無限可積分系通信 (Infinite Analysis News Letters)

Documents of past years :
1998 | 1997 | 1996

========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.367 December 14, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Notice: The Secretariat, Infinte Analysis, will be closed from December 19 - 27. ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: January 14 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Hidetaka Sakai (Kyoto University) Title: Rational surfaces and geometry of the Painlev\'e equations ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.366 December 14, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Notice: The Secretariat, Infinte Analysis, will be closed from December 19 - 27. ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 早稲田大学数学談話会のお知らせ 日時:平成12年1月14日(金)3時から4時30分 場所:早稲田大学理工学部51号館17階06号室 講師:山田 裕史 氏 (北海道大学大学院理学研究科) 表題:シューア函数とアフィンリー環の表現論 要旨:シューア函数の組合せ論的側面とアフィンリー環の    表現論の関連についての、ご自身の結果も含めた    サーヴェイ・トーク。 連絡責任者  早稲田大学理工学部 上野喜三雄 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.365 December 7, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== 日本数学会無限可積分系セッションへの参加 -------再度のお願い------ ============================================== 皆様, しつこいようですが最後のお願いにあがりました. 来年春の早稲田大学理工学部での学会(無限可積分系セッション) にて是非講演をして下さい. 締切は12月10日です.今からでも間に合います. 皆様の御協力,お願い申し上げます. 今回の特別講演が内定いたしました. セッション推薦企画特別講演     広田良吾氏(早稲田大学)題未定 セッション特別講演  (1)高崎金久氏(京都大学)「トーラス上の等モノドロミー変形」 (2)時弘哲治氏(東京大学)「ソリトン方程式--箱玉系--可解格子模型」 山田裕史(無限可積分系セッション責任者) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.364 December 7, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: December 17 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Masaki Kashiwara (RIMS) Title: Irreducibility of tensor products of finite-dimensional modules of quantum affine algebras. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.363 November30, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Change of Date ============================================== 神戸大学超幾何セミナー Speaker: Dr. Daigo Yoshii (RIMS) Date: 12月22日(水):15:30-1 2月22日(水) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Title: Simply Laced Elliptic Lie Algebras Room: C501、Departement of Mathematics, Kobe University ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.362 November 25, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== 日本数学会無限可積分系セッション参加のお願い ============================================== 来年春の学会は3月27日から30日まで早稲田大学で 開催されます.無限可積分系セッションの一般講演の 申込みは12月10日締切ですのでお忘れなきよう. 広島の時のように盛況であることを切に祈願いたします. セッションの存亡の危機はまだ去っていません!!!! セッション責任者 山田裕史 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.361 November 22, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: November 26 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Y. Koga (Osaka University) Title: BGG & BRST Resolutions for N=1 Super Virasoro Algebras ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.360 November 15, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Mathematical Physics Seminar at Ochanomizu University Date: November 24 (Wed), 1999, 16:00 -- 17:30, Place: Ochanomizu University, Faculty of Science Bld. 1., rm. 621. (Rigakubu 1 goukan, 621) Speaker: Kanehisa Takasaki (Kyoto University) Title: Painleve-Calogero Correspondence For information: Takashi Takebe (takebe::math.ocha.ac.jp) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.359 November 12, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== [24日の時間が変更になりました。] ********* 集中講義のご案内 ******** 題名: 量子群と旗多様体 (Quantum groups and Flag manifolds) 講師: 谷崎 俊之 (広島大学) 日時: 11月24日(水) -- 26日(金) 24日 10:00 -- 12:00 4:00pm -- 5:00pm (談話会) 25, 26日 2:00pm -- 4:00pm 場所: RIMS 009号室 内容: 量子群の(非可換)幾何学的な研究の舞台としての 「量子群の旗多様体」の、非可換スキームとしての 構成について述べる。 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.358 November 12, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 神戸大学超幾何セミナー Date: December 16(Thu), 1999 Speaker: Daigo Yoshii (RIMS) Title: Simply-Laced Elliptic Lie Algebras Time: 15:30- Place: Room C501, Department of Mathematics, Kobe University -------------------------------------- Change of Scedule!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: Nov. 15 (Monday) 16:30-17:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Place: Room 009, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Murray Batchelor(Australian National University) Title: Exactly solvable models of spin ladders and spin tubes Abstract: I will review recent developments on solvable (in the Yang-Baxter sense) examples of quantum spin ladders and spin tubes. These are ladder-like arrays of coupled spin chains. One family of ladders is equivalent to the $su(N)$ family of integrable models with additional chemical potential terms. Another example can be made to satisfy the Hecke algebra. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.357 November 2, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 神戸大学超幾何セミナー Speaker: Prof. Don Zagier (MPI/RIMS) 11月17日(水):15:30 -- Hypergeometric functions and modular forms I 11月18日(木):15:30 -- Hypergeometric functions and modular forms II なお、上記の講演は互いに独立しています。 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.356 October 30, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 研究会 「箱玉系についての最近の話題」 箱と玉の系に関しては超離散極限の観点から著しい進展があり, 結晶基底との関 係も明らかになりつつあります. この辺りで, ソリトンと結晶基底それぞれの観 点から研究している人たちが集まって討論することはお互いにとって有意義なこ とになるのではないかと考え, 箱と玉の系に関する研究会を開催します. 