無限可積分系通信 (Infinite Analysis News Letters)

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========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.450 December 28, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar I. Date: January 12, 2002, 11:00-12:00 Place: Room 206, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: DR Yoshihiro Takeyama ( RIMS, Kyoto University ) TITLE: Form factors of SU(N) invariant Thirring model ABSTRACT: We obtain a new integral formula for solutions of the rational quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation associated with Lie algebra sl(N) at level zero. Our formula contains the integral representation of form factors of SU(N) invariant Thirring model constructed by F. Smirnov. We give recurrence relations for our solutions to be the form factors, and check that the recurrence relations hold for the form factors of the energy momentum tensor. LUNCH: 12:15-13:45 II. Date: January 12, 2002, 14:00- 15:00 Place: Room 206, RIMS, Kyoto Unviersity Speaker: DR Takeshi Suzuki ( RIMS, Kyoto University ) TITLE: On representations of double affine Iwahori-Hecke algebras of type A ABSTRACT: We study a class of representations of (degenerate/nondegenerate) double affine Iwahori-Hecke algebras of type A. Under certain conditions on parameters, we show that any irreducible module of this class is given as a unique irreducible quotient of some parabolically induced module. ====================================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.449 December 20, 2001 ========================================================= ========================================================== 故梁成吉さんのお子さん達を支援する育英資金 募金のお願い ========================================================== 梁成吉さん(筑波大学物理)が逝去されて5ヵ月が過ぎようとしています。 謹んで、心からのご冥福をお祈りいたします。 物理と数学に大きな貢献をされ、四十七歳の若さで亡くなられた梁さんは、 ご家族のこと、特に、高校三年生と中学二年生のお子様のことを心配され ておられました。 現在、筑波大学の関係者の方々のご尽力により、お子様達を支援する育英 資金の募金活動が進められています。数々の講演、セミナー、また重点領 域研究「無限可積分系」での活動などを通して、梁さんにお世話になった 数学関係者も多いと思いますので、この場を借りて、募金活動についてお 知らせするとともに、皆様のご協力を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 募金に関してさらに詳しいことは、世話人の宇川 彰さん、青木 慎也さん 宛てに 電子メール bokin::het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp にて連絡いただければ、趣意書・振込用紙を送ってもらえると思います。 募金活動の発起人の一人として、皆様の暖かいご支援をお願いいたします。 山田泰彦 (神戸大学) ===================================================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.448 December 19, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 研究会案内  来年2月に数理解析研究所で、以下の研究会を予定して いますので、興味のある方は是非ご参加下さい。 また、お近くに適当と思われる学生がいれば、参加をおすすめ 下さい。予算に余裕があるので、旅費の補助が出せると思います。 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 研究会 「D-branes and Mirror Symmetry」 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 科学研究費特定領域研究B「超対称性と素粒子の統一理論」(代表:江口徹)に 基づき、研究会を開催いたします。 [期日] : 2002年2月5日(火) 〜 2月8日(金) [場所] : 京都大学 数理解析研究所 大講義室 (420号室) [趣旨] 近年の超弦理論の発展のなかでD-ブレーンやミラー対称性は理論の非摂動的振る 舞いを理解する上で大きな役割を果たしてきましたが、同時にその研究を発展さ せるためには数学の関連分野と密接な交流を持つことが重要であることも明らか になってきました。本研究会では弦理論研究者と数学者の交流を更に深め両者に 益する今後の発展を展望することを目的に企画されたものです。この趣旨に沿う 研究テーマであれば、D-ブレーンやミラー対称性以外のより広い分野からの研究 発表も歓迎します。 [海外からの講演予定者] Paul S. Aspinwall, Kentaro Hori, Dominic Joyce, Albert Schwarz [国内からの講演予定者] 伊藤由佳理、江口徹、太田啓史、後藤竜司、斎藤恭司、高柳匡、中津了勇、安井幸則 [世話人] (五十音順) 江口徹(東大), 河合俊哉(京大), 菅野浩明(名大), 斎藤恭司(京大), 中島啓(京大), 深谷賢治(京大) 旅費希望の方は以下にご連絡下さい。 [申し込み方法] 旅費の補助を希望する方は以下の旅費補助申込み書に記入の上 E-mailにてお送り下さい。 (注)subjectはryohi hojo として下さい 締め切り:2002年1月14日(月) 申込先:東大・理・素研事務 井上奈保 −−−−−−−−<切り取り>−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− 研究会「D-branes and Mirror Symmetry」旅費補助申込書 氏名: 所属: 身分: 電話:                FAX: E-mail: 旅行日: 2月 日から 日( 泊 日) 旅費振込口座(郵便局不可) 銀行名: 支店名: 口座番号:(普) 口座名義(カタカナ) −−−−−−−−<切り取り>−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.447 December 19, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% LaTeX File of the Program %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle[12pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \setlength{\topmargin}{-1.5cm} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0cm} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0cm} \setlength{\textheight}{24cm} \setlength{\textwidth}{16cm} \begin{document} \begin{center} \large {\bf Workshop } \vspace{0.3cm} {\bf on} \vspace{0.3cm} {\bf Categorical Algebra, Deformation Theory and Field Theory} \vspace{0.5cm} \large {\it Conference Room, 1st floor, Department of Mathematics, \\ Graduate school of Science, Kyoto University} \vspace{1cm} {\bf January, 7 -- January, 11, 2002} \vspace{0.3cm} \normalsize {\bf Organizers} \vspace{0.2cm} {\bf Kenji Fukaya (Kyoto), Kyoji Saito (Kyoto/RIMS), Masa-Hiko Saito (Kobe)} \end{center} \vspace{0.5cm} \begin{tabular}{||c||c|c|c|c|c||} \hline & Mon & Tues & Wed & Thurs & Fri \\ \hline 10:00--11:00 & no talk& Ciocan-Fontanine& Tsygan & Polishchuk & Saito \\ \hline 11:30--12:30 & no talk& Takeda& Tsuchiya& Goto & Nakajima \\ \hline 14:30--15:30 & Ooguri & Inaba & no talk & Soibelman & no talk \ \hline 16:00--17:00 & Fukaya & Bruzzo & no talk & Namikawa & no talk \\ \hline \end{tabular} \vspace{0.5cm} \noindent {\sl January 7, (Monday)} \begin{itemize} \item 14:30--15:30, Hirosi Ooguri (California Institute of Technology): {\it TBA } \item 16:00--17:00, Kenji Fukaya (Kyoto): {\it Applicaiton of deformation theory and homotopical algebra to Mirror symmetry} \end{itemize} \noindent {\sl January 8, (Tuseday)} \begin{itemize} \item 10:00--11:00, Ionut Ciocan-Fontanine (University of Minnesota): {\it Derived moduli spaces} \item 11:30--12:30, Yuichiro Takeda, (Tokyo Metropolitan): {\it Higher arithmetic $K$-theory} \item 14:30--15:30, Michiaki Inaba, (Kyoto): {\it Moduli of complexes of coherent sheaves} \item 16:00--17:00, Ugo Bruzzo, (SISSA, Trieste): {\it TBA} \end{itemize} \noindent {\sl January 9, (Wednesday)} \begin{itemize} \item 10:00--11:00, Boris Tsygan, (Pennsylvania State): {\it TBA} \item 11:30--12:30, Akihiro Tsuchiya, (Nagoya): {\it Conformal field theory associated with regular vertex operator algebra} \end{itemize} \noindent {\sl January 10, (Thursday)} \begin{itemize} \item 10:00--11:00, Alexander Polishchuk, (Boston): {\it TBA} \item 11:30--12:30, Ryuji Goto, (Osaka): {\it Moduli spaces of topological calibrations (Calabi-Yau, hyper-Kaehler, $G_2$, Spin(7) structure)} \item 14:30--15:30, Yan Soibelman, (IHES): {\it TBA} \item 16:00--17:00, Yoshinori Namikawa, (Osaka): {\it Counter-example to global Torelli for irreducible symplectic manifolds} \end{itemize} \noindent {\sl January 11, (Friday)} \begin{itemize} \item 10:00--11:00, Masa-Hiko Saito (Kobe): {\it TBA} \item 11:30--12:30 Hiraku Nakajima (Kyoto): {\it Quiver varieties and quantum affine algebras} \end{itemize} \vspace{0.5 cm} {\it All questions and comments on this conference should be sent to the organizers, Kenji Fukaya or Masa-Hiko Saito.} \vspace{0.5cm} \begin{tabular}{l} Kenji Fukaya\\ Department of Mathematics, Graduate school of Science \\ Kyoto University, Kyoto, 606-8502, Japan \end{tabular} \vspace{0.5cm} \begin{tabular}{l} Masa-Hiko Saito \\ Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science \\ Kobe University, Kobe, 657-8501, Japan \end{tabular} \vspace{1cm} The workshop is supported by Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research, Kiban-(S), {\em Moduli Spaces, Homotopy Algebras and Field theory}. \end{document} ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.446 December 14, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Date: December 18 (Tuesday) 15:00- Place: Room 202, RIMS, Kyoto University Dr. Nicholas Witte (Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, AUSTRALIA) TITLE: Random Matrix Theory & Integrable Dynamical Systems ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.445 December 10, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 東京無限可積分系セミナー 12月15日(土)2時00分 -- 3時00分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科117 講演者: 太田 泰広(広島大学工学部) 表題 : "トロイダルソリトン方程式の離散化について" 12月15日(土)3時30分 -- 4時30分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科117 講演者: N. S. Witte (University of Melbourne) 表題 : "Random matrix theory and integrable dynamical systems " 白石潤一 東京無限可積分系セミナー home page: http://www.math.ocha.