Apr. 2021-presentAssociate ProfessorUTokyo
Apr. 2019-presentAffiliate Associate ProfessorYITP, Kyoto U.
Apr. 2018-Mar. 2021Associate ProfessorKyoto Sangyo U.
Apr. 2014-Mar. 2016JSPS Overseas Research FellowMax Planck Institute for Astrophysics
Jan. 2013-Mar. 2018Associate ProfessorYITP, Kyoto U.
Apr. 2011-Dec. 2012Research Assistant ProfessorYITP, Kyoto U.
Apr. 2010-Mar. 2011JSPS Research Fellow for Young Scientists (PD)YITP, Kyoto U.
Apr. 2007-Mar. 2010JSPS Research Fellow for Young Scientists (DC1)U. of Tokyo
Mar. 2010Ph.D., Depertment of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Mar. 2007MS, Depertment of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Mar. 2005BS, Depertment of Physics, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo
Nov. 2021The University of Tokyo Excellent Young Researcher
Apr. 2021Young Scientists' Award from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Mar. 2018Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
Mar. 2017-presentnuLC collaboration
Oct. 2016-presentHyper-Kamiokande collaboration
Jun. 2013-presentGravitational Wave Consortium in Japan
???. 2012-presentHiZ-GUNDAM WG
Jan. 2008-presentRironkon (organization of theoretical astrophysicists in Japan)
Jan. 2006-presentAstronomical Society of Japan
Aug. 2005-presentPhysical Society of Japan
May. 2024 Supernova Neutrino Mini Workshop, LOCUTokyo, Komaba
Oct. 2021 AAPPS-DACG Workshop 2021 on Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation, SOConline
Dec. 2020 Connecting high-energy astroparticles physics for origins of cosmic rays and future perspectives, LOCYITP
Oct. 2019 YKIS2019, LOCYITP
Sep.-Oct. 2019Multi-Messenger Astrophysics in the Gravitational Wave Era, LOCYITP
Jul. 2019 The 15th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies, Program CommitteeYITP
May 2018 Jet and Shock Breakouts in Cosmic Transients, LOCYITP
Feb. 2018 YKIS 2018a, LOCYITP
Jan.-Mar. 2018Gravity and Cosmology 2018, LOCYITP
Sep. 2017 KICKOFF workshop on "Gravitational wave physics and astronomy: Genesis", LOCKyoto U.
Feb. 2017 International workshop on 'Supernova at Hyper-Kamiokande' LOCU. of Tokyo
Jan. 2017 Transient Universe in the Big Survey Era, LOCYITP
Oct.-Nov. 2016Nuclear Physics, Compact Stars, and Compact Star Mergers 2016, LOCYITP
Mar. 2015 International School of Gravitational Physics, LOCYITP
Dec. 2013 Multi-Messengers from Core-Collapse Supernovae, SOCFukuoka U.
Oct.-Nov. 2013Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts 2013, SOC and LOCYITP
Jun. 2013 YKIS2013, LOCYITP
May-Jun. 2013 Gravitational waves and numerical relativity, LOCYITP
May-Jun. 2013 EANAM 2012 LOCYITP
May 2012 First Stars IV LOCKyoto
Nov. 2009 High Energy Astrophysics 2009 LOCKEK
Refereed JournalsEuropean Physical Journal A
Europhysics Letters
International Journal of Modern Physics D/E
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Physical Review D
Physical Review Letters
Progress of Theoretical Physics
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
The Astrophysical Journal
Observation proposalsSubaru
Cy-Tera and Eastern Mediterranean Production Access Application
DegreeUniveristy of Tokyo (M, D)
Kyoto University (D)
Kyoto Sangyo University (M)
Apr. 2024-Mar. 2027Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (No. 24K00668), Co-I (PI: K. Kashiyama (Tohoku U.)), 18.3M JPY
Apr. 2024-Mar. 2029Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) (No. 24H02245), PI, 69.7M JPY
Apr. 2024-Mar. 2029Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) (No. 24H02236), Co-I (PI: Y. Kishimoto (Tohoku U.)), 64.2M JPY
Apr. 2022-Mar. 2024Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (No. 22H04571), PI, 2.6M JPY
Apr. 2020-Mar. 2024Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (No. 20H01904), PI, 17.3M JPY
Apr. 2020-Mar. 2024Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (No. 20H00174), Co-I (PI: K. Maeda (Kyoto U.)), 43.8M JPY
Jun. 2018-Mar. 2023Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (No. 18H05437), Co-I (PI: S. Inutsuka (Nagoya U.)), 122M JPY
Apr. 2020-Mar. 2022Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (No. 20H04747), PI, 2.6M JPY
Apr. 2018-Mar. 2020Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (No. 18H04586), PI, 4.4M JPY
Apr. 2017-Mar. 2020Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (No. 17H02864), Co-I (PI: K. Maeda (Kyoto U.)), 17.6M JPY
Apr. 2016-Mar. 2020Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (No. 16K17665), PI, 4M JPY
Apr. 2016-Mar. 2018Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (No. 16H00869), PI, 4.3M JPY
Apr. 2014-Mar. 2016JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship
Apr. 2013-Mar. 2015Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (No. 25103511), PI
Aug. 2011-Mar. 2013Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up (No. 23840023), PI
Apr. 2010-Mar. 2011JSPS Research Fellowship (PD)
Apr. 2007-Mar. 2010JSPS Research Fellowship (DC1)

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