Slides are available upon request to AT .
2025 (currently 3 talks)
- "???",
Asymptotics in Astrophysics iTHEMS Workshop,
??th Feb. (invited)
- "初期宇宙解明に向けた量子アルゴリズム開発基盤の創成",
6th Feb. (public)
- "???",
Sight visit of JST CREST "Exploring Quantum Frontiers Through Quantum-Classical Interdisciplinary Fusion",
6th Jan. (internal)
2025 (29 talks)
- "Introduction to Fracton Topological Phases",
Tutorial talk in Extreme Universe circular meeting (by Team D),
23rd Dec. (zoom)
- "Application of Quantum Computation to Quantum FIeld Theory",
Seminar @Saitama University, 19th, Dec.
- "Research of the Honda Team",
CREST HEPQC Kickoff Meeting,
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, 13th, Dec. (invited)
- "???",
The 11th meeting of JST Sakigake "Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing",
26th Nov. (internal)
- "Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology",
East Asian Joint Workshop on Fields and strings, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ?th, Nov. (invited)
- "量子コンピュータで宇宙の始まりを探る",
RIKEN Open day lectures,
5th Oct. (outreach)
- "Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology: no-boundary saddles and resummation of quantum gravity corrections around tunneling saddles",
The 4th Extreme Universe Meeting, 28th, Sep.
- "Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology: no-boundary saddles and resummation of quantum gravity corrections around tunneling saddles",
KIAS Korea-France Joint Workshop, KIAS, Seoul, 25th, Sep. (invited)
- "JT gravity with matter on quantum computer",
QuantHEP 2024,
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, 4th, Sep. (invited)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation for Energy Spectroscopy of Schwinger Model",
XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Cairns, Australia 22nd, Aug. (invited)
- "???",
iTHEMS Now & Next, 19th, Jul. (poster)
- "JT gravity with matter on quantum computer",
Seminar @Nihon University, 5th, Jul. (online)
- "JT gravity with matter on quantum computer",
Holography in Beijing 2024, 3rd, Jul. (invited)
- "量子コンピュータをつかってみよう"
Lectures on quantum computation for low year undergraduate students, Tokyo University & Kyoto University, 19th & 26th, Jun. (2 lectures, online)
- "Quantum computation and Quantum field theory",
Joint N3AS-iTHEMS meetings on quantum information science in multi-messenger astrophysics,
17th June (internal)
- "???",
Sight visit of JST Sakigake "Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing",
14th June (internal)
- "理論物理学者の一例",
a lecture on high energy physics and theoretical physicist for undergraduate students on politics, Kokugakuin University, 13th, Jun.
- "???",
The 10th meeting of JST Sakigake "Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing",
17th May (internal)
- "Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology: no-boundary saddles and resummation of quantum gravity corrections around tunneling saddles",
Resurgence and Modularity in QFT and String Theory, Galileo Galilei Institute, Italy 29th, Apr. (invited)
- "Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology: no-boundary saddles and resummation of quantum gravity corrections around tunneling saddles",
Seminar @OIST, 19th, Apr.
- "量子計算と場の量子論",
KEK 素核研物構研 連携研究会 2024, KEK, 25th, Mar. (invited)
- "Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity with matter on quantum computer",
Towards quantum simulation of gauge/gravity duality and lattice gauge theory, Queen Mary University of London, UK, 5th, Mar. (invited)
- "Application of Quantum Computation to High Energy Physics",
HOLOGRAPHY, STRINGS AND OTHER FUN THINGS, IIT Kanpur, India, 12th, Feb. (invited)
- "Resummation of Perturbative Series & Resurgence in Quantum Field Theory",
Seminar @IIT Kharagpur, India, 9th, Feb.
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
Seminar @IIT Kharagpur, India, 7th, Feb.
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
Seminar @Harish-Chandra Research Institute, India, 5th, Feb.
