

Slides are available upon request to AT .

2025 (currently 3 talks)

  1. "???",
    Asymptotics in Astrophysics iTHEMS Workshop, ??th Feb. (invited)
  2. "初期宇宙解明に向けた量子アルゴリズム開発基盤の創成",
    さきがけ量子情報処理領域領域公開シンポジウム(令和6年度成果報告会), 6th Feb. (public)
  3. "???",
    Sight visit of JST CREST "Exploring Quantum Frontiers Through Quantum-Classical Interdisciplinary Fusion", 6th Jan. (internal)

2025 (29 talks)

  1. "Introduction to Fracton Topological Phases",
    Tutorial talk in Extreme Universe circular meeting (by Team D), 23rd Dec. (zoom)
  2. "Application of Quantum Computation to Quantum FIeld Theory",
    Seminar @Saitama University, 19th, Dec.
  3. "Research of the Honda Team",
    CREST HEPQC Kickoff Meeting, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, 13th, Dec. (invited)
  4. "???",
    The 11th meeting of JST Sakigake "Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing", 26th Nov. (internal)
  5. "Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology",
    East Asian Joint Workshop on Fields and strings, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ?th, Nov. (invited)
  6. "量子コンピュータで宇宙の始まりを探る",
    RIKEN Open day lectures, 5th Oct. (outreach)
  7. "Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology: no-boundary saddles and resummation of quantum gravity corrections around tunneling saddles",
    The 4th Extreme Universe Meeting, 28th, Sep.
  8. "Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology: no-boundary saddles and resummation of quantum gravity corrections around tunneling saddles",
    KIAS Korea-France Joint Workshop, KIAS, Seoul, 25th, Sep. (invited)
  9. "JT gravity with matter on quantum computer",
    QuantHEP 2024, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, 4th, Sep. (invited)
  10. "Digital Quantum Simulation for Energy Spectroscopy of Schwinger Model",
    XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Cairns, Australia 22nd, Aug. (invited)
  11. "???",
    iTHEMS Now & Next, 19th, Jul. (poster)
  12. "JT gravity with matter on quantum computer",
    Seminar @Nihon University, 5th, Jul. (online)
  13. "JT gravity with matter on quantum computer",
    Holography in Beijing 2024, 3rd, Jul. (invited)
  14. "量子コンピュータをつかってみよう"
    Lectures on quantum computation for low year undergraduate students, Tokyo University & Kyoto University, 19th & 26th, Jun. (2 lectures, online)
  15. "Quantum computation and Quantum field theory",
    Joint N3AS-iTHEMS meetings on quantum information science in multi-messenger astrophysics, 17th June (internal)
  16. "???",
    Sight visit of JST Sakigake "Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing", 14th June (internal)
  17. "理論物理学者の一例",
    a lecture on high energy physics and theoretical physicist for undergraduate students on politics, Kokugakuin University, 13th, Jun.
  18. "???",
    The 10th meeting of JST Sakigake "Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing", 17th May (internal)
  19. "Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology: no-boundary saddles and resummation of quantum gravity corrections around tunneling saddles",
    Resurgence and Modularity in QFT and String Theory, Galileo Galilei Institute, Italy 29th, Apr. (invited)
  20. "Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology: no-boundary saddles and resummation of quantum gravity corrections around tunneling saddles",
    Seminar @OIST, 19th, Apr.
  21. "量子計算と場の量子論",
    KEK 素核研物構研 連携研究会 2024, KEK, 25th, Mar. (invited)
  22. "Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity with matter on quantum computer",
    Towards quantum simulation of gauge/gravity duality and lattice gauge theory, Queen Mary University of London, UK, 5th, Mar. (invited)
  23. "Application of Quantum Computation to High Energy Physics",
    HOLOGRAPHY, STRINGS AND OTHER FUN THINGS, IIT Kanpur, India, 12th, Feb. (invited)
  24. "Resummation of Perturbative Series & Resurgence in Quantum Field Theory",
    Seminar @IIT Kharagpur, India, 9th, Feb.
  25. "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
    Seminar @IIT Kharagpur, India, 7th, Feb.
  26. "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
    Seminar @Harish-Chandra Research Institute, India, 5th, Feb.
  27. "Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology: no-boundary saddles and resummation of quantum gravity corrections around tunneling saddles",
    Non-perturbative methods in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, India, 1st, Feb.(invited)
  28. "対称性について",
    informal talk to math people @iTHEMS, 25th, Jan.(informal)
  29. "Non-invertible symmetry with gravity",
    Seminar @Tokyo University (RESCEU), 22nd, Jan.

