- A. Andronic (GSI, Germany)
Hadron production at chemical freeze-out and the QCD phase diagram
- K.-I. Aoki (Kanazawa U, Japan)
- J. Berges (Darmstadt U of Tech, Germany)
Universality far from Equilibrium
- J.-P. Blaizot (Saclay, France)
- N. Bratovic (TUM, Germany)
- B. Delamotte (Paris U., France)
Non-perturbative renormalization analysis of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
- M. Drews (TUM, Germany)
- S. Floerchinger (CERN, Switzerland)
Turbulent fluctuations in heavy ion collisions
- K. Fukushima (Keio U, Japan)
- M. Grahl (Frankfurt, Germany)
Study of the two-flavor linear sigma model in presence of the axial anomaly with the Functional Renormalization Group
- K. Harada (Kyusyu U, Japan)
A Wilsonian view on the nuclear effective field theory
- K. Hebeler (Ohio State U, USA)
New Applications of Renormalization Group Methods in Nuclear Physics
- Y. Igarashi (Niigata U, Japan)
Realization of symmetries and reduction of the Polchinski equations in the ERG
- A. Ipp (Vienna UT, Austria)
Scalar theory pressure beyond the local potential approximation
- E. Itou (Osaka U, Japan)
Infrared fixed point for many flavor SU(N) gauge theory
- K. Itoh (Niigata U, Japan)
Anomalies in the ERG Approach
- S. Jochim (Heidelberg U, Germany)
Few-body physics with ultracold fermions
- B. Klein (TUM, Germany)
Chiral symmetry breaking and finite-volume effects
- K.-I. Kondo (Chiba U, Japan)
Understanding the entanglement between confinement and chiral-symmetry-breaking from QCD
- P. Kopietz (Frankfurt, Germany)
Non-equilibrium time evolution of bosons from the functional renormalization group
- H. Kubo (Saga, Japan)
- T. Kugo (YITP, Japan)
- T. Kunihiro (Kyoto U, Japan)
RG derivation of relativistic hydrodynamic equations as the infrared dynamics of Boltzmann equation
- D. Litim (Sussex U, GB)
- M. Mitter (Graz U, Austria)
- T. Mukaiyama (U of Electro-Comm, Japan)
Universal thermodynamics of a unitary Fermi gas
- B. Nowak (Heidelberg U, Germany)
Nonthermal fixed points in turbulent Bose gases
- J. Pawlowski (Heidelberg U, Germany)
- M. Pietroni (INFN, Italy)
Coarse-graining and resummation of cosmological perturbations
- F. Saueressig (Mainz U, Germany)
Asymptotically safe gravity -- From Euclidean to Lorentzian signature
- B.-J. Schaefer (Graz U, Austria)
With the FRG towards the QCD phase diagram
- R. Schmidt (TUM, Germany)
Renormalization group flow of spectral functions for ultracold quantum gases
- M. Scherer (Aachen U, Germany)
Finite-size and particle-number effects in an ultracold Fermi gas at unitarity
- V. Skokov (GSI, Germany)
QCD phase diagram with fluctuations of conserved charges
- H. Sonoda (Kobe U, Japan)
Universality of ERG formalism, revisited
- G. Tarjus (Paris U VI-VII, France)
Nonperturbative functional RG for disordered systems: the case of the random-field Ising model
- H. Terao (Nara Women's U, Japan)
Non-perturbative beta functions and scaling laws in QCD with many quark flavors
- M. Tezuka (Kyoto U, Japan)
One-dimensional Fermi gases: Density-matrix renormalization group study of ground state properties and dynamics
- N. Xu (LBNL, USA)
High-energy nuclear collisions and the QCD phase structure