- "Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology: no-boundary saddles and resummation of quantum gravity corrections around tunneling saddles",
Non-perturbative methods in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory, Harish-Chandra Research Institute, India, 1st, Feb.(invited)
- "対称性について",
informal talk to math people @iTHEMS, 25th, Jan.(informal)
- "Non-invertible symmetry with gravity",
Seminar @Tokyo University (RESCEU), 22nd, Jan.
2023 (23 talks)
- "Resurgence: making sense out of non-convergent series",
iTHEMS Coffee Meeting, 15th, Dec.
- "Phases of 5d non-supersymmetric field theories from 5d SCFTs",
Seminar @Tokyo University (Hongo), 20th, Nov.
- "???",
The 9th meeting of JST Sakigake "Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing",
?th Nov.
- "量子計算の場の量子論への応用について",
Tensor Nerwork 2023,Tsukuba University, 15th, Nov. (invited)
- "Application of Quantum Computation to High Energy Physics",
KEK-PH 2023, 10th, Nov. (invited)
- "Phases of 5d non-supersymmetric field theories from 5d SCFTs",
14th Taiwan String Workshop, Kaoshiung, ?th, Nov. (invited)
- "Quantum simulation of energy spectrum in quantum field theory",
LBNL-UTokyo Quantum Computing Workshop, Tokyo University, 30th, Oct. (invited)
- "???",
さきがけ研究者交流会, 20th, Oct. (poster & short presentation)
- "Resurgence and Exact results in Supersymmetric gauge theories",
OIST's Visiting Programs "Exact Asymptotics: From Fluid Dynamics to Quantum Geometry",
18th, Oct. (invited)
- "量子コンピュータで宇宙の始まりを探る",
会いに行ける科学者フェス, Akihabara UDX, Japan, 7th, Oct. (outreach, poster)
- "Quantum Error Correction and Gauge Theory",
Quantum Information, Quantum Matter and Quantum Gravity, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, 15th, Sep.
- "量子計算の素粒子物理学への応用について",
PPP 2023, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, ?th, Aug. (invited)
- "Quantum phase transition & Resurgence: Lessons from 3d N=4 SQED",
OIST's Visiting Programs "Exact Asymptotics: From Fluid Dynamics to Quantum Geometry",
22nd, Aug. (invited)
- "Relations between quantum error correction and gauge theory",
Lattice 2023, Fermi Laboratory, 3rd, Aug.
- "Intensive lectures on quantum computation",
Niigata University, Japan, 5th-8th, Jul. (invited)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
Seminar @Osaka University, 27th, Jun.
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
Quantum Computing, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Gravity and the Standard Model, IQuS Washington University, 12th, Jun. (invited)
- "???",
The 8th meeting of JST Sakigake "Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing",
23rd May
- "Intensive lectures on quantum computation",
Tokyo University, Japan, 17th-19th, Apr. (9 lecture, invited)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
Seminar @Quantum information group of Ruhr Univesitat Bochum, 29th, Mar.
- "量子計算と行列量子力学",
JSPS Spring meeting 2023 Symposium "Quantum computation and Particle Physics", 25th, Mar.(invited, zoom)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
Seminar @IFT-Madrid, 23rd, Mar.
- "String theory, N=4 SYM and Riemann hypothesis",
RIKEN iTHEMS Math-phys seminar,
16th Feb.
2022 (12 talks)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
Cambridge University, DAMTP QFT & String seminar, 6th Oct.
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
Durham University Math & Hep lunch seminar, 3rd Oct.
- "量子計算の基礎と断熱準備",
New computational method in field theory 2022 -Summer school on quantum computation and tensor network@YITP,
12th-14th Sep. (3 lectures, invited)
- "Applications of Quantum computation to Quantum field theory (量子計算の場の量子論への応用)",
The second Extreme Universe School (第2回極限宇宙スクール),
4th, 8th, 11th July (2 hours lectures x3 in Japanese, invited, zoom)
- "String theory, N=4 SYM and Riemann hypothesis",
Seminar @Nagoya University,
21st June
- "???",
The 6th meeting of JST Sakigake "Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing",
26th May (zoom)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
Numerical Methods in Theoretical Physics 2022@APCTP,
20th May (invited, zoom while the workshop is hybrid)
- "String theory, N=4 SYM and Riemann hypothesis",
Seminar @Tokyo Institute of Technology,
18th May (Zoom)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model",
National Taiwan University Seminar,
29th Apr. (Webex)
- "Towards Quantum Simulation of "Extreme Universe"",
Extreme Universe circular meeting (by Team D),
26th Apr. (zoom)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model",
Nishinomiya-Yukawa memorial theoretical physics workshop: Quantum computing for quantum field theories 2022@YITP,
24th Feb. (invited, hybrid, YITP 国内モレキュール型研究会「場の理論の量子計算2022」のプログラムの一部)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of higher-charge Schwinger model with Topological term",
Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications (TNSAA) 2021-2022 Online Workshop,
19th Jan. (invited, zoom)
2021 (18 talks)
- "とある理論物理学者の研究ライフ",
企画"きかせて先輩!大学での研究ライフ", 大阪明星学園,
19th, Dec. (outreach)
- "Quantum Computation and Quantum Field Theory",
Nagoya University Tagen Danwakai,
1st, Dec. (hybrid)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term",
East Asia Joint Symposium on Fields and Strings 2021,
24th, Nov. (invited, hybrid)
- "Development of quantum algorithms for early universe",
The 5th meeting of JST Sakigake ``Technological Foundation of Advanced Quantum Computing and Information Processing",
18th, Nov. (zoom)
- "My journey as a researcher",
SOKENDAI Student day 2021,
15th, Nov. (invited, zoom)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term",
the 79th Tokyo Institute of Technology Quantum Physics and Nano science special seminar,
11th, Oct. (zoom)
- "Intensive lectures on quantum computation",
Kanazawa University, Japan, 27th-29th, Sep.
- "Intensive lectures on balck hole microstate counting",
Chu-bu summer school, Japan, 8th-10th, Sep. (zoom)
- "Intensive lectures on quantum computation",
Meiji University, Japan, 17th-20th, Aug.
- "Lectures and tutorials on quantum computation",
INT Summer School on Problem Solving in Lattice QCD,
13th and 14th, July (invited, zoom)
- "Lecture and Hands-on on quantum computation",
11th HPC-Phys meeing,
10th and 11th, Jun. (invited, zoom)
- "On Adiabatic State Preparation of Vacuum",
Quantum Simulation Study Group,
13th, May (zoom)
- "Digital quantum simulation for screening & confinement in gauge theory with a topological term",
YITP particle theory group debrief meeting,
7th, May (hybrid)
- "Quantum phase transition & Resurgence: Lessons from 3d N=4 SQED",
Randomness, Integrability and Representation Theory in Quantum Field Theory 2021,
23rd, Mar. (invited, hyrbrid)
- "Possible applications of quantum computation to High Energy Physics",
Recent progress in theoretical physics based on quantum information theory,
4th, Mar. (invited, zoom)
- "Quantum simulations of gauge/string/M-theory via matrix quantum mechanics",
KEK Theory Center Seminar,
2nd, Feb. (zoom)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger model with Topological term",
KEK Theory Center Seminar,
2nd, Feb. (zoom)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
Quantum computing for quantum field theories,
5th, Jan. (invited, zoom)
2020 (20 talks)
- "Anomalies, Black hole entropy and Quantum computation",
CGP internal workshop
@YITP Center for Gravitational Physics,
15th, Dec. (hybrid)
- "Introduction to Quantum Computation for Particle Physicists",
Ouuestsu Particle Theory Workshop(奥羽越素粒子論研究会),
13th and 14th, Dec. (invited, lectures by zoom, Japanese, 3 hours)