2023 (23 talks)

  1. "Resurgence: making sense out of non-convergent series",
    iTHEMS Coffee Meeting, 15th, Dec.
  2. "Phases of 5d non-supersymmetric field theories from 5d SCFTs",
    Seminar @Tokyo University (Hongo), 20th, Nov.
  3. "???",
    The 9th meeting of JST Sakigake "Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing", ?th Nov.
  4. "量子計算の場の量子論への応用について",
    Tensor Nerwork 2023,Tsukuba University, 15th, Nov. (invited)
  5. "Application of Quantum Computation to High Energy Physics",
    KEK-PH 2023, 10th, Nov. (invited)
  6. "Phases of 5d non-supersymmetric field theories from 5d SCFTs",
    14th Taiwan String Workshop, Kaoshiung, ?th, Nov. (invited)
  7. "Quantum simulation of energy spectrum in quantum field theory",
    LBNL-UTokyo Quantum Computing Workshop, Tokyo University, 30th, Oct. (invited)
  8. "???",
    さきがけ研究者交流会, 20th, Oct. (poster & short presentation)
  9. "Resurgence and Exact results in Supersymmetric gauge theories",
    OIST's Visiting Programs "Exact Asymptotics: From Fluid Dynamics to Quantum Geometry", 18th, Oct. (invited)
  10. "量子コンピュータで宇宙の始まりを探る",
    会いに行ける科学者フェス, Akihabara UDX, Japan, 7th, Oct. (outreach, poster)
  11. "Quantum Error Correction and Gauge Theory",
    Quantum Information, Quantum Matter and Quantum Gravity, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, 15th, Sep.
  12. "量子計算の素粒子物理学への応用について",
    PPP 2023, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, ?th, Aug. (invited)
  13. "Quantum phase transition & Resurgence: Lessons from 3d N=4 SQED",
    OIST's Visiting Programs "Exact Asymptotics: From Fluid Dynamics to Quantum Geometry", 22nd, Aug. (invited)
  14. "Relations between quantum error correction and gauge theory",
    Lattice 2023, Fermi Laboratory, 3rd, Aug.
  15. "Intensive lectures on quantum computation",
    Niigata University, Japan, 5th-8th, Jul. (invited)
  16. "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
    Seminar @Osaka University, 27th, Jun.
  17. "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
    Quantum Computing, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model, IQuS Washington University, 12th, Jun. (invited)
  18. "???",
    The 8th meeting of JST Sakigake "Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing", 23rd May
  19. "Intensive lectures on quantum computation",
    Tokyo University, Japan, 17th-19th, Apr. (9 lecture, invited)
  20. "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
    Seminar @Quantum information group of Ruhr Univesitat Bochum, 29th, Mar.
  21. "量子計算と行列量子力学",
    JSPS Spring meeting 2023 Symposium "Quantum computation and Particle Physics", 25th, Mar.(invited, zoom)
  22. "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
    Seminar @IFT-Madrid, 23rd, Mar.
  23. "String theory, N=4 SYM and Riemann hypothesis",
    RIKEN iTHEMS Math-phys seminar, 16th Feb.

2022 (12 talks)

  1. "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
    Cambridge University, DAMTP QFT & String seminar, 6th Oct.
  2. "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
    Durham University Math & Hep lunch seminar, 3rd Oct.
  3. "量子計算の基礎と断熱準備",
    New computational method in field theory 2022 -Summer school on quantum computation and tensor network@YITP, 12th-14th Sep. (3 lectures, invited)
  4. "Applications of Quantum computation to Quantum field theory (量子計算の場の量子論への応用)",
    The second Extreme Universe School (第2回極限宇宙スクール), 4th, 8th, 11th July (2 hours lectures x3 in Japanese, invited, zoom)
  5. "String theory, N=4 SYM and Riemann hypothesis",
    Seminar @Nagoya University, 21st June
  6. "???",
    The 6th meeting of JST Sakigake "Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing", 26th May (zoom)
  7. "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
    Numerical Methods in Theoretical Physics 2022@APCTP, 20th May (invited, zoom while the workshop is hybrid)
  8. "String theory, N=4 SYM and Riemann hypothesis",
    Seminar @Tokyo Institute of Technology, 18th May (Zoom)
  9. "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model",
    National Taiwan University Seminar, 29th Apr. (Webex)
  10. "Towards Quantum Simulation of "Extreme Universe"",
    Extreme Universe circular meeting (by Team D), 26th Apr. (zoom)
  11. "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model",
    Nishinomiya-Yukawa memorial theoretical physics workshop: Quantum computing for quantum field theories 2022@YITP, 24th Feb. (invited, hybrid, YITP 国内モレキュール型研究会「場の理論の量子計算2022」のプログラムの一部)
  12. "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
    Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications (TNSAA) 2021-2022 Online Workshop, 19th Jan. (invited, zoom)

2021 (18 talks)

  1. "とある理論物理学者の研究ライフ",
    サイエンスキャッスル2021関西大会 企画"きかせて先輩!大学での研究ライフ", 大阪明星学園, 19th, Dec. (outreach)
  2. "Quantum Computation and Quantum Field Theory",
    Nagoya University Tagen Danwakai, 1st, Dec. (hybrid)
  3. "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term",
    East Asia Joint Symposium on Fields and Strings 2021, 24th, Nov. (invited, hybrid)
  4. "Development of quantum algorithms for early universe",
    The 5th meeting of JST Sakigake ``Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing", 18th, Nov. (zoom)
  5. "My journey as a researcher",
    SOKENDAI Student day 2021, 15th, Nov. (invited, zoom)
  6. "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term",
    the 79th Tokyo Institute of Technology Quantum Physics and Nano science special seminar, 11th, Oct. (zoom)
  7. "Intensive lectures on quantum computation",
    Kanazawa University, Japan, 27th-29th, Sep.
  8. "Intensive lectures on balck hole microstate counting",
    Chu-bu summer school, Japan, 8th-10th, Sep. (zoom)
  9. "Intensive lectures on quantum computation",
    Meiji University, Japan, 17th-20th, Aug.
  10. "Lectures and tutorials on quantum computation",
    INT Summer School on Problem Solving in Lattice QCD, 13th and 14th, July (invited, zoom)
  11. "Lecture and Hands-on on quantum computation",
    11th HPC-Phys meeing, Japan, 10th and 11th, Jun. (invited, zoom)
  12. "On Adiabatic State Preparation of Vacuum",
    Quantum Simulation Study Group, 13th, May (zoom)
  13. "Digital quantum simulation for screening & confinement in gauge theory with a topological term",
    YITP particle theory group debrief meeting, 7th, May (hybrid)
  14. "Quantum phase transition & Resurgence: Lessons from 3d N=4 SQED",
    Randomness, Integrability and Representation Theory in Quantum Field Theory 2021, @NITEP and OCAMI, 23rd, Mar. (invited, hyrbrid)
  15. "Possible applications of quantum computation to High Energy Physics",
    Recent progress in theoretical physics based on quantum information theory, 4th, Mar. (invited, zoom)
  16. "Quantum simulations of gauge/string/M-theory via matrix quantum mechanics",
    KEK Theory Center Seminar, 2nd, Feb. (zoom)
  17. "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger model with Topological term",
    KEK Theory Center Seminar, 2nd, Feb. (zoom)
  18. "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
    Quantum computing for quantum field theories, 5th, Jan. (invited, zoom)

2020 (20 talks)

