Advanced Future Studies (AFS) Seminar (1)

Towards wonder of universe and mind

  • Date:Thursday, April 28, 2016. 17:00-19:00
  • Venue:Panasonic Hall, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
  • Fee: Free
  • Registration: No Registration Needed
  • Contact:Masatoshi Murase (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics) / future (at)



Time Speaker Theme
17:00 – 17:40 Prof. Misao Sasaki
Direcor of Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Chair of International Research Unit of Advanced Future Studies, Kyoto University
Gravitational Wave Astronomy -The Dawn has Arrived!
17:40 – 18:20 Prof. Toshio Kawai
Professor, Kokoro Reserch Center, Kyoto University
Psychological transformation and universe
18:20 – 19:00 Discussion The direct detection of gravitational waves was done in the last September for the first time in the history of mankind. Here I will discuss the impacts of this new astronomy, gravitational wave astronomy, which, triggered by this discovery, is expected to be advanced substantially in the coming years.