奮って 御参加下さい. 日時:1999 年 12 月 3 日(金)〜 12 月 4 日(土) 場所:大阪府豊中市待兼山町 1-3 大阪大学待兼山会館 2F 会議室 4 日の午後は基礎工学部 Σ ホール 1F ディスプレイ室 (http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/annai/campus/toyonaka.html) 大阪モノレール「柴原」駅下車徒歩 10 分 または阪急宝塚線「石橋」駅下車徒歩 20 分 (http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/annai/campus/access.html) プログラム 12 月 3 日(金) 13:30-14:20 薩摩 順吉 (東大数理) 微分方程式から箱玉系へ - ソリトン方程式の展開 14:30-15:20 尾角 正人 (阪大基礎工) クリスタルと組み合わせ論的 R 行列 15:20-15:50 休憩 15:50-16:40 高橋 大輔 (早大理工) 箱玉系の仲間達 16:50-17:40 国場 敦夫 (東大総合文化) T-system について 18:00-20:00 懇親会 12 月 4 日(土) 10:00-10:50 福田 香保里, 山田 泰彦 (神戸大自然) エネルギー関数と箱玉系 11:00-11:50 永井 敦 (阪大基礎工) 逆超離散化による箱玉系の保存量の構成 13:30-14:20 幡山 五郎 (東大理) クリスタルによる箱玉系の他のリー環への拡張について 14:30-15:20 時弘 哲治 (東大数理) 箱玉系の数理構造 (仮題) 参加予定の方は 1) 氏名 2) 所属・職 (学生の方は学年も) 3) 連絡先(住所・電話番号・e-mail address) 4) 懇親会参加の有無 を御記入の上, 尾角まで電子メールを送って下さい. 大まかな人数を確認したいだけですので, 予定で構いません. また神戸大学の山田泰彦氏の科研費により、人数に限りはありますが、旅費の 補助が可能です。ご希望の方は上の情報とともに尾角までご連絡ください。 旅費希望の〆切は11月12日とさせて頂きます。 なお、阪大近辺の宿泊に関しては「阪大での研究会に参加する」旨を告げて 割引の有無を確認して下さい。ホテルリストは http://www.sigmath.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/hotel.html を御覧下さい。 問い合わせ先  尾角 正人, 永井 敦 〒 560-8531 大阪府豊中市待兼山町 1-3 大阪大学基礎工学部数理教室 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.355-2 October 26, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Change of Scedule!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: October 29 (Friday) 13:30-14:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Michael Chertkov (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Title: Scalar turbulence Abstract: The application of the functional integration in the theory of turbulence is considered. The method of calculation of chronological exponents within the functional integral is presented. The passive scalar problem is solved. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.355 October 26, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: October 29 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Michael Chertkov (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Title: Scalar turbulence Abstract: The application of the functional integration in the theory of turbulence is considered. The method of calculation of chronological exponents within the functional integral is presented. The passive scalar problem is solved. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.354 October 25, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: Nov. 5 (Friday) 13:30-14:30 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: D. Guzzetti (SISSA-ISAS) Title: Stokes Matrices and Riemann-Hilbert Problem for Frobenius Manifolds Abstract: I will introduce Frobenius manifolds and their Stokes matrices. From these "monodromy data" one can reconstruct the manifold through the solution of a Riemann Hilbert problem. This problem coincides with the solution of a special case of the Painleve' 6 equation. I will also give an explicit example of how to compute the Stokes matrix for the Frobenius manifold known as quantum cohomology of projective spaces. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.353 October 19, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Announcement ============================================== 関係各位 このメイリングリストで このような事をお願いして良いかどうか わかりませんが、期限が迫っておりますので お許し下さい。 さてもうすでにご存知のことと思いますが、 本学 自然科学研究科の 野海正俊教授が 「量子群の表現論と多変数特殊関数論の新局面の開拓」 と言う業績により 第17回(平成11年度)大阪科学賞 (大阪府、大阪市、大阪科学技術センター主催) を授賞されました。 下記の要領で表彰式と記念講演会が開かれますが まだ席に余裕があるようです。是非奮って 御参加下さいますようお願い致します。 なお参加を希望される方は 神戸大理学部数学科の齋藤まで 10 月 21 日の午前中までに 電子メールまたはファックスで「出席の申込をしたい旨」を 伝えて頂ければ「神戸大数学教室で一括参加申込」をしておきます。 希望者には会場の地図の入ったプログラムのコピーを ファクスで送らせて頂きますのでファックス番号も お知らせ下さい。(神戸大内は数学事務室で コピーをもらって下さい)。 神戸大学理学部 数学科 学科長 齋藤 政彦 %%%%%%%%% 記 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 大阪科学賞表彰式および記念講演会 時:平成11年10月26日(火) 14:15ー16:30 所:大阪科学技術センター 8F 大ホール ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.352 October 6, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Announcement ============================================== 京都大学数理解析研究所Uglov助手(31歳)は10月4日(月)午前8時頃 永眠されましたので、お知らせします。 なお、ご本人とのお別れ会を下記のとおり執り行いますので御都合のつく方は ご参集(平服で)下さるようご案内いたします。 記 日時 平成11年10月8日(金)午前11時〜 場所 京都大学数理解析研究所 1階 115 号室 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.351 September 28, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: Oct. 15 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Kenji Kajiwara Title: Determinant Formulas for the Toda and Discrete Toda Equation ============================================== Time: Nov. 15 (Monday) 14:00-15:00 Place: Room 009, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Murray Batchelor (Australian National University) Title: Exactly solvable models of spin ladders and spin tubes Abstract: I will review recent developments on solvable (in the Yang-Baxter sense) examples of quantum spin ladders and spin tubes. These are ladder-like arrays of coupled spin chains. One family of ladders is equivalent to the $su(N)$ family of integrable models with additional chemical potential terms. Another example can be made to satisfy the Hecke algebra. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.350 September 27, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== THE THIRD ASIAN MATHEMATICAL CONFERENCE 23-27 OCTOBER 2000, MANILA, PHILIPPINES Announcement: *Correct Homepage: http://www.math.cs.upd.edu.ph/AMC2000/ *Prof. Efim Zlemanov has accepted the invitation. ==================================================== 平成 11 年度プロジェクト研究 RIMS Project '99 「弦理論にかかわる幾何学」セミナー開始のご案内 Seminar on "Geometry Related to String Theory" 日時: 第1回 10 月 4 日 (月)13:30 -- 15:00 (Date) October 4th, 1999 1:30pm - 3:00pm (以降 毎週月曜日 13:30--15:00.) (It will be held every Monday from this.) 場 所: 京都大学数理解析研究所 202号室(2階) (Place) RIMS Rm.202, Kyoto University 講 師: OH, Yong-Geun (KIAS & University of Wisconsin-Madison) (Speaker) 題 目: Lagrangian Submanifolds and Strominger-Yau-Zaslow's Proposal (Title) (連絡先) 組織委員会:深谷賢治(京大理)、斎藤政彦(神戸大)、斎藤恭司(数理研) Organizers: K. Fukaya (Kyoto Univ.), M. Saito (Kobe Univ.) K. Saito (RIMS) http://kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~kenkyubu/proj99/ ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.349 September 17, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Time: October 5 (Tuesday) 15:30-17:00 Place: Room 18-02, 18th Floor, 51st Building, Department of Mathematics, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University Speaker : David De Wit (RIMS) Title : The Links--Gould Invariant Abstract: The Links--Gould two variable polynomial link invariant ($LG$) is based on a quantum R matrix originating in the $(0,0\,|\,\alpha)$ family of representations of $U_q[gl(2|1)]$. Here, we report observations on evaluations of $LG$ for all prime knots of up to $10$ crossings. Significantly, $LG$ distinguishes between these links, and also detects the chirality of those that are chiral. In this sense, it is more sensitive than the well known two variable HOMFLY and Kauffman polynomials. Interestingly, $LG$ \emph{almost} fails to distinguish knots that are indistinguishable by the HOMFLY invariant. ---------------------------------------------------- 集中講義のご案内 講師:谷崎俊之 (広島大学) 題名: 量子群と旗多様体 日時:11月 24日 (水)ー 26日 (金) 午後2時ー午後4時 (水曜 4時より、談話会) 場所: 京都大学 RIMS 009号室 内容:量子群の(非可換)幾何学的な研究の舞台としての 「量子群の旗多様体」の,非可換スキームとしての構成 について述べる. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.348 September 13, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: Nov. 5 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: M. Mazzocco (Oxford University) Title: Classification of algebraic solutions of Painleve' VI ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.347 September 9, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: Oct. 22 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: K. Fukuda (Kobe University) Title: Energy Functions in Box Ball Systems # The talk will be given in Japanese. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.346 September 1, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Conference Information ============================================== FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT THE THIRD ASIAN MATHEMATICAL CONFERENCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 23-27 OCTOBER 2000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MANILA, PHILIPPINES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Home page: http://www.math01.cs.upd.edu.ph/AMC2000/ Secretariats e-mail address: amc2k::math01.cs.upd.edu.ph Venue: University of the Philippines, Diliman The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you to participate in the Third Asian Mathematical Conference (AMC 2000) in Manila during the period 23-27 October 2000. Through AMC 2000, it is hoped that mathematical research in the region is promoted by providing a forum for mathematicians to interact for possible scientific cooperation, that friendship is fostered among the citizens of the participating countries, that this meeting helps contribute to the development of mathematics research in the host country as well as in the participating countries. Finally, it is hoped that the objectives of the World Mathematical Year 2000 are served. The following are the speakers who have been selected by the Scientific Committee and have signified to come: Plenary Speakers: Louis H.Y. Chen, National University of Singapore; Dinh Dung, Hanoi Institute of Information Technology, Hanoi; Kenji Fukaya, Kyoto University; Li Daqian, Fudan University, Shanghai; Ma Zhi-Ming, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; Shi-Shyr Roan, Academia Sinica, Taipei; Yong Moon Park, Yonsei University, Seoul. Invited Speakers: Hitoshi Arai, University of Tokyo, Tokyo; Chang Kun Soo, Yonsei University, Seoul, Cheng Chongqing, Nanjing University, Nanjing ; Jih-Hsin Cheng, Academia Sinica, Taipei; Choe Hi Jun, KAIST, Taejon, Chong Chi-Tat, National University of Singapore; Chow Shui-Nee, National University of Singapore; Nguyen Huu Cong, Vietnam National University, Hanoi; Ehud De Shalit, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Kazuhiro Fujiwara, Nagoya University, Nagoya; Hitoshi Ishii, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo Jing Zhu-Jun, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; ; Ha Huy Khoai, Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi; Dohan Kim, Seoul National University, Seoul; Koh Khee-Meng, National University of Singapore; Hiroshi Kokubu, Kyoto University, Kyoto; Shigeo Kusuoka, University of