The 15th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies

July 2--5, 2019
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University

Friday, 5 July

Session 11: Galactic Chemical Evolution/ Stellar Evolutions and Hydrostatic Burning Processes
9:20 11-1 K. Takahashi (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics) Uncertain stellar evolution: convection, rotation, magnetic field, and binarity
9:45 11-2 C. Kobayashi (University of Hertfordshire) State-of-the-art of chemodynamical simulations: The origin of elements and their evolution in galaxies
10:10 11-4 T. Suda (RESCEU, University of Tokyo) s-process Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars at Low-Metallicity
10:30 Coffee Break
Session 12: Big Bang Cosmology and Primordial Nucleosynthesis
11:00 12-1 G. Mathews (University of Notre Dame) Cosmological solutions to the lithium problem
11:25 12-2 A. Coc (CNRS, Orsay) Precision big bang nucleosynthesis with the new code PRIMAT
11:45 12-3 K. Mori (University of Tokyo/NAOJ) Big bang nucleosynthesis with time-dependent quark mass
12:05 12-4 S. Hayakawa (CNS, University of Tokyo) Experimental study on study on the 7Be(n,p)7Li and the 7Be(n,α)4He reactions for cosmological lithium problem
12:30 12-5 S. Ishikawa (Tohoku University) Experimental study of the 7Be(n,p1)7Li* reaction for the cosmological lithium problem
12:45 Lunch
Session 13: Next generation Facilities for Nuclear Astrophysics
14:30 13-1 X. D. Tang (IMP, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Nuclear astrophysics program at HIAF
14:55 13-2 T. Shin (RISP, Institute for Basic Science) Status of RAON in Korea
15:20 13-3 C. Wrede (Michigan State University) Nuclear astrophysics at FRIB: Present status and future opportunities
15:45 13-4 W. Aoki (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Nuclear astrophysics with the next generation extremely large telescope TMT
16:10 13-5 T. Motobayashi (RIKEN) Concluding Remarks
16:25 Closing
16:45 End of symposium