's Web Page

This is the 19023th access from August 20, 1999.

I had moved from the Yukawa Institute to the Weizmann Institute in Israel (Sep/2002).

[English]  [Japanese]

* My Subjects

* Java Works

* PostScript Works

* C++ Works

* My Fundermental Parameters

Name  : Yukinori Nagatani
OS  : Human Genome
Language  :  DNA code, Japanese, C, C++, Java, etc..
Height  : 176.5 (MHz)
Weight  : 3.5 (G PlankMass)

All right reserved.

Yukinori Nagatani, Yukawa Iinstitute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto Univ.