Tokyo, Tokyo; ; Jin Ho Kwak, Postech, Pohang; Ka-Sing Lau, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Mikhail M. Lavrentiev Jr., Sobolev Institute of Mathematics; Novosibirsk; Ko-Wei Lih, Academia Sinica, Taipei; Ling San, National University of Singapore; Alexander D. Mednykh, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk; Amos Nevo, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology; Kung-Fu Ng, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Mitsuharu Ohtani, Waseda University, Tokyo; Kaoru Ono, Hokkaido University, Sapporo; Dipendra Prasad, Mehta Research Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Allahabad; Feng Qi, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; Akbar H. Rhemtulla, University of Alberta, Alberta; Gideon Schechtman, Weizmann Institute; Bernd Schultze, Essen University, Essen; Shen Zuowei, National University of Singapore; Narn-Rueih Shieh, National Taiwan University, Taipei; Alladi Sitaram, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore; Vasudevan Srinivas, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai; Toshikazu Sunada, Tohoku University, Sendai; Tan Eng Chye, National University of Singapore; Neil S. Trudinger, Australian National University, Canberra; Kenji Ueno, Kyoto University, Kyoto; Do Long Van, Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi; Wang Shicheng, Peking University, Beijing; ; Pei-Yuan Wu, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinshu; Jietai Yu, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong; Yuan Yiaxiang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. Programs: There will be one-hour plenary lectures, 40-minute parallel invited lectures and 20-minute short communications. The members of the Scientific Committee are: Dinh Dung, Hanoi Institute of Information Technology, Hanoi; Kim Dohan, Seoul National University, Seoul; Lee Seng Luan, National University of Singapore; Liu Fon-Che, Academia Sinica-Taipei; Ma Zhi-Ming, Academia Sinica-Beijing; Masaaki Maruyama, Kyoto University, Kyoto; Milagros P. Navarro, University of the Philippines-Diliman; M.S. Raghunathan, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research; Vladimir Romanov, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk; Aner Shalev, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Toshikazu Sunada, Tohoku University, Sendai; Yang Lo, Academia Sinica-Beijing (Chairman, AMC 2000 Scientific Committee). The members of the Steering Committee are: Daqian Li, Fudan University, Shanghai; Lih Ko-Wei, Academia Sinica-Taipei; Kim AnnChi, Pusan National University, Pusan; Koh Khee-Ming, National University of Singapore; Mitsuo Morimoto, International Christian University, Tokyo; Bienvenido F. Nebres, Ateneo de Manila University, Manila; Kazuo Okamoto, University of Tokyo, Tokyo; Shum Kar-Ping, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Kenji Ueno, Kyoto University, Kyoto; Do Long Van, Hanoi Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi; Polly W. Sy, University of the Philippines-Diliman, (Chairman, AMC 2000 Steering Committee) Registration Fee The registration fee of US$250 will cover lunch, dinner and two snacks for each of the five days, the conference materials, a city tour and a copy of the proceedings. Participants from developing countries will be subsidized and will only pay US$150. Accommodations There are three hostels on campus, one hostel at the periphery and two hotels which are about a kilometer away. Prices vary from 20 to 100 US dollars. These quotations are subject to change. Proceedings The AMC 2000 Proceedings will be published by some prestigious publishing house. We invite you to submit a manuscript for the Proceedings as well. Sponsors: As of this moment, this Conference is partially supported by UNESCO (Jakarta), the Chinese Mathematical Society, Mathematical Society of Japan, Singapore Mathematical Society, Mathematical Society of the Philippines, Mathematical Society of Thailand, Korean Mathematical Society, Indonesian Mathematical Society, Vietnamese Mathematical Society, SEAMS and the University of the Philippines-Diliman. INFORMATION/RESERVATION Form Please fill out this Form and return to the The Secretariat, AMC 2000, Department of Mathematics, University of the Philippines, Diliman, 1101 Quezon City, Philippines Fax No.: (632) 920 1009 (ask for a fax tone); Tel. Nos.: (632) 920 1009, (632) 928 0349 E-mail address: amc2k::math01.cs.upd.edu.ph or pweesy::I-manila.com.ph I. PERSONAL INFORMATION: Name: _____________________________________ Sex: Male ____ Female _____ Title (Prof., Dr., Mr., Ms.) ______________________________________________ Name of Institution: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Complete mailing address _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Phone No.: _____________________ Fax No.: ______________________________ E-mail address: ________________________________________________________ Questions: Do you need a letter of invitation? ___________Yes ____________ No Do you wish to present a 20-minute short communication? ________ Yes _______ No II ACCOMMODATION INFORMATION: All accommodations are located within one kilometer from the Conference site. If you wish to reserve an accommodation, please check the appropriate blank below and indicate if you have a companion. If you check the blank for double/triple rooms, we will assign you a roommate, unless you specify your preference. 