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pdf version can be downloaded here. The registration desk will open at 9:30am on the first day. Talk titles, abstracts, slides, and videos can be found below.


1st day (August 20)

10:30-10:45 Opening (video1, video2)
10:45-11:45 M. Kardar, "An underlying link for scaling of fluctuations in growth fronts, fracture lines, strong localization, …" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
11:45-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:15 J. Krug, "The KPZ universality conjecture: Old ideas and new applications" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
14:30-15:30 C. Tracy, "Distribution Functions for Largest Eigenvalues and Their Universality" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
15:45-16:45 P. Ferrari, "Tracy-Widom distributions in discrete models" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
17:00-18:00 T. Sasamoto, "A few caveats and exact solutions for the 1D KPZ equation" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)

2nd day (August 21)

9:30-10:30 P. Le Doussal, "Exact results for the KPZ equation from the replica Bethe ansatz method" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
10:45-11:45 M. Myllys, "Experimental realization of KPZ dynamics: Slow combustion of paper" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
11:45-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:15 K. A. Takeuchi, "KPZ-class interfaces in turbulent liquid crystal: beyond a "mere" confirmation" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
14:30-15:00 P. J. Yunker, "Effects of Particle Shape on Evaporating Drops of Colloidal Suspensions: From Uniform Coatings to Universal Growth Processes" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
15:00-15:30 E. V. Albano, "In Vitro study of the growth and interfacial behavior of Vero and HeLa cells cultures" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
15:45-16:15 S. Atis, "Three universality classes for reaction fronts in disordered flow" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
16:15-16:45 B. Kahng, "Continuous and discontinuous interface dynamics in disordered media: theoretical and experimental studies" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
17:00-18:00 S. Ferreira, "Understanding pending features of the KPZ class in discrete growth models" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)

3rd day (August 22)

9:30-10:30 I. Corwin, "Macdonald processes, quantum integrable systems and the KPZ universality class (Part 1)" (abstract, video1, video2)
10:45-11:45 A. Borodin, "Macdonald processes, quantum integrable systems and the KPZ universality class (Part 2)" (abstract, video1, video2)
11:45-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:15 T. Funaki, "KPZ equation, its renormalization and invariant measures" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
14:30-15:00 H. Osada, "Infinite-dimensional stochastic differential equations arising from random matrix theory" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
15:15-16:15 Poster preview (titles, abstracts, video1, video2)
16:15-18:15 Poster session (list)

4th day (August 23)

9:30-10:30 T. Halpin-Healy, "Universal Correlators & Distributions as Experimental Signatures for 2+1 KPZ Growth" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
10:45-11:15 R. A. L. Almeida, "KPZ Universality and Anomalous Scaling in the Growth of CdTe Thin Films" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
11:15-11:45 J. Rodriguez-Laguna, "The role of topology on the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
11:45-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:15 M. Katori, "Martingales for Determinantal Log-Gases" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
14:30-15:30 B. Delamotte, "The non-perturbative renormalization group approach to KPZ" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
15:45-16:45 H. Spohn, "Nonlinear fluctuating hydrodynamics in one dimension" (abstract, slides, video1, video2)
16:45-17:00 Closing


The poster session will be held on Aug. 22 (Fri), but posters can be displayed from the beginning to the end of the workshop. Here is the list of posters to be presented (pdf):

No. Name Title
P01 Noriko Akutsu Step Faceting Caused by Discontinuous Surface Tension on a Crystal Surface
P02 Ezequiel Albano Interfacial properties of a discrete model for cells cultures
P03 Ezequiel Albano Interface localization-delocalization transitions in confined ferromagnets
P04 Sergio Andraus A Study of Correlations in the Dyson Model
P05 Yongjun Chen Roughening Dynamics of Radial imbibition in a Hele-Shaw Cell
P06 (cancelled) (cancelled)
P07 Meesoon Ha Dynamic phase transition by coupling Ising spins to KPZ-type surface growth
P08 Sosuke Ito Information thermodynamics for coupled Brownian particles
P09 Hiroyasu Katsuno Domain coursing on ballistic deposition model with surface diffusion
P10 Jin Min Kim Restricted solid-on-solid  model  in higher dimensions and no upper cirtical dimension in KPZ Eq.
P11 Matteo Nicoli Fragility and robustness of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class
P12 Jun Ohkubo Extensions of duality relations between stochastic differential equations and birth-death processes
P13 Silvia Noemi Santalla Random geometry and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class
P14 Seung-Woo Son Numerical simulation of polymer thin film growth by vapor deposition
P15 Masahiko Ueda Path condensation in nonequilibrium Langevin systems
P16 Kiamars Vafayi Current fluctuations in (Totally) Asymmetric Inclusion Process (T)ASIP
P17 Edoardo Vivo Strong Anisotropy in Surface Kinetic Roughening: Theory and Experiments
P18 Thomas Weiss Scaling Limit for Brownian Motions with One-sided Collisions

Prior to the poster session, we have a poster preview session, in which each poster presenter gives a three-minutes talk to advertise his/her poster, overview main results or ideas, and so on.

The poster session will take place in the salon (P01-P05) and in the room Y206 (P07-P18; 2nd floor). The session consists of two core times: those assigned an odd/even poster number are strongly advised to present their work in the first/last half of the session. Information for presenters (poster format, etc.) is explained here.


Banquet will be held on August 21st (2nd day), from 18:30. Participation will cost 5,000 yens.