Program (tentative)

45 min talk + 30min discussion for each presentation

Sept. 17

09:15 Opening Remark
09:30 Christian Maes : H-theorems and statistical forces outside equilibrium
10:45 break
11:00 Shin Nakamura : Non-equilibrium Steady States in AdS/CFT Correspondence
12:15 Lunch
14:00 Robert Jack : Fluctuating hydrodynamics in diffusive systems, the Wasserstein geometry, and hyperuniform active states.
15:15 break
15:30 Vivien Lecomte : Finite-size effects in a mean-field kinetically constrained model.
16:45 break
17:00 Takahiro Nemoto : Computation of Large Deviation Statistics via Iterative Measurement-and-Feedback Procedure

Sept. 18

09:30 Yariv Kafri : Singular Large Deviation Functionals.
10:45 break
11:00 Keiji Saito : Several mysteries in low-dimensional heat transport
12:15 Lunch
14:00 Takahiro Sagawa : Information Thermodynamics on Causal Networks
15:15 break
15:30 Karel Netocny: Geometric and kinetic aspects of nonequilibrium steady states
16:45 closing

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