Yukawa International Molecule Workshop / EMMI Program

Renormalization Group Approach
from Ultra Cold Atoms to the Hot QGP

Bose-Einstein Condensate
BEC picture from NIST
August 22 -- September 9, 2011
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics
HIC picture from BNL

-- From secretary --
The first thing you do at Yukawa Institute (YITP): When you first come to YITP, please proceed to the Secretariat Desk. We will hand you a workshop kit, keys (your office key and a card key) and other stuffs. The location and opening hours of the Desk are:
Secretariat Desk: K106 in Research Building.
Opening hours: 10:00-12:00, 13:00-16:00 (Mon.-Fri)

* Note that those who only participate in the symposium week (Aug.29 to Sep. 2) do not have to go to the secretariat office because desks are not assinged to those symposium participants.

Some of the most interesting physics problems currently under investigation are strongly correlated systems both in and (far) out of equilibrium. A quantitative and even qualitative understanding of such strongly correlated systems requires the application of methods that encompass the description of (non-perturbative) strong correlations and critical phenomena, dynamical aspects as well as being applicable at different length, momentum and time scales and a possibly related change of the relevant degrees of freedom. Among various methods the most tailor-made one for these challenges is the renormalization group in its modern, functional, formulation. This workshop aims at encouraging interdisciplinary and integrated discussions based on the renormalization group.

The main topics will include: We plan to have an intense week (August 29 -- September 2) with 20 talks (4 per day) during the workshop and most of the rest of the time is reserved for discussions. Participants are invited to stay for a longer period (1-3 weeks with a working desk, an access to the printer and internet facilities supplied).

You can find the list of the confirmed speakers at the Participants page.

We look forward to having fruitful discussions in Kyoto, Japan!

Jean-Paul Blaizot (Saclay)
Kenji Fukushima (Keio U.)
Taichiro Kugo (YITP)
Teiji Kunihiro (Kyoto U.)
Jan M. Pawlowski (Heidelberg U.)
Christof Wetterich (Heidelberg U.)

Contact us at the email address: rg-qgp@yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp