
Organization of workshops, schools, etc.

2025 (currently 7 events)

  1. 2025 East Asian Joint Workshop on Fields and Strings,
    December?, OIST
  2. YITP long-term workshop "Progress of Theoretical Bootstrap",
    27th Oct.-28th Nov., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
  3. 基研研究会「場の理論と弦理論2025」,
    28th Jul.-1st Aug. Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
  4. Kyushu IAS-iTHEMS conference: Non-perturbative methods in QFT,
    10th-14th Mar., Kyushu University
  5. Asymptotics in Astrophysics iTHEMS Workshop,
    25th-28th Feb., RIKEN Kobe campus
  6. The 19th Asian Winter School on Strings, Particles and Cosmology,
    13th-22nd Jan., Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (as a course organizer)
  7. Theoretical Physics seminars at RIKEN iTHEMS (regular events)

2024 (6 events)

  1. 場の理論の新しい計算方法2024,
    17th-20th Dec., Tokyo Univeresity Komaba II campus
  2. KEK-iTHEMS Workshop "High Energy Physics in the Quantum Era",
    2nd-4th Dec., KEK
  3. Generalized symmetries in QFT 2024,
    30th Sep.-4th Oct., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
  4. 基研研究会「場の理論と弦理論2024」,
    5th-9th Aug., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
  5. iTHEMS-YITP Workshop: Bootstrap, Localization and Holography,
    20th-24th May, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (halfly chair)
  6. Theoretical Physics Seminars at RIKEN iTHEMS (regular events)

2023 (6 events)

  1. The 18th Kavli Asian Winter School on Strings, Particles and Cosmology,
    5th-14th Dec., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (as Local Organization Committee)
  2. 場の理論の新しい計算方法2023,
    10th-13th Oct., Osaka Univeresity
  3. 基研研究会「場の理論と弦理論2023」,
    4th-10th Aug., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
  4. CCP 2023,
    4th-8th Aug., Kobe International Conference Center (as Invitation Committee)
  5. Third "Extreme Universe" School,
    13th-17th Feb., Nagoya University + zoom
  6. Elementary Particle Seminars at YITP (regular events)

2022 (6 events)

  1. 場の理論の新しい計算方法2022,
    12th-16th Sep., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
  2. 基研研究会「場の理論と弦理論2022」,
    19th-23rd Aug., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
  3. 第2回 極限宇宙スクール,
    July, zoom
  4. 第1回 極限宇宙スクール,
    3rd-5th Mar., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
  5. 西宮湯川理論物理学ワークショップ YITP 国内モレキュール型研究会「場の理論の量子計算2022」,
    21st Feb.-4th Mar., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
  6. Elementary Particle Seminars at YITP (regular events)

2021 (5 events)

  1. KIAS-YITP Joint Workshop 2021 "String Theory and Quantum Gravity",
    13th-16th Dec., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics +zoom
  2. East Asia Joint Symposium on Fields and Strings 2021,
    22nd-27th Nov., Osaka City University +zoom
  3. YITP Workshop "Strings and Fields 2021",
    23rd-27th Aug., Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
  4. YITP workshop "Quantum computing for quantum field theories",
    5th-8th Jan., zoom
  5. Elementary Particle Seminars at YITP (regular events)

2020 (2 events)

  1. YITP Workshop "Strings and Fields 2020",
    16th-20th Nov., zoom
  2. Elementary Particle Seminars at YITP (regular events)