1) UP International House (Kapit-Balay). All bedrooms are airconditioned. _____________ A. Studio apartment (approx. US$20/night) ______________ B.2-bedroom apartment (approx. US$25/night) 2) Science Teacher Training Center Hostel (STTC) Air-conditioned rooms: ________ A. Single (approx. US$12/night) ________ B. Double (approx. US$20/night) Rooms with ceiling fan __________ C. Single (approx. US$6/night) __________ D. Double (approx. US$9/night) __________ E. Triple (approx. US$11/night) Two rooms share toilet and bath. 3) The Orange Place _______________ (approx. US$45/night) 4) Sul Hotel _______________ A. Standard single room (approx. US$80/night) _______________ B. Delux single room (approx. US$95/night) Rates are inclusive of the tax and service charges. 5) INNOTECH Hostel _______________ A. Single room with toilet and bath (approx.US$40/night) _______________ B. Single room sharing common toilet and bath (approx. US$24/night) 6) University student dormitories _______________ (approx. US$ 4 /night) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.345-2 July 27, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information "Errata" ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: July 30 (Friday) 14:00-- ~~~~~~~ Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Valerio TOLEDANO LAREDO (Universi'e de Paris 6) Title: Connes fusion and Verlinde rules for loop groups of type BCD Abstract: Extending recent work of A. Wassermann on $LSU(n)$, we give a solution to the problem of fusion for orthogonal and symplectic loop groups. Our approach relies on the use of A. Connes' tensor product of bimodules over a von Neumann algebra to define a multiplicative operation (Connes fusion) on the (integrable) positive energy representations of a given level. The notion of bimodules arises by restricting these representations to loops with support contained in an interval $I\subset S^{1}$ or its complement. We study the corresponding Grothendieck ring and show that the multiplicities of tensor product decompositions (fusion rules) are given by the Verlinde rules. The computation rests on 1) the solution of a 6--parameter family of Knizhnik--Zamolodchikhov equations and the determination of its monodromy, 2) the explicit construction of the primary fields of the theory, which allows to prove that they define operator--valued distributions and 3) the algebraic theory of superselection sectors developed by Doplicher--Haag--Roberts. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.345 July 26, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: July 30 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Valerio TOLEDANO LAREDO (Universi'e de Paris 6) Title: Connes fusion and Verlinde rules for loop groups of type BCD Abstract: Extending recent work of A. Wassermann on $LSU(n)$, we give a solution to the problem of fusion for orthogonal and symplectic loop groups. Our approach relies on the use of A. Connes' tensor product of bimodules over a von Neumann algebra to define a multiplicative operation (Connes fusion) on the (integrable) positive energy representations of a given level. The notion of bimodules arises by restricting these representations to loops with support contained in an interval $I\subset S^{1}$ or its complement. We study the corresponding Grothendieck ring and show that the multiplicities of tensor product decompositions (fusion rules) are given by the Verlinde rules. The computation rests on 1) the solution of a 6--parameter family of Knizhnik--Zamolodchikhov equations and the determination of its monodromy, 2) the explicit construction of the primary fields of the theory, which allows to prove that they define operator--valued distributions and 3) the algebraic theory of superselection sectors developed by Doplicher--Haag--Roberts. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.344 July 23, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Workshop Announcement International Workshop on Physics and Combinatorics August 23 -27, 1999 Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan Organaizers: K. Aomoto, A.N. Kirillov, T. Nakanishi, A. Tsuchiya, H. Umemura Speakers K. Aomoto, E. Date, J.-F. van Diejen, N. Kurokawa, S.C. Milne, T. Miwa, A. Schilling, P. Terwillinger, H. Umemura, M. Yoshida, N. Kawanaka, A.N. Kirillov, A. Kuniba, K. Mimachi, T. Nakanishi, M. Nishizawa, M. Noumi, T. Takihiro, M. Taneda, H. Terao, T. Terasoma, K. Ueno, H.-F. Yamada, Y. Yamada, Please check the following URL for the program and abstracts: http://www.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~kirillov/workshop.html The workshop is open for anyone who is interested in. The registration in advance is not necessary. We are sorry that we cannot provide financial support nor accomodation service except for the very limited numbers of the speakers the organizer has been selected. Tomoki Nakanishi Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.343 July 19, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Information ============================================== INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER 購読者の方々へ: 広島の学会ではおかげさまで34の一般講演を数えることができました. 