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ ================================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo Date: 15 December 2001 (Sat), 14:00 -- 15:00. Place: room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Yasuhiro Ohta (Hiroshima University) Title : "On discretization of toroidal soliton equations" Date: 15 December 2001 (Sat), 15:30 -- 16:30. Place: room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: N. S. Witte (University of Melbourne) Title : "Random matrix theory and integrable dynamical systems " For information: Shiraishi, Jun'ichi Our home page: http://www.math.ocha.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.444 December 7, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics Date: December 13, 16:30 -- 17:30 Place: University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus Mathematical Sciences Building, Room 056 Spaeker: Albert S. Schwarz (University of California, Davis) Title: Noncommutative geometry and gauge theory =========================================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.443 November 28, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 研究会「箱玉系とその周辺」のお知らせ (プログラムに若干の変更ありました) 日時: 2001年 12月 7日(金)〜 12月 8日(土) 場所: 東京都目黒区駒場 3-8-1 東京大学教養学部図書館(駒場)四階・視聴覚ホール (建物は図書館と同じですが、入り口は正面右手の階段です。) 及び 16号館 126/127 講義室 http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index-j.html 京王井の頭線 「駒場東大前」駅下車徒歩3分 プログラム (* の講演は16号館126/127 講義室、それ以外は教養学部視聴覚ホールです。) 12月7日(金) 9:20-10:20 高橋 大輔(早大理工) SBCA = Stochastic or Signalized Burgers Cellular Automaton 10:30-11:30 福田 香保理(神戸大自然) Box-Ball Systems and R-S-K correspondence 11:40-12:40 山本 純一(都立大理) A Characterization of Discrete Time Soliton Equations 13:50-14:50 尾角 正人(阪大基礎工) Introduction to (geometric) crystal 15:00-16:00 Anatol Kirillov(京大数理研) Birational actions of the affine symmetric group and the Robinson-Schensted correspondence *16:20-17:20 野海 正俊(神戸大自然) Tropical RSK correspondence 18:00-20:00 懇親会 12月8日(土) 9:10-10:10 時弘 哲治(東大数理) On periodic box and ball system 10:20-11:20 高木 太一郎(防衛大応物) Energy Functions and their Tropical Analogues 11:30-12:30 新澤 信彦(都立大理) B\"aclkund transformation equation for Ultra-discrete KP equation 14:00-15:00 山田 泰彦(神戸大自然) Tropical actions of W(A^{(1)}_{m-1})× W(A^{(1)}_{n-1}) 15:10-16:10 国場 敦夫(東大総合文化) Tau-functions in tropical automata for A^{(2)}_{2n}, C^{(1)}_n and D^{(2)}_{n+1} 問い合わせ先 国場 敦夫 〒 153-8902 東京都目黒区駒場 3-8-1 東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seminars on Box-Ball System and Related Topics (Program slightly changed) Date: December 7 (Fri) - December 8 (Sat), 2001 Place: Audio-visual Hall, College Library, and Lecture hall 126/127 in Building 16, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba) http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index-j.html PROGRAM (The talk with * is given in Lect. Room.126/127 in Building 16. The other talks are given in Audio-visual Hall at College Library.) DEC. 7(FRI) 9:20-10:20 Daisuke Takahashi(Waseda) SBCA = Stochastic or Signalized Burgers Cellular Automaton 10:30-11:30 Kaori Fukuda(Kobe) Box-Ball Systems and R-S-K correspondence 11:40-12:40 Junichi Yamamoto(Tokyo Metropolitan) A Characterization of Discrete Time Soliton Equations 13:50-14:50 Masato