鈴木 博 (九州大学):"グラディエントフロー厳密くりこみ群"
K. ウィルソンにより創始された厳密くりこみ群は、スケール変換の元での物理系の応答を系統的に捉える枠組みである。特にこの厳密くりこみ群は場の量子論を(摂動論を越えた範囲でも)定式化する意味で極めて重要である。しかしながら通常の厳密くりこみ群は運動量切断を用いて定式化されるため、素粒子理論で基本的であるゲージ対称性を明白に保つことができない。ここでは我々が近年提唱しているグラディエントフロー厳密くりこみ群を紹介する。この定式化は運動量切断の代わりにゲージ共変な拡散方程式(グラディエントフロー方程式)を用いることで、明白なゲージ対称性を保つ点に特徴がある。もし可能であれば、さらにこの定式化のカイラルアノマリーへの応用を議論したい。
青木 匠門 (大阪大学):"Curved domain-wall fermion and its anomaly inflow"
藤 陽平 (東京大学):"Bridging three-dimensional coupled-wire models and cellular topological states"
Three-dimensional (3d) gapped topological phases with fractional excitations are divided into two subclasses: One has topological order with point-like and loop-like excitations fully mobile in the 3d space, and the other has fracton order with point-like excitations constrained in lower-dimensional subspaces. These exotic phases are often studied by exactly solvable Hamiltonians made of commuting projectors, which, however, are not capable of describing those with chiral gapless surface states. Here we introduce a systematic way, based on cellular construction recently proposed for 3d topological phases, to construct another type of exactly solvable models in terms of coupled quantum wires with given inputs of cellular structure, two-dimensional Abelian topological order, and their gapped interfaces. We show that our models can describe both 3d topological and fracton orders and even their hybrid and study their universal properties such as quasiparticle statistics and topological ground-state degeneracy.
深谷 英則 (大阪大学):"What is chiral susceptibility probing?"
JLQCD共同研究では、メビウスドメインウォールフェルミオン作用を用いて高温QCDのシミュレーションを行なっている。さらに、ゲージ配位を再重みつけ法でオーバーラップフェルミオンに変更、厳密なカイラル対称性を持つ作用を用いてQCD相転移の研究を進めている。本発表では、カイラル感受率に関する最新結果について報告する。カイラル凝縮およびカイラル感受率はSU(2)_L X SU(2)_R対称性の秩序変数としてQCDの相転移の研究に用いられてきた。しかし、私たちの研究により、そのシグナルが、相転移と一見無関係のaxial U(1) 量子異常による寄与で占められていることがわかった。この事実はQCDの相構造にU(1)量子異常が深く関わっていることを示唆する。
鈴木 恒雄 (大阪大学核物理研究センター):"A gauge-invariant mechansim of color confinement in QCD due to monopoles coming from violation of non-Abelian Bianchi identity"
A new gauge-invariant color confinement scheme is proposed due to Abelian-like monopoles of the Dirac type corresponding in the continuum limit to violation of the non-Abelian Bianchi identities (VNABI). The simulations done without any additional gauge-fixing show for the first time, in pure SU(3) and SU2, (1) the perfect Abelian dominance , (2) the perfect monopole and (3) Abelian dual Meissner effect. .Existence of the continuum limit with respect to the monopole density is shown beautifully with the help of the block-spin transformation of monopoles and four (SU2) and two (SU3) different smoothing gauges. No gauge dependence is seen among smooth gauges adopted. These results are consistent with the new Abelian picture of color confinement that each one of eight colored electric flux is squeezed by the corresponding colored Abelian-like monopole of the Dirac type corresponding to VNABI.
渡邉 真隆 (京大基研):"Lattice, Boundary, and Anomaly"
I am going to argue that the non-vanishing gravitational anomaly in 2D CFT obstructs the existence of the lattice regularization, generalizing the Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem. I will also argue for the non-existence of the tensor product structure of the Hilbert space in such anomalous CFTs. I will also generalise the theorem to 6D. I might comment on the consequence of the theorem to the computation of entanglement entropy or quantum gravity through AdS/CFT. I will conclude with future directions, touching upon the Villain construction as a counterexample to the global symmetry version of the Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem. I might be able to give you an explicit construction of boundary conditions of the Villain lattice with various preserved symmetry at the boundary.