御協力ありがとうございました. 無限可積分系セッションは学会3日目,4日目に予定されています. 永友清和氏の企画特別講演は3日目, 脇本実氏の企画特別講演(函数解析推薦)は4日目です. 山田裕史(セッション責任者) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.342 July 8, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminars: July 15 (Thu) - 17 (Sat) We have informal talks by A. Belavin, B. Feigin, R. Kedem, A. Kirillov, M. Lashkevich, S. Loktev, T. Miwa, Y. Pugai, Y. Stroganov on conformal field theory and solvable lattice models starting at 14:00 on July 15 (Thu) in Room 009 of RIMS, Kyoto University. Organnizers: A. Belavin and T. Miwa ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.341 July 1, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: July 16 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: B. Feigin (Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics) Title: Coupling of $\hat{\frak{sl}}(2)$-theories with $1/(k+2)+1/(k'+2)=1$ and $\hat{\frak{sl}}(2,1) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.339 June 22, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Kobe Seminar on Hypergeometric Systems Time: June 29 (Tue) 15:30 - Speaker: Erik Koelink (Delft Univ. of Tech., the Netherlands) Title: Spherical Fourier transform and the quantum SU(1,1) group Place: Room C501/Department of Mathematics, Kobe University ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.338 June 22, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== 皆様, 秋の学会(広島大学,9月27日ー30日) の講演申し込み期日(29日)が迫ってきました. (「数学通信」4巻1号60ページ参照) しつこいようですがもう一度お願い致します. 「無限可積分系」セッションの存亡の危機です. 皆様の講演が当セッションを救います. なお今回の当セッション特別講演は (1)澁川陽一氏(北大理) (2)Peter Slodowy 氏(北見工大) のお二人にお願いしてあります. セッション責任者 山田裕史(北大理) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.337-2 June 11, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== *昨日お知らせした「八ヶ岳フレッシュマンセミナー」の *応募締め切りは7月20日(必着)です.         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------- 「八ヶ岳フレッシュマンセミナー」  第1回 8月15日(日)〜8月18日(水) 本年度の数学科および関連学科の新入生のための少人数セミナーを 八ヶ岳山麓泉郷で下記の通り行います。本セミナーの目的は、少人数 のセミナーを通して大学での数学の勉強の仕方を学び、さらに数学の 研究者、大学院生、学部学生と寝食を共にして話し合う機会を作る ことを目的とします。            八ヶ岳フレッシュマンセミナー実行委員会            (深谷賢治、斎藤秀司、神保道夫、上野健爾) 日時: 8月15日(日)(午後集合)〜8月18日(水)(昼食前解散) 3泊4日 場所: 八ヶ岳高原 泉郷 409-15 山梨県北巨摩郡大泉村谷戸字並木上 8741  交通: (JR) 中央本線 小淵沢駅下車 送迎バス、またはタクシー10分     (車)中央高速小淵沢I.C.より、八ヶ岳公園有料道路経由10分 滞在費:1人  約30,000円(3泊の宿泊費と15 日夕食〜18 日朝食の全食費を含む)     滞在費の一部を援助できる可能性があります。旅費は各自の負担になります。 セミナー:    8月16日の午前中は講師による講義を行い、その後セミナーを行います。 セミナーは3コースを予定しています。セミナーにはチューターとして 大学院生、学部学生が参加する予定。各コース定員5名(総計15名)。 参加者は本年4月大学へ入学した大学生に限ります。 コースおよびテキスト: (テキストは各自で準備して下さい)    1.「動く曲面を追いかけて」(儀我美一・陳蘊剛著、日本評論社)       講師 石村直之 (一橋大経済)    2. 「無限からの光芒;ポーランド学派の数学者たち」、(志賀浩二著、 日本評論社)       講師 深谷賢治(京都大学)     3. 「代数学講義」(高木貞二著、共立出版)         講師 斎藤秀司(東京工業大学)  応募方法:    1. 氏名、所属大学、所属学部・学科・学年    2. 連絡先(帰省先など夏休み中の連絡先も含)、電話、Fax 番号、 あればEmail address    3. 希望するコース(上のテキストの番号)を第一希望、第二希望まで記すこと 4. 数学に関するレポート(これまで勉強したことや、これから勉強したい こと、興味を持った数学の理論や定理について、あるいはセミナーに 期待することなど、題材は自由、A4レポート用紙2枚以内)    を下記住所へ送付して下さい。(7月20日必着)   応募用紙送り先および連絡先:      606-8502 京都市左京区北白川 京都大学理学研究科数学教室 上野研究室      八ヶ岳フレッシュマンセミナー係         Tel: 075-753-3737 Fax: 075-753-3707 Email: mugen::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp   ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.336 June 10, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 下記の要領で大学1年生対象のセミナーを開催いたします. 周りの学生の方々にお知らせいただければ幸いです. 京都大学大学院理学研究科 上野健爾 --------------------------------------------- 八ヶ岳フレッシュマンセミナー 第1回 8月15日(日)〜8月18日(水) 本年度の数学科および関連学科の新入生のための少人数セミナーを 八ヶ岳山麓泉郷で下記の通り行います。本セミナーの目的は、少人数 のセミナーを通して大学での数学の勉強の仕方を学び、さらに数学の 研究者、大学院生、学部学生と寝食を共にして話し合う機会を作る ことを目的とします。            八ヶ岳フレッシュマンセミナー実行委員会            (深谷賢治、斎藤秀司、神保道夫、上野健爾) 日時: 8月15日(日)(午後集合)〜8月18日(水)(昼食前解散) 3泊4日 場所: 八ヶ岳高原 泉郷 409-15 山梨県北巨摩郡大泉村谷戸字並木上 8741  交通: (JR) 中央本線 小淵沢駅下車 送迎バス、またはタクシー10分     (車)中央高速小淵沢I.C.より、八ヶ岳公園有料道路経由10分 滞在費:1人  約30,000円(3泊の宿泊費と15 日夕食〜18 日朝食の全食費を含む)     滞在費の一部を援助できる可能性があります。旅費は各自の負担になります。 セミナー:    8月16日の午前中は講師による講義を行い、その後セミナーを行います。 セミナーは3コースを予定しています。セミナーにはチューターとして 大学院生、学部学生が参加する予定。各コース定員5名(総計15名)。 参加者は本年4月大学へ入学した大学生に限ります。 コースおよびテキスト: (テキストは各自で準備して下さい)    1.「動く曲面を追いかけて」(儀我美一・陳蘊剛著、日本評論社)       講師 石村直之 (一橋大経済)    2. 「無限からの光芒;ポーランド学派の数学者たち」、(志賀浩二著、 日本評論社)       講師 深谷賢治(京都大学)     3. 「代数学講義」(高木貞二著、共立出版)         講師 斎藤秀司(東京工業大学)  応募方法:    1. 氏名、所属大学、所属学部・学科・学年    2. 連絡先(帰省先など夏休み中の連絡先も含)、電話、Fax 番号、 あればEmail address    3. 希望するコース(上のテキストの番号)を第一希望、第二希望まで記すこと 4. 数学に関するレポート(これまで勉強したことや、これから勉強したい こと、興味を持った数学の理論や定理について、あるいはセミナーに 期待することなど、題材は自由、A4レポート用紙2枚以内)    を下記住所へ送付して下さい。   応募用紙送り先および連絡先:      606-8502 京都市左京区北白川 京都大学理学研究科数学教室 上野研究室      八ヶ岳フレッシュマンセミナー係         Tel: 075-753-3737 Fax: 075-753-3707 Email: mugen::kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp   ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.336 June 7, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== 皆様, 秋の学会(広島大学,9月27日ー30日) の講演申し込みは今月の29日です. (「数学通信」4巻1号60ページ参照) 「無限可積分系」セッションの存亡の危機です. 皆様の講演が当セッションを救います. 