  1. "Anomalies, Black hole entropy and Quantum computation",
    CGP internal workshop @YITP Center for Gravitational Physics, 15th, Dec. (hybrid)
  2. "Introduction to Quantum Computation for Particle Physicists",
    Ouuestsu Particle Theory Workshop(奥羽越素粒子論研究会), 13th and 14th, Dec. (invited, lectures by zoom, Japanese, 3 hours)
  3. "Possible applications of quantum computation to High Energy Physics",
    Online 2020 NTU-Kyoto high energy physics workshop co-hosted by National Taiwan University and Kyoto University, 2nd, Dec. (invited, zoom)
  4. "Recent progress on five dimensional quantum field theory",
    Joint workshop between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Ibaraki University, 7th and 8th, Nov. (invited, black board lectures via zoom, 6 hours)
  5. "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
    Seminar @Shinshu University, 7th, Oct. (zoom, Japanese)
  6. "Black hole microstate counting and Picard-Lefschetz theory",
    Potential Toolkit to Attack Nonperturbative Aspects of QFT - Resurgence and related topics - @YITP, 25th, Sep. (invited, zoom)
  7. "Introduction to Quantum Computation for Particle Physicists",
    APCTP workshop "Quantum Matter and Quantum Information with Holography", 23rd and 30th, Aug. (invited, lectures by zoom, 3 hours)
  8. "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Theta Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
    Asia-Pacific Symposium for Lattice Field Theory (APLAT2020), 6th, Aug. (zoom)
  9. "Resummation of Perturbative Series & Resurgence in Quantum Field Theory",
    KEK-PH lecture series @KEK, 8th and 15th, July (invited, zoom, 2 hours)
  10. "Black hole microstate counting & AdS/CFT correspondence",
    Lunch seminar @YITP, 1st, July (zoom)
  11. "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
    Theoretical Physics Colloqium @Rikkyo University, 30th, June (zoom, Japanese)
  12. "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
    Entanglement Meeting @YITP, 25th, June (zoom)
  13. "Introduction to Quantum Computation for Particle Physicists (tutorial session)",
    Tutorials@Keio University, 2nd, 3rd and 9th, June (invited, zoom, Japanese, 10 hours)
  14. "Introduction to Quantum Computation for Particle Physicists",
    Lectures@Keio University, 26th-27th, May (invited, zoom, 3hours)
  15. "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
    Seminar@Tohoku University, 21st, May (zoom)
  16. "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
    Seminar@The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, China, 7th, May (zoom)
  17. "Evidence for a Non-Supersymmetric 5d CFT from Deformations of 5d SU(2) SYM",
    Seminar@Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, 17th, Apr. (hybrid)
  18. "Evidence for a Non-Supersymmetric 5d CFT from Deformations of 5d SU(2) SYM",
    Seminar@University of Southmapton, UK, 19th, Feb.
  19. "Introduction to Quantum Computation for Particle Physicists",
    Lectures@University of Southmapton, UK, 17th-18th, Feb.
  20. "Evidence for a Non-Supersymmetric 5d CFT from Deformations of 5d SU(2) SYM",
    Seminar@Milano-Biccoca, Italy, 5th, Feb.

2019 (7 talks)

  1. "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula",
    Seminar@University of Bourgogne, France, 20th, Nov.
  2. "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula",
    Seminar@Broohaven National Laboratory, 29th, Aug.
  3. "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula",
    Seminar@Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, 10th, Jun.
  4. "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula",
    Seminar@KEK Theory Center, 27th, Mar.
  5. "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula",
    Seminar@Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory, Nagoya University, 25th, Mar.
  6. "超対称場の理論におけるBorel総和可能性 (Resurgence and Exact Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories)",
    日本物理学会第74回年次大会若手奨励賞受賞記念講演@九州大学, 14th, Mar. (invited)
  7. "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula",
      Seminar@quantum gravity unit, OIST, 8th, Mar.

2018 (14 talks)

