Poster Session: 5th week (July 31st, Poster preview 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM, Poster session 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM)

Please visit this page for the detailed program.

1. Duc Truyen Dam
 "Unjamming transition of dense active matter"

2. Ryo Kitagawa
 "Self-organized spatial inhomogeneity in self-propelled two-dimensional hard disk systems"

3. Hirokazu Maruoka
 "Impact-induced hardening of suspensions of milimetre patricles"

4. Fumiaki Nakai
 "Reducing Segregation in Vibrated Binary-Sized Granular Mixtures by Excessive Small Particle Introduction"

5. Kota Noto
 "Eigenvalue Analysis and Instability Including Wavenumbers"

6. Abdul Quadir
 "Extreme Events Scaling in Finite-Size Abelian Sandpile Model"

7. Robert Ross
 "Growth generates super-Poissonian pattern on squid skin"

8. Ryota Saito
 "GNN prediction of cavity-induced hopping motion in deeply supercooled binary hard disk systems"

9. Abhishek Sharma
 "Active Granular Nematics"

11. Ryudo Suzuki
 "Force Indeterminacy and History Dependence in DEM Simulations of Small Number of Particles"

12. Taiki Tokuyoshi
 "Phase transition in dense self-propelled hard triangle systems by Newtonian Event-Chain Monte Carlo"

13. Chang Xu
 "Designing Nonlinear Mechanics of Soft Composite Solids using Shear Jamming"

14. Kiwamu Yoshii
 "Glassy behavior in a deformable particle model"