

October 15 (Saturday), 2011

9:30 Opening (Reception)
Chair : Arno Suzuki
(Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, International Education)
9:50 Opening Remarks
Masatoshi Murase
(Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Fundamental Physics of Life)
<Earth, Material, Life, Space>
Chair : Hideyuki Nakashima (Future University Hakodate, President)
10:00 Learning from the Huge Earthquake in the East Japan
Kazuo Oike
(International Institute for Advanced Studies, Director, Geophysics; Former President of Kyoto University)
Origin of Interactions−Gauge Principle
Taichi Kugo
(Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Particle Physics)
Right and Left in the Living World
Noriko Fujii
(Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Radiation Life Science)
Cosmogenesis−Problems and Prospects
Junichi Yokoyama
(Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, Astrophysics)
12:00 Lunch (90minutes)
<World of Cell and Water>
Chair : Peter Davis (Telecognix)
13:30 Artificial Muscles−Soft and Wet Engine of the Next Era
Yoshihito Osada
(Advanced Science Institute, Riken, Soft & Wet Science)
Jian Ping Gong
(Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University)
14:00 The Secret Life of Water : E = H2O
Gerald H. Pollack
(Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Molecular Bioengineering)
15:30 Break (30minutes)
<Education and World of Mind>
Chair : Tomoko Murase
(School of Nursing, University of KinDai Himeji, Psychiatric Nursing)
16:00 Rebuilding of Moral and Education
Kazuo Nishimura
(Research Institute of Economics, Kyoto University, Complex Systems Sciences of Economics)
The Surface and Depth of Consciousness−Depths as a Common Ground
Tadashi Nishihira
(Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Human Education)
Outside World Versus Inside World
Carl Becker
(Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University, Moral Philosophy)
17:30 Close

October 16 (Sunday), 2011

9:30 Opening
Chair : Arno Suzuki (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, International Education)
<Science of Complex Systems>
Chair : Akihiro Sato (Graduate School of Informatics, Information Science)
10:00 A viewpoint for emergence of a system
Hideyuki Nakashima
(Future University Hakodate, President)
Web as a new framework for understanding the mind
Takashi Ikegami
(Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Complex Systems Sciences)
Communicating brains: Is it origin of mind?
Ichiro Tsuda
(Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, Complex Brain Sciences)
11:30 Lunch (90minutes)
<Environment and Health Effects>
Chair : Kazuyoshi Yoshimura (Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univeristy)
13:00 Fragmentation of Science & Technology, and Perspectives for Sustainability
Masumi Yamamuro
(Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, Biological and Geological Chemistry)
13:30 Biological effect of environmental electromagnetic field
Tsuyoshi Hondou
(Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Physics)
Hidetake Miyata
(Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Biophysics)
Masami Ishido
(National Institute for Environmental Studies, Environmental Sciences)
14:00 Health effects of DNA damage
Kiyoshi Miyagawa
(Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine, University of Tokyo)
14:30 Break (30minutes)
<Science and Communication>
Chair : Terufumi Ohno (Kyoto University Museum, Director, Kyoto University)
15:00 “Science Communication” as a link between science and society−Personal Background and Current Situations
Hiromi Yokoyama
(Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo)
15:30 Solar Activity and Space Weather
Kazunari Shibata
(Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Director, Kyoto University)
16:00 Close
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