The registration page is here.
If your situation applies to one of the following 4 cases at least, the due date for the registration is January 19, 2024.
case 1) You present an invited talk.
case 2) You prefer to present a contributed oral talk.,
case 3) You need a visa for entering Japan.
case 4) You would like to apply to finantial support for travel.
Otherwise (including poster presenters), the due date for the registration is March 31, 2024.
If you plan to make a presentation, including invited, contributed oral, and poster ones, please fill out the items "Presentation title" and "Abstract" in the registration form. Otherwise, you may leave them blank. An abstract should include 200 words or less.
Due to the limited number of talk slots, when the number of the application to contributed oral talks exceeds the number of the slots, the organizing commettee will make a selection. The presentations that are not selected will be automatically shifted to poster sessions.
The registration fee is free so you do not have to pay when you make an online registration. However, notice that we will collect the refreshment fee in cash upon your arrival at the reception desk of the workshop. The refreshment fee is 2,000 JPY.