Safety Confirmation Information
Safety Confirmation Information for Soichiro Isoyama

As of 1 July 2024: I'm doing fine.

Location: Queenstown, Singapore, Singapore

Travel 2024

July 6 - 16: LISA symposium (Dublin) and visits to collborators at UCD.

July 16 - 21: Visits to collborators in Paris Observatory.

July 21 - Aug 6 (2 weeks): Visits to collaborators at Caltech.

Early Autumn (TBD): Visits to collaborators in Beijing (BIMSA).

Autumn - winter (4 weeks, TBD): Visits to collaborators in EU (Niels Bohr Institute, Paris, Soton).

Travel 2025

Feb and March (5 weeks?): Family care leave.

Administrator: Soichiro Isoyama
Copyright (C) 2024 S. Isoyama, All rights reserved.

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