個人的に講演依頼のメイルを出すこともあるかも知れません. よろしくお願い致します. セッション責任者 山田裕史(北大理) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.335 June 3, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: June 10 (Thursday) 14:00- Place: Room 202, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: G.P. Pronko (Institute for High Energy Physics) Yu.G. Stroganov (Institute for High Energy Physics) Title: Bethe Equations "on the Wrong Side of Equator" ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.334 June 3, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: June 11 (Friday) 12:00-13:00, 1999 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Kanehisa Takasaki (Kyoto University) Title: Elliptic Calogero Moser Systems and Isomonodromic Deformations ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.333 May 20, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: May 28 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Kenji Iohara (Kyoto University) Title: Fusion algebras for $N=1$ superconformal field theories through coinvariants $I$: $\hat{osp}(1|2)$-symmetry ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.332 May 19, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== This is the second announcement of this seminar. "Abstract" is attached. ********Infinite Analysis Seminar ********* Time: May 21 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: David Evans (University of Wales) Title: Modular invariance and subfactors Abstract: An outer group action on a hyperfinite factor can be recovered from the inclusion of the fixed point algebra in the original factor. A subfactor or an inclusion of one factor in another is then a generalization of a group, In 1982 Jones realized that the minimal algebraic structure behind such subfactor inclusions. This could be identified with the Temperley-Lieb algebra in statistical mechanics. This talk, which is joint work with Jens Bockenhauer and Yasu Kawahigashi, is to understand better this relation between the occurence of the same mathematical structures in subfactor theory in operator algebras on the one hand and in the modular invariant partition functions on the other. In particular, the relation between the A-D-E classification of subfactors of index less than four, and the A-D-E classification of modular invariant mass matrices in the SU(2) WZW models. Cappelli-Itzykson-Zuber classifiied SU(2) modular invariants by A-D-E Dynkin diagrams and in the SU(3) case di Francesco and Zuber sought graphs whose spectra reproduced the diagonal part of the invariants. Developing further the work of Xu we study a notion of induction and restriction between systems of endomorphisms on nets of subfactors arising from a modular invariant. The fusion graph of the induced generator yields a graph to label the invariant. The induction requires a braided system - by employing both inductions based on the brading and its opposite we can recover the off-diagonal terms. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.331 May 18, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: May 21 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: David Evans (University of Wales) Title: Modular invariance and subfactors ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.330 May 17, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: May 18 (Tuesday) 14:00-15:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Place: Room 202, RIMS, Kyoto University ~~~ Speaker: V.V.Bazhanov (Australian National University, Canberra) Title: Non-equilibrium states in the boundary sine-Gordon model ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.329 April 26, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: May 14 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: V.V.Bazhanov (Australian National University, Canberra) Title: Spectral theory for Schroedinger equation and Conformal Field theory Abstract: We discuss a new fascinating relation between the Conformal Field Theory and the spectral theory of the one dimensional Schroedinger equation with the potential $V(x)=a/x^2+x^b$. We prove that the eigenvalues of the Schroedinger operator exactly coincide with the roots the Bethe Ansatz equations corresponding to the Virasoro vacuum state of the Conformal Field theory. Even though the underlying reasons of this correspondence at this stage remain rather mysterious, it already led to notable advances in our understanding of both theories. For example, the remarkable duality symmetry of the eigenvalues of the Baxter's $Q$-operators in Conformal Field theory conjectured before, admits an elementary proof from the point of view of the Schroedinger equation. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.328 April 21, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 無限解析セミナー Time : May 6 (Thursday) 15:00-17:00 Place :    Room 3303, Dept. of Math. , Hakozaki, Kyushu Univ. Speaker : Ivan Cherednik ( RIMS, Kyoto and Univ. of North Carolina ) Title : Gaussians and Macdonald polynomials 連絡先 三町勝久 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.327 April 21, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Series of Lectures by Profs. P.Roche and E.Buffenoir Speakers: Prof. Philippe Roche (MIT) and Prof. Eric Buffenoir (CNRS, Montpellier) Title:Harmonic analysis on the quantum-Lorentz group and applications Date: June 11(Fri)10:00--June 13(Sun) 16:00 Place: Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University Room 552 (June 11), 327 (June 12,13) A limited amount of travel support is available. Please contact M.Jimbo.
