School on Dynamics of Quantum Field Theories and Machine Learning ; Dec. 5 (Tue) - Dec. 9 (Sat)


David Gross (KITP, UCSB;Online Special Lecture) [Click to show abstract]
"Fifty Years of Quantum Chromodynamics (The Theory of The Strong Nuclear Force)"
Sergei Gukov (Caltech)[Lecture Material]
"Topology and Physics and AI: New Bridges"
Igor Klebanov (Princeton)[Lecture Material]
"1+1 Dimensional Gauge Theories Coupled to Fermions: Continuum and Lattice Approaches"
Domenico Orlando (INFN Torino)[Lecture Material]
"Large-charge Expansions in QFT"
Ana-Maria Raclariu (U Amsterdam)[Lecture Material]
"Asymptotic symmetries and celestial holography"

The video for the lectures are available from this link.


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List of Poster Session Presentations (Dec. 6, 18:00-)

Slides used in Gongshow


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