Summer Institute 2011 (Cosmology & String)


Summer Institute 2011 is the fourth summer workshop at Fuji-Yoshida for cosmologists and string theorists. The aim of this workshop is to provide an occasion where the researchers from the two areas gather at a single place to initiate an intensive and systematic research on various topics of their common interest. It is sponsored by the Grant-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research "Superstring Theory and Creation of Universe" (project #19GS0219, Principal Investigator: Tohru Eguchi).

The workshop takes place at a seminar house in Fuji-Yoshida city, one of the most popular summer resorts in Japan at the foot of Mt. Fuji. The place has a panoramic view of the mountain as well as an extensive lawn suitable for sports and recreational activities. We hope the calm and refreshing environment will help concentrating on the research and facilitate discussions of people from different areas in physics.

[leaflet for participants]


3-12 August, 2011


Seminar House "Fuji Calm"
Human Resource Development Center
Araya 1400, Fuji-Yoshida, Yamanashi 403-0006, JAPAN
tel: +81-555-22-5156, fax: +81-555-23-7988



Rooms and meals are reserved for the registered participants by the organizer. Please note that, since the number of bedrooms available for our workshop is limited, we may ask most participants to share twin rooms during the joint session and other days with many participants.
You can also apply for the financial support through the registration form. Please note that the amount of financial support is decided by the organizers and may not cover the whole travel expense of the participant.


day morning afternoon evening
Aug 03 (Wed) cosmology session T. Matsubara
Aug 04 (Thu) T. Chiba
Tsu. Kobayashi (I)
Tsu. Kobayashi (II)
S. Mizuno
S. Tsujikawa
A. De Felice
Aug 05 (Fri) Ta. Kobayashi
Y. Sekino
S. Kuroyanagi
M. Lake
Y. Urakawa
Aug 06 (Sat) N. Kanda joint session T. Takahashi
Aug 07 (Sun) T. Higaki
K. Nakayama
S. Tomizawa
T. Houri
BBQ party
Aug 08 (Mon) M. Yamaguchi
T. Azeyanagi
T. Kawano (I)
T. Eguchi
Aug 09 (Tue) group photo
T. Kawano (II)
string session
S. Moriyama
Y. Hatsuda
Aug 10 (Wed) K. Ito T. Kimura
N. Ogawa
Aug 11 (Thu) H. Kanno
K. Hori (I)
K. Hori (II)
Aug 12 (Fri) M. Yamazaki
T. Nishinaka

See the programme of talks and slides

Speakers and Talk Titles ([E]:English / [J]:Japanese):

Cosmology Session(8/3--8/6)
Takeshi Chiba (Nihon Univ.) [E] Constancy of the Constants of Nature: Update
Nobuyuki Kanda (Osaka City Univ.) [E] Status of LCGT and the Prospect of Gravitational Wave Observation
Takeshi Kobayashi (RESCEU) [E] Aspects of D-Brane Inflation in String Cosmology
Tsutomu Kobayashi (Kyoto Univ.) [E] Galileon Cosmology
Sachiko Kuroyanagi (ICRR) [E] Gravitational waves from inflation
Takahiko Matsubara (Nagoya Univ.) [E] The Lagrangian resummation theory
Yasuhiro Sekino (KEK) [E] Topics in eternal inflation
Joint Session(8/6--8/9)
Tatsuo Azeyanagi (RIKEN) [J] Kerr/CFT correspondence and its extensions
Tohru Eguchi (YITP) [J] Physics around Eguchi-Hanson's solution
Tetsutaro Higaki (DESY) [J] Moduli stabilization and supersymmetry breaking for string phenomenology
Tsuyoshi Houri (Osaka City Univ.) [J] Hidden Symmetry of Supergravity Black Holes
Teruhiko Kawano (Univ. of Tokyo) [J] F-theory and Grand Unification
Kazunori Nakayama (Univ. of Tokyo) [J] Phenomenological Aspects of Polonyi/Moduli Problem
Tomo Takahashi (Saga Univ.) [J] Cosmology of moduli
Shinya Tomizawa (KEK) [J] General Black Hole Solutions in 5d SUGRA
Masahide Yamaguchi (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) [J] Variation of fundamental constants
String Session(8/9--8/12)
Yasuyuki Hatsuda   (Yukawa Inst.)  [J] Entanglement Entropy and Holography
Kentaro Hori   (IPMU)  [J] Introduction to linear sigma models
Katsushi Ito   (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)  [J] Gluon Scattering Amplitudes and Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz
Hiroaki Kanno   (Nagoya Univ.)  [J] Instanton partition function with a general surface operator
Masahito Yamazaki   (Princeton Univ.)  [J] Three-Dimensional SUSY Gauge Theories and Hyperbolic Geometry


Cosmology part:
Masahiro Kawasaki (ICRR), Hideo Kodama (KEK), Kei-ichi Maeda (Waseda U), Shinji Mukohyama (IPMU), Misao Sasaki (YITP), Tetsuya Shiromizu (Kyoto U), Jiro Soda (Kyoto U), Fuminobu Takahashi (IPMU), Takahiro Tanaka (YITP), Jun-ichi Yokoyama (RESCEU)

String theory part:
Tohru Eguchi (YITP), Masashi Hamanaka (Nagoya U), Koji Hashimoto (RIKEN), Kazuo Hosomichi (YITP), Yosuke Imamura (TITECH), Teruhiko Kawano (U of Tokyo), Yuji Okawa (U of Tokyo), Shigeki Sugimoto (IPMU), Tadashi Takayanagi (IPMU), Satoshi Yamaguchi (Osaka U)


Inquiries on scientific matters:
Kazuo Hosomichi  <>
Shinji Mukohyama  <>

Other inquiries (accomodation, support etc.):
Atsuko Numata, secretary  <>


Summer Institute 2008(Cosmology & String) (2008/8/3-13 @Fuji-Yoshida)
Summer Institute 2009(Cosmology & String) (2009/8/3-13 @Fuji-Yoshida)
Summer Institute 2010(Cosmology & String) (2010/8/4-14 @Fuji-Yoshida)
Superstring and the Universe I (2008/2/11-13 @Onomichi)
Superstring and the Universe II (2009/2/18-20 @Kinosaki)
Superstring and the Universe III (2010/2/18-20 @Kinosaki)
Superstring and the Universe IV (2011/2/17-19 @Hakone)
Creative Scientific Research "Superstring Theory and Creation of Universe"