- "Possible applications of quantum computation to High Energy Physics",
Online 2020 NTU-Kyoto high energy physics workshop
co-hosted by National Taiwan University and Kyoto University,
2nd, Dec. (invited, zoom)
- "Recent progress on five dimensional quantum field theory",
Joint workshop between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Ibaraki University,
7th and 8th, Nov. (invited, black board lectures via zoom, 6 hours)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
Seminar @Shinshu University,
7th, Oct. (zoom, Japanese)
- "Black hole microstate counting and Picard-Lefschetz theory",
Potential Toolkit to Attack Nonperturbative Aspects of QFT - Resurgence and related topics - @YITP,
25th, Sep. (invited, zoom)
- "Introduction to Quantum Computation for Particle Physicists",
APCTP workshop "Quantum Matter and Quantum Information with Holography",
23rd and 30th, Aug. (invited, lectures by zoom, 3 hours)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Theta Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
Asia-Pacific Symposium for Lattice Field Theory (APLAT2020),
6th, Aug. (zoom)
- "Resummation of Perturbative Series & Resurgence in Quantum Field Theory",
KEK-PH lecture series @KEK,
8th and 15th, July (invited, zoom, 2 hours)
- "Black hole microstate counting & AdS/CFT correspondence",
Lunch seminar @YITP,
1st, July (zoom)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
Theoretical Physics Colloqium @Rikkyo University,
30th, June (zoom, Japanese)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
Entanglement Meeting @YITP,
25th, June (zoom)
- "Introduction to Quantum Computation for Particle Physicists (tutorial session)",
Tutorials@Keio University,
2nd, 3rd and 9th, June (invited, zoom, Japanese, 10 hours)
- "Introduction to Quantum Computation for Particle Physicists",
Lectures@Keio University,
26th-27th, May (invited, zoom, 3hours)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
Seminar@Tohoku University,
21st, May (zoom)
- "Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model with Topological Term via Adiabatic State Preparation",
Seminar@The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, China,
7th, May (zoom)
- "Evidence for a Non-Supersymmetric 5d CFT from Deformations of 5d SU(2) SYM",
Seminar@Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics,
17th, Apr. (hybrid)
- "Evidence for a Non-Supersymmetric 5d CFT from Deformations of 5d SU(2) SYM",
Seminar@University of Southmapton, UK,
19th, Feb.
- "Introduction to Quantum Computation for Particle Physicists",
Lectures@University of Southmapton, UK,
17th-18th, Feb.
- "Evidence for a Non-Supersymmetric 5d CFT from Deformations of 5d SU(2) SYM",
Seminar@Milano-Biccoca, Italy,
5th, Feb.
2019 (7 talks)
- "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula",
Seminar@University of Bourgogne, France,
20th, Nov.
- "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula",
Seminar@Broohaven National Laboratory,
29th, Aug.
- "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula",
Seminar@Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford,
10th, Jun.
- "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula",
Seminar@KEK Theory Center,
27th, Mar.
- "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula",
Seminar@Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory, Nagoya University,
25th, Mar.
- "超対称場の理論におけるBorel総和可能性 (Resurgence and Exact Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories)",
14th, Mar. (invited)
- "Quantum Black Hole Entropy from 4d Supersymmetric Cardy formula",
Seminar@quantum gravity unit, OIST,
8th, Mar.
2018 (14 talks)
- "Resurgence and Exact Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories",
HRI String seminar,
27th, Dec.
- "Introduction to Resurgence and Complex saddle point analysis",
HRI String seminar,
25th, Dec.
- "Resurgence and Exact Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories",
Indian Strings Meeting 2018@IISER Thiruvannanthapuram,
21st, Dec. (invited)
- "Resurgent and Lefschetz thimble in 3d N=2 SUSY Chern-Simons matter theory",
  Maths HEP Lunchtime Seminar @Durham University,
2nd, Nov.