  1. "Resurgence and Exact Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories",
    HRI String seminar, 27th, Dec.
  2. "Introduction to Resurgence and Complex saddle point analysis",
    HRI String seminar, 25th, Dec.
  3. "Resurgence and Exact Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories",
      Indian Strings Meeting 2018@IISER Thiruvannanthapuram, 21st, Dec. (invited)
  4. "Resurgent and Lefschetz thimble in 3d N=2 SUSY Chern-Simons matter theory",
      Maths HEP Lunchtime Seminar @Durham University, 2nd, Nov.
  5. "Resurgence and Exact Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories",
      Quantum Fields and Strings Seminar@DAMTP, 11th, Oct.
  6. "Resurgence and Lefschetz thimble in 3d N=2 SUSY Chern-Simons matter theory",
      Theoretical Particle Physics Seminar@SISSA, 3rd, Oct.
  7. "Resurgence and Lefschetz thimble in 3d N=2 SUSY Chern-Simons matter theory",
      International Conference on Holography, String Theory and Discrete Approaches@Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, 7th, Aug. (invited)
  8. "Resurgence, complex saddles and Lefschetz thimbles",
      Strings and FIelds 2018@YITP, 3rd, Aug. (invited)
  9. "Introduction to Resurgence and Complex saddle point analysis",
    Seminar@Tokyo University, Hongo, 25th, Jul.
  10. "Introduction to Resurgence and Complex saddle point analysis",
    Seminar@Osaka University, 24th, Jul.
  11. "Cardy Formula for 4d SUSY Theories and Localization",
    Seminar@Osaka University, 17th, Jul.
  12. "Role of Complexified Supersymmetric solutions",
      Strings 2018@OIST, 25th, Jun. [gong show and poster]
  13. "Resurgence and Lefschetz thimble in 3d N=2 SUSY Chern-Simons matter theory",
      Group meeting@Weizmann Institute of Science, 4th, Jun. [black board]
  14. "Resurgent transseries and thimble decompositions in 3d N=2 SUSY Chern-Simons matter theory",
      String seminar@Lisbon University, 16th, Apr.

2017 (17 talks)

  1. "Borel resummation and perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      Joint seminars on Theoretical High Energy Physics in Israel@Newe Shalom, 21st, Nov.
  2. "Deconstructing Exact Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories",
      Resurgence in Gauge and String Theory@KITP, 31st, Oct. (invited) [slide]
  3. "Recent progress on resurgence",
      Seminar@KEK Theory Centery, 26th, Sep.
  4. "Cardy Formula for 4d SUSY Theories and Localization",
      Seminar@Fudan University, 20th, Sep.
  5. "Resummation of perturbative series and Resurgence in quantum field theory",
      Lectures@Fudan University, 18th,19th,21st, Sep. [6 hours, black board]
  6. "Cardy Formula for 4d SUSY Theories and Localization",
      日本物理学会2017年秋季大会@Utsunomiya University, 12th, Sep.
  7. "Borel resummation and Exact results in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      RIMS-iTHEMS International Workshop on Resurgence Theory@RIKEN Kobe campus, 7th, Sep. (invited)
  8. "Borel resummation and perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      Geometry of String and Gauge Theories@CERN, 21st, July (invited)
  9. "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      Strings 2017@Tel Aviv, 26th, June [poster]
  10. "Cardy Formula for 4d SUSY Theories and Localization",
      Gauge theories, supergravity and superstrings@Benasque, 16th, June (invited)
  11. "Introduction to resurgence and perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      Seminar@Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics, 2nd, May [3 hours, black board+slide]
  12. "Can we apply resurgence to QCD?",
      21st QCD club, 1st, May (invited)
  13. "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      Osaka University Particle Theory Group Seminar, 26th, Apr.
  14. "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      Kavli IPMU Math&String Seminar, 18th, Apr.
  15. "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      Komaba Particle Theory Group Seminar, 13th, Apr.
  16. "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Holography@YITP, 6th, Apr. [poster]
  17. "Cardy Formula for 4d SUSY Theories and Localization",
      Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Holography@YITP, 3rd, Apr.

2016 (8 talks)

  1. "A pedagogical introduction to my recent works on resummation of perturbative series in SUSY theories",
      Informal seminar in National Taiwan University, 2nd, Aug.
  2. "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      NCTS Summer workshop on Strings and Quantum Field Theory, 29th, July (invited)
  3. "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      KEK Theory Center seminar, 22nd, July
  4. "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      KIAS Physics seminar, 14th, July
  5. "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      Keio University Topological Science Project seminar, 11th, July
  6. "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      Nagoya University Tagen seminar, 8th, July
  7. "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
      Shizuoka University Particle theory group seminar, 6th, July
  8. "ABJ theory in the Higher Spin Limit",
      Recent Developments in M-theory @CERN, 15th, Feb. (invited) [slide]

2015 (10 talks)