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.326 April 21, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: May 7 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Benjamin Enriquez (Ecole Polytechnique) Title: Commuting operators assicoated with complex curves ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.325 April 14, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: April 23 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Yoshihiro Takeyama (RIMS) Title: The integral formula for the solutions of the qKZ equation associated with U_{q}(sl_{n}^) for |q|=1 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.324 April 5, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: April 9 (Fri) 12:00-13:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Ivan Cherednik (University of North Carolina) Title: Gaussians and Macdonald Polynomials ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.324 April 5, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: April 9 (Fri), 1999 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Ivan Cherednik (University of North Carolina) Title: Gaussians and Macdonald Polynomials ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.323 March 18, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar (Second Announcement) Time: March 19 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Dietmar Bisch (University of California) Title: Planar algebras Abstract: Subfactors with finite Jones index have an amazingly rich mathematical structure and an interplay of analytical, algebraic-combinatorial and even topological techniques is intrinsic to the theory. A subfactor can be viewed as a group-like object that encodes what one might call generalized symmetries of the mathematical or physical situation from which it arises. To decode this information one needs to compute a system of inclusions of certain multi-matrix algebras naturally associated to the subfactor. Vaughan Jones showed recently that this structure can be described ``topologically'' as a planar algebra, that is a graded vector space whose elements are represented by labelled n-boxes which can be combined in planar, but otherwise quite arbitrary ways. Intricate calculations involving natural operators associated to a subfactor can then be simplified substantially using diagrammatic methods. I will explain the notion of a planar algebra and present a number of examples such as the Temperley-Lieb and the Fuss-Catalan algebras. The Fuss-Catalan algebras are a colored generalization of the Temperley-Lieb algebras and were discovered by Jones and myself in the subfactor context. Di Francesco has used them recently to write down new hyperbolic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. No prior knowledge of the theory of subfactors is required for this talk. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.321 February 11, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== !!!Change of the schedule AGAIN!!! ********** Infinite Analysis Seminar ******************************** Time: February 12 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Kazumitsu Sakai (University of Tokyo) Title: Continued fraction TBA and functional relations in XXZ model at root of unity ********** Infinite Analysis Seminar ******************************** Time: February 12 (Friday) 14:30-15:30 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Junji Suzuki (University of Tokyo) Title: Anharmonic Oscillator, Spectral Detreminants and Short exact sequence of affine U_q(sl_2) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.321 February 11, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== !!Change of the schedule!! Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: February 12 (Friday) 12:30-13:00? ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Junji Suzuki (University of Tokyo) Title: Anharmonic Oscillator, Spectral Detreminants and Short exact sequence of affine U_q(sl_2) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.320 January 28, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: February 12 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Junji Suzuki (University of Tokyo) Title: Continued fraction TBA and functional relations in XXZ model at root of unity ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.319 January 21, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo Time: February 3 (Wed), 17:00 Place: Room 118, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, (Komaba Campus) Speaker: Prof. Anton Zabrodin (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics) Title: Difference analogues of the Lame operators and Sklyanin algebra. Information: Takashi Takebe ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.318 January 11, 1999 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Time: January 22 (Friday) 12:00-13:00 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Tim Baker (RIMS) Title: Symmetric and Non-symmetric Macdonald Polynomials Abstract: We review the properties of symmetric Macdonald/Jack polynomials, such as normalizations, Pieri formulae and evaluations, in light of the corresponding properties of their non-symmetric counterparts. ==============================================