YITP Long-term Workshop

Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2021

November 1 - December 3, 2021
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University

On this long-term workshop

In 2007, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP) started new project "Yukawa International Program of Quark-Hadron Sciences (YIPQS)" funded by Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In this project, YITP hosts two or three long-term workshops each year, and invites leading experts to stimulate discussion and to foster collaborations among workshop participants.

This time, we hold "Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2021 (NQS2021)", as a successor of the three long-term workshops held under the same title in the past (NQS2011, NQS2014, and NQS2017). Based on this background, we promote research exchange and collaboration in the themes related to novel quantum condensed states. In particular, we would like to promote active exchanges between young researchers in related fields and leading researchers by organizing tutorial lectures and informal seminars.

Schedule and Venue


Organizing Committee

Domestic: Takami Tohyama (TUS, Chair), Akira Furusaki (RIKEN), Masao Ogata (Tokyo), Shuichi Murakami (Tokyo Tech), Seiji Miyashita (JPSJ), Takashi Oka (ISSP, MPI), Tomoki Ozawa (RIKEN), Masatoshi Sato (YITP), Keisuke Totsuka (YITP), Ken Shiozaki (YITP), Nobuyuki Okuma (YITP), (arbitrary order)
Oversea: Shinsei Ryu (Chicago Univ.), Andreas Schnyder (MPI)