  1. "Instanton effects in string/M-theory from M2-brane theories",
      Tel Aviv University High Energy Theory Seminar, 17th, Dec. [slide]
  2. "The Interpolating Function",
      KEK Theory Workshop 2015 Dec., 1st, Dec. [slide]
  3. "ABJ theory in the Higher Spin Limit",
      Komaba Particle Theory Group Seminar, 26th, Nov. [slide]
  4. "The Interpolating Function",
      Osaka University Particle Theory Group Seminar, 24th, Nov. [slide]
  5. "The Interpolating Function",
      YITP workshop 2015, 11th, Nov. [slide]
  6. "ABJ theory in the Higher Spin Limit",
      Gong show in Strings 2015@Bangalore, 24th, Jun. [slide]
  7. "Supersymmetric index on T^2 x S^2 and elliptic genus",
      Gong show in Advanced String School 2015@Bangalore, 14th, Jun. [slide]
  8. "ABJ theory in the Higher Spin Limit",
      ICTS Seminar, 12th, May [slide]
  9. "ABJ theory in the Higher Spin Limit",
      HRI String group Seminar, 5th, May [slide]
  10. "Supersymmetric index on T^2 x S^2 and elliptic genus",
      HRI String group Seminar, 17th, Mar. [on black board]

2014 (9 talks)

  1. "Instanton effects in string/M-theory from 3d superconformal field theories",
      Indian Strings Meeting 2014@Puri, 19th, Dec. (invited) [slide]
  2. "Exact results on ABJ theory and the refined topological string",
      HRI String group Seminar, 2nd, Dec.
  3. "Instanton Effects in Orbifold ABJM Theory",
      HRI String group Seminar, 29th, Apr. [on black board]
  4. "Higgs branch localization in 3d N=2 theories",
      KEK Theory Center Seminar, 25th, Mar.
  5. "Higgs branch localization in 3d N=2 theories",
      Kavli IPMU-FMSP Workshop: Supersymmetry in Physics and Mathematics, 18th, Mar. (invited)
  6. "Higgs branch localization in 3d N=2 theories",
      Progress in the synthesis of integrabilities arising from gauge-string duality @KKR Hotel Biwako, 6th, Mar.
  7. "Higgs branch localization in 3d N=2 theories",
      Kavli-IPMU MS seminar, 25th, Feb.
  8. "Exact results on ABJ theory",
      KEK Theory Workshop 2014, 19th, Feb. [poster]
  9. "Higgs branch localization in 3d N=2 theories",
      HRI String group Seminar, 11th, Feb. [on black board]

2013 (7 talks)

  1. "Higgs branch localization in 3d N=2 theories",
      National String Meeting 2013 @IIT Kharagpur, 26th, Dec.
  2. "A new look at instantons and large-N limit",
      基研研究会2013, 20th, Aug.
  3. "ABJM理論の分配関数とウィルソンループに関する最近の発展",
      関西素粒子セミナー, 18th, Jul. (invited) [ホワイトボード]
  4. "A new look at instantons and large-N limit",
      KIAS-YITP joint workshop 2013, 3th, Jul. [poster]
  5. "3d Superconfomal indices and isomorphisms of M2-brane theories",
      日本物理学会第68回年次大会@広島大学, 26th, Mar.
  6. "Monte Carlo study of the supersymmetric Wilson loops in the ABJM theory",
      KEK理論研究会2013, 19th, Mar. [poster]
  7. "Numerical test of AdS/CFT correspondence for M2-branes",
      Ph.D. defense, 17th, Jan.

2012 (24 talks)

