YIPQS long-term and Nishinomiya-Yukawa memorial workshop

Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2022

October 31 - December 2, 2022
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University


We closed the registrations on October 23 as we have announced below. Thank you very much for many applications.

For participants from overseas

If you wish to participate in person, the deadline for the registration is September 5 (regardless of whether you will give a presentation or not). Currently, a visa is required for all foreigners to enter Japan. Please note that it takes at least 3 weeks or so for a visa to be issued. Registration for participants in person has been closed. For those who plan an online presentation (oral/poster), the deadline is September 26.

For participants from Japan

If you wish to participate in person and/or wish to make a presentation (for both oral and poster, including online one), the deadline for the registration is September 26.

For online participants

If you with to participate online without presentation, the deadline for the registration is October 23.

General remarks