
The final program can be found here.


Presentation style

We are planning to record all talks for the sake of remote participants from various time zones. Please pay careful attention to Copyright Law when you create slides. Only the registered participants can access videos.

Invited and contributed talks including discussion sessions will be live streamed during regular working hours in Japan. The program will be scheduled by JST, and we will put all the talks from US time zone in the early morning, and those from other places in the afternoon.

``Poster'' sessions will be done with recorded videos or slides without a video, and separate discussion sessions will be provided together. Each video talk is supposed to be about 15 minutes. More details will be announced later.

The plenary sessions and parallel a, and posters are done by Zoom main. The poster is done by breakout rooms of Zoom. The parallel b is done by another Zoom. Discussion sessions in the evening (JST) are by Remo. All the talks (not posters) will be recorded and made available as soon as possible.[new]



The excellent presentation awards will be given to a few young researchers who deliver the best presentation at ERG2020. Candidates are automatically nominated upon registration. The presentation awards are sponsored by Universe.


We are pleased to announce the laureates for the excellent presentation awards, which are given to 3 oral presenters and 1 poster presenter. Congratulations to their excellent talks!

Manuel Reichert (Sussex)

"Electroweak baryogenesis: Linking gravitational waves to the Higgs-self coupling"

Takeru Yokota (Tokyo)

"Density functional theory for electron systems by the aid of functional renormalization group"

Steven Mathey (Cologne)

"Activating new universality with the Kibble-Zurek mechanism"

Takuya Shimazaki (Tokyo)

"'t Hooft anomaly in functional renormalization group" (poster)