  1. "3d Superconfomal indices and isomorphisms of M2-brane theories",
      Nihon University seminar, 5th, Dec.
  2. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      Tsukuba University seminar, 30th, Nov.
  3. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      UCSB High Energy and Gravity Seminars, 30th, Oct.
  4. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      Albert Einsteint Institute seminar, 26th, Oct.
  5. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      Niels Bohr Institute seminar, 2nd, Oct.
  6. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      HRI String group Seminar seminar, 28th, Sep.
  7. "S^3上のLarge N reductionについて",
      日本物理学会2012年秋季大会@京都産業大学, 13th, Sep.
  8. "A note on BPS Wilson loops of ABJM theory",
      日本物理学会2012年秋季大会@京都産業大学, 13th, Sep.
  9. "局所化の方法に基づくABJM理論のウィルソンループの数値的解析",
      日本物理学会2012年秋季大会@京都産業大学, 13th, Sep.
  10. "局所化の方法を用いた超対称性理論の数値的解析",
      離散的手法による場と時空のダイナミクス, 1st, Sep. (invited)
  11. "局所化の方法を用いたゲージ/重力対応の検証",
      原子核三者若手夏の学校@エバーグリーン富士, 3rd, Aug.
  12. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      基研研究会2012, 25th, Jul.
  13. "Monte Carlo studies of 3d N=6 SCFT via localization method",
      Lattice 2012@Cairns, 28th, Jun. (slide, proceedings)
  14. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      YITP seminar, 22th, Jun.
  15. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      Rikkyo University seminar, 12th, Jun.
  16. "Localization and Large N reduction on S^3 for the Planar and M-theory limit",
      Osaka University seminar, 15th, May
  17. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      Hokkaido University seminar, 11th, May
  18. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      OIPQ Seminar, 25th, Apr.
  19. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      Nagoya University string seminar, 23rd, Apr.
  20. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      Tokyo Institute of Technology seminar, 20th, Apr.
  21. "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
      Progress in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory@Osaka City University, 2nd, Apr. (poster, proceedings)
  22. "行列模型シミュレーション講習会",
      Tokyo University Komaba, 29th, Mar.
  23. "局所化の方法に基づくABJM理論の数値的解析",
      日本物理学会第67回年次大会@関西学院大学, 24th, Mar.
  24. "Numerical studies on ABJM matrix model : toword a test of AdS_4/CFT_3 as quantum string",
      The 6th Asian Winter School@Kusatsu, 16th, Jan.

2011 (8 talks)

  1. "Testing the AdS/CFT correspondence by Monte Carlo calculation of BPS and non-BPS Wilson loops in 4d N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory",
      HPCI workshop, Expanding the Horizon of Theoretical Particle Physics through Computational Methods@KEK, 20th, Dec.
  2. "Testing the AdS/CFT correspondence by Monte Carlo calculation of BPS and non-BPS Wilson loops in 4d N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory",
      日本物理学会2011年秋季大会@弘前大学, 18th, Sep.
  3. "局所化されたABJM理論のシミュレーションによるM2ブレーンの自由度問題の考察",
      原子核三者若手夏の学校@白浜荘, 17th, Aug.
  4. "Testing the AdS/CFT correspondence by Monte Carlo calculation of BPS and non-BPS Wilson loops in 4d N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory",
      基研研究会2011, 26th, Jul.
  5. "Testing the AdS/CFT correspondence by Monte Carlo calculation of BPS and non-BPS Wilson loops in 4d N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory",
      Lattice 2011@Lake Tahoe, California, 13th, Jul. [slide, proceeding]
  6. "Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence",
      日本物理学会第66回年次大会@新潟大学(東日本大震災のため中止), 26th, Mar.
  7. "Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence",
      KEK理論研究会2011, 15th, Mar.
  8. "Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence",
      京都大学理学部セミナー, 16th, Feb.

2010 (6 talks)

  1. "Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence",
      理研シンポジウム「場と弦の理論の新展開に向けて」2010, 17th, Dec.
  2. "S^3上のYang-Mills理論におけるLarge N reductionの数値的検証",
      日本物理学会2010年秋季大会@九州工業大学, 12th, Sep.
  3. "Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence",
      基研研究会2010, 23rd, Jul.
  4. "Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence",
      Lattice 2010@Sardinia, 17th, Jun. [slide, proceeding]
  5. "N=4 Super Yang-Mills理論における2点関数のモンテカルロ計算",
      日本物理学会第65回年次大会@岡山大学, 21st, Mar.
  6. "N=4 Super Yang-Mills理論におけるウィルソン・ループと相関関数のモンテカルロ計算",
      KEK理論研究会2010, 12th, Mar.

2009 (4 talks)

  1. "Monte Carlo calculation of the Wilson loop and correlation functions",
      Numerical Approaches to AdS/CFT, Large N and Gravity@Imperial College, 2nd, Oct. (invited)
  2. "N=4 Super Yang-Mills理論におけるウィルソンループのモンテカルロ計算",
      日本物理学会2009年秋季大会@甲南大学, 10th, Sep.
  3. "数値計算によるAdS/CFT対応の検証",
      原子核三者若手夏の学校@パノラマランド木島平, 27th, Aug.
  4. "4次元N=4 Super Yang-Mills理論におけるウィルソン・ループのモンテカルロ計算",
      基研研究会2009, 8th, Jul. [poster]