- "Resurgence and Exact Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories",
Quantum Fields and Strings Seminar@DAMTP,
11th, Oct.
- "Resurgence and Lefschetz thimble in 3d N=2 SUSY Chern-Simons matter theory",
Theoretical Particle Physics Seminar@SISSA,
3rd, Oct.
- "Resurgence and Lefschetz thimble in 3d N=2 SUSY Chern-Simons matter theory",
International Conference on Holography, String Theory and Discrete Approaches@Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,
7th, Aug. (invited)
- "Resurgence, complex saddles and Lefschetz thimbles",
Strings and FIelds 2018@YITP,
3rd, Aug. (invited)
- "Introduction to Resurgence and Complex saddle point analysis",
Seminar@Tokyo University, Hongo,
25th, Jul.
- "Introduction to Resurgence and Complex saddle point analysis",
Seminar@Osaka University,
24th, Jul.
- "Cardy Formula for 4d SUSY Theories and Localization",
Seminar@Osaka University,
17th, Jul.
- "Role of Complexified Supersymmetric solutions",
Strings 2018@OIST,
25th, Jun. [gong show and poster]
- "Resurgence and Lefschetz thimble in 3d N=2 SUSY Chern-Simons matter theory",
  Group meeting@Weizmann Institute of Science,
4th, Jun. [black board]
- "Resurgent transseries and thimble decompositions in 3d N=2 SUSY Chern-Simons matter theory",
  String seminar@Lisbon University,
16th, Apr.
2017 (17 talks)
- "Borel resummation and perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
Joint seminars on Theoretical High Energy Physics in Israel@Newe Shalom,
21st, Nov.
- "Deconstructing Exact Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories",
Resurgence in Gauge and String Theory@KITP,
31st, Oct. (invited)
- "Recent progress on resurgence",
  Seminar@KEK Theory Centery,
26th, Sep.
- "Cardy Formula for 4d SUSY Theories and Localization",
  Seminar@Fudan University,
20th, Sep.
- "Resummation of perturbative series and Resurgence in quantum field theory",
  Lectures@Fudan University,
18th,19th,21st, Sep. [6 hours, black board]
- "Cardy Formula for 4d SUSY Theories and Localization",
日本物理学会2017年秋季大会@Utsunomiya University,
12th, Sep.
- "Borel resummation and Exact results in supersymmetric gauge theories",
RIMS-iTHEMS International Workshop on Resurgence Theory@RIKEN Kobe campus,
7th, Sep. (invited)
- "Borel resummation and perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
Geometry of String and Gauge Theories@CERN,
21st, July (invited)
- "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
Strings 2017@Tel Aviv,
26th, June [poster]
- "Cardy Formula for 4d SUSY Theories and Localization",
Gauge theories, supergravity and superstrings@Benasque,
16th, June (invited)
- "Introduction to resurgence and perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
  Seminar@Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics,
2nd, May [3 hours, black board+slide]
- "Can we apply resurgence to QCD?",
21st QCD club,
1st, May (invited)
- "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
  Osaka University Particle Theory Group Seminar,
26th, Apr.
- "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
  Kavli IPMU Math&String Seminar,
18th, Apr.
- "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
  Komaba Particle Theory Group Seminar,
13th, Apr.
- "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Holography@YITP,
6th, Apr. [poster]
- "Cardy Formula for 4d SUSY Theories and Localization",
Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Holography@YITP,
3rd, Apr.
2016 (8 talks)
- "A pedagogical introduction to my recent works on resummation of perturbative series in SUSY theories",
  Informal seminar in National Taiwan University,
2nd, Aug.