Okado(Osaka) Introduction to (geometric) crystal 15:00-16:00 Anatol Kirillov(RIMS) Birational actions of the affine symmetric group and the Robinson-Schensted correspondence *16:20-17:20 Masatoshi Noumi(Kobe) Tropical RSK correspondence 18:00-20:00 Dinner DEC. 8(SAT) 9:10-10:10 Tetsuji Tokihiro(Tokyo) On periodic box and ball system 10:20-11:20 Taichiro Takagi(National Defense Academy) Energy Functions and their Tropical Analogues 11:30-12:30 Nobuhiko Shinzawa(Tokyo Metropolitan) B\"aclkund transformation equation for Ultra-discrete KP equation 14:00-15:00 Yasuhiko Yamada(Kobe) Tropical actions of W(A^{(1)}_{m-1})× W(A^{(1)}_{n-1}) 15:10-16:10 Atsuo Kuniba(Tokyo) Tau-functions in tropical automata for A^{(2)}_{2n}, C^{(1)}_n and D^{(2)}_{n+1} Contact: Atsuo Kuniba for further information =========================================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.442 November 28, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar I. December 1 (Sat.), 2001, 11:00-12:00, Room 206 RIMS, Kyoto University Professor Alexei Zamolodchikov (LPM, Univ. Montpellier II, Montpellier,France) TITLE: Generalized Mathieu equation and Liouville TBA ABSTRACT: TBA ---------------------------------------------------- LUNCH: 12:15-13:45 ---------------------------------------------------- II. December 1 (Sat.), 2001, 14:00- 15:00, Room 206 RIMS, Kyoto University Professor Vladimir Touraev (CNRS, Univ. Lois Pasteur, Strasbourg,France) TITLE: Homotopy Quantum Field Theory ABSTRACT: We apply the idea of a topological quantum field theory (TQFT) to maps from manifolds into topological spaces. This leads to a notion of a (d+1)-dimensional homotopy quantum field theory (HQFT) which may be described as a TQFT for closed d-dimensional manifolds and (d+1)-dimensional cobordisms endowed with homotopy classes of maps into a given space. For a group G, we introduce cohomological HQFT's with target K(G,1) derived from cohomology classes of G and its subgroups of finite index. The main body of the talk is concerned with (1+1)-dimensional HQFT's. We classify them in terms of so called crossed group-algebras. In particular, the cohomological (1+1)-dimensional HQFT's over a field of characteristic 0 are classified by simple crossed group- -algebras. We introduce state sum models for (1+1)-dimensional HQFT's. We shortly discuss the 3-dimensional HQFT's. =========================================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.441 November 26, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== 日本数学会無限可積分系セッションでの講演のお願い ============================================== 皆様、 春の明治大学駿河台校舎での学会(3月28日-31日) の無限可積分系セッションで是非講演をして下さるようお願いいたします。 講演申し込みの締切は12月7日(必着)です。 皆様の御協力をお願い申し上げます。 尾角正人(無限可積分系セッション責任者) =========================================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.440 November 26, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 神戸大学超幾何セミナー Kobe Seminar on Hypergeometric Systems Speaker: Prof. Nicholas Witte (Univ. of Melbourne, Australia), Title: Random matrix theory and integrable dynamical systems Time: December 19 (Wed), 2001, 16:00 - Place: C501, Dept. Math., Fac. Sci., Kobe University. ============================================== 「光学の数理解析」研究会 関係各位 谷島賢二先生(東大)代表の科学研究費補助金基盤 (A)(2)の分担者として、下 記のような要領で、光学の数理解析の勉強会を開催することになりましたので、 ご案内させていただきます。なお、今年はAiryの生誕200年の年でした。 研究集会名:光学の数理解析 日時   :2001年12月20日13:30−22日17:00 開催場所 :お茶の水女子大学理学部2号館5階501室(変更もあり得る) 交通案内 :営団地下鉄丸ノ内線茗荷谷駅より徒歩5分で東門に至る、 営団地下鉄有楽町線護国寺駅より徒歩5分で南門に至る 時間割 20日 13:30−14:30 真島 秀行(お茶の水女子大) 「過剰虹とAiry関数」 (虹の話など) 20日 14:45−15:45   宮本 忠(慶大) 「2変数Airy方程式のストークス現象」(カスプ虹に関係) 20日 16:00−17:00 森岡 達史(阪大) 「影の領域を伝わる光の強さを観測する」(光の回折の話に関係) 21日 10:15−12:30 森岡 達史(阪大) 「影の領域を伝わる光の強さを観測する」(光の回折の話に関係) <昼休み1時間> 21日 13:30−14:30 名和 範人(名大) 「レーザービームの自己集束と非線形シュレディンガー方程式の爆発解」 21日