Welcome to the 2019 YITP Asian-Pacific Winter School and Workshop on Gravitation and Cosmology, February 11 - February 15, 2019 at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto, Japan
In the past General Relativity was investigated mainly as a branch of mathematical physics but now is recognized in cosmology and astrophysics as an indispensable theoretical framework. The discovery of the black hole solution dates back to 1916 soon after the discovery of general relativity. Since then, the studies of black hole physics, such as Hawking emission, black hole entropy, the elucidation of the properties of the black hole using the global geometry, have been developed continuously. In recent years, many new families of higher-dimensional black hole solutions have been discovered, and their properties have been clarified. In addition to that, gravitational waves have been discovered by the advanced LIGO, which opened up a new way to probe gravity.
To promote research and education in gravity and cosmology in the Asian-Pacific region, since 2007, we had a series of school and workshop on gravitation and cosmology. These schools and workshops have been regarded to be very successful. Many young students and post docs got chances to reach the frontiers through the lectures of experts in those fields, and researchers got introduced to each other and got opportunities to start collaborations. This school/workshop is a continuation of this series.
The school/workshop consists of two parts: lectures by invited lecturers and presentations by participants. Topics covered by the school/workshop are as follows.
- Gravitational waves
- Numerical relativity
- Black hole physics
- Cosmic microwave background
- Inflationary universe
- Dark matter and dark energy
- String cosmology
- Quantum gravity
Invited Lecturers
- Luc Blanchet (IAP) "Gravitational waves from post-Newtonian sources"
- Gary Gibbons (Cambridge) "Symmetries of Gravitational Waves and some comments about the memory effect"
- Veronika Hubeny (UC Davis) "AdS/CFT for GR students"
- Kenta Kiuchi (YITP/Max Planck) "Frontiers in numerical relativity"
- Enrico Pajer (Cambridge) "Aspects of Cosmological Symmetry"