- "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
NCTS Summer workshop on Strings and Quantum Field Theory,
29th, July (invited)
- "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
  KEK Theory Center seminar,
22nd, July
- "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
  KIAS Physics seminar,
14th, July
- "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
Keio University Topological Science Project seminar,
11th, July
- "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
Nagoya University Tagen seminar,
8th, July
- "How to resum perturbative series in supersymmetric gauge theories",
  Shizuoka University Particle theory group seminar,
6th, July
- "ABJ theory in the Higher Spin Limit",
Recent Developments in M-theory @CERN,
15th, Feb. (invited)
2015 (10 talks)
- "Instanton effects in string/M-theory from M2-brane theories",
  Tel Aviv University High Energy Theory Seminar,
17th, Dec. [slide]
- "The Interpolating Function",
KEK Theory Workshop 2015 Dec.,
1st, Dec. [slide]
- "ABJ theory in the Higher Spin Limit",
  Komaba Particle Theory Group Seminar,
26th, Nov. [slide]
- "The Interpolating Function",
  Osaka University Particle Theory Group Seminar,
24th, Nov. [slide]
- "The Interpolating Function",
YITP workshop 2015,
11th, Nov. [slide]
- "ABJ theory in the Higher Spin Limit",
  Gong show in
Strings 2015@Bangalore,
24th, Jun. [slide]
- "Supersymmetric index on T^2 x S^2 and elliptic genus",
  Gong show in
Advanced String School 2015@Bangalore,
14th, Jun. [slide]
- "ABJ theory in the Higher Spin Limit",
  ICTS Seminar,
12th, May [slide]
- "ABJ theory in the Higher Spin Limit",
  HRI String group Seminar,
5th, May [slide]
- "Supersymmetric index on T^2 x S^2 and elliptic genus",
  HRI String group Seminar,
17th, Mar. [on black board]
2014 (9 talks)
- "Instanton effects in string/M-theory from 3d superconformal field theories",
Indian Strings Meeting 2014@Puri,
19th, Dec. (invited)
- "Exact results on ABJ theory and the refined topological string",
  HRI String group Seminar,
2nd, Dec.
- "Instanton Effects in Orbifold ABJM Theory",
  HRI String group Seminar,
29th, Apr. [on black board]
- "Higgs branch localization in 3d N=2 theories",
  KEK Theory Center Seminar,
25th, Mar.
- "Higgs branch localization in 3d N=2 theories",
Kavli IPMU-FMSP Workshop: Supersymmetry in Physics and Mathematics,
18th, Mar. (invited)
- "Higgs branch localization in 3d N=2 theories",
Progress in the synthesis of integrabilities arising from gauge-string duality
@KKR Hotel Biwako, 6th, Mar.
- "Higgs branch localization in 3d N=2 theories",
  Kavli-IPMU MS seminar,
25th, Feb.
- "Exact results on ABJ theory",
KEK Theory Workshop 2014,
19th, Feb. [poster]
- "Higgs branch localization in 3d N=2 theories",
  HRI String group Seminar,
11th, Feb. [on black board]
2013 (7 talks)
- "Higgs branch localization in 3d N=2 theories",
National String Meeting 2013 @IIT Kharagpur,
26th, Dec.
- "A new look at instantons and large-N limit",
20th, Aug.
- "ABJM理論の分配関数とウィルソンループに関する最近の発展",
18th, Jul. (invited) [ホワイトボード]
- "A new look at instantons and large-N limit",
KIAS-YITP joint workshop 2013,
3th, Jul. [poster]
- "3d Superconfomal indices and isomorphisms of M2-brane theories",
26th, Mar.
- "Monte Carlo study of the supersymmetric Wilson loops in the ABJM theory",
19th, Mar. [poster]
- "Numerical test of AdS/CFT correspondence for M2-branes",
  Ph.D. defense,
17th, Jan.
2012 (24 talks)
- "3d Superconfomal indices and isomorphisms of M2-brane theories",
  Nihon University seminar,
5th, Dec.
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
  Tsukuba University seminar,
30th, Nov.
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
  UCSB High Energy and Gravity Seminars,
30th, Oct.
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
  Albert Einsteint Institute seminar,
26th, Oct.
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
  Niels Bohr Institute seminar,
2nd, Oct.
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
  HRI String group Seminar seminar,
28th, Sep.
- "S^3上のLarge N reductionについて",
13th, Sep.
- "A note on BPS Wilson loops of ABJM theory",
13th, Sep.
- "局所化の方法に基づくABJM理論のウィルソンループの数値的解析",
13th, Sep.
- "局所化の方法を用いた超対称性理論の数値的解析",
1st, Sep. (invited)
- "局所化の方法を用いたゲージ/重力対応の検証",
3rd, Aug.
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
25th, Jul.
- "Monte Carlo studies of 3d N=6 SCFT via localization method",
Lattice 2012@Cairns,
28th, Jun.
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
  YITP seminar,
22th, Jun.
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
  Rikkyo University seminar,
12th, Jun.
- "Localization and Large N reduction on S^3 for the Planar and M-theory limit",
  Osaka University seminar,
15th, May
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
  Hokkaido University seminar,
11th, May
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
  OIPQ Seminar,
25th, Apr.
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
  Nagoya University string seminar,
23rd, Apr.
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
  Tokyo Institute of Technology seminar,
20th, Apr.
- "Numerical studies of the ABJM theory
for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant",
  Progress in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory@Osaka City University,
2nd, Apr.
- "行列模型シミュレーション講習会",
  Tokyo University Komaba,
29th, Mar.
- "局所化の方法に基づくABJM理論の数値的解析",
24th, Mar.
- "Numerical studies on ABJM matrix model : toword a test of AdS_4/CFT_3 as quantum string",
The 6th Asian Winter School@Kusatsu,
16th, Jan.
2011 (8 talks)
- "Testing the AdS/CFT correspondence by Monte Carlo calculation of BPS and non-BPS Wilson loops in 4d N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory",
  HPCI workshop, Expanding the Horizon of Theoretical Particle Physics through Computational Methods@KEK,
20th, Dec.
- "Testing the AdS/CFT correspondence by Monte Carlo calculation of BPS and non-BPS Wilson loops in 4d N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory",
18th, Sep.
- "局所化されたABJM理論のシミュレーションによるM2ブレーンの自由度問題の考察",
17th, Aug.
- "Testing the AdS/CFT correspondence by Monte Carlo calculation of BPS and non-BPS Wilson loops in 4d N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory",
26th, Jul.
- "Testing the AdS/CFT correspondence by Monte Carlo calculation of BPS and non-BPS Wilson loops in 4d N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory",
Lattice 2011@Lake Tahoe, California,
13th, Jul. [slide, proceeding]
- "Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence",
26th, Mar.
- "Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence",
15th, Mar.
- "Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence",
16th, Feb.
2010 (6 talks)
- "Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence",
17th, Dec.
- "S^3上のYang-Mills理論におけるLarge N reductionの数値的検証",
12th, Sep.
- "Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence",
23rd, Jul.
- "Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence",
Lattice 2010@Sardinia,
17th, Jun. [slide, proceeding]
- "N=4 Super Yang-Mills理論における2点関数のモンテカルロ計算",
21st, Mar.
- "N=4 Super Yang-Mills理論におけるウィルソン・ループと相関関数のモンテカルロ計算",
12th, Mar.
2009 (4 talks)
- "Monte Carlo calculation of the Wilson loop and correlation functions",
  Numerical Approaches to AdS/CFT, Large N and Gravity@Imperial College,
2nd, Oct. (invited)
- "N=4 Super Yang-Mills理論におけるウィルソンループのモンテカルロ計算",
10th, Sep.
- "数値計算によるAdS/CFT対応の検証",
27th, Aug.
- "4次元N=4 Super Yang-Mills理論におけるウィルソン・ループのモンテカルロ計算",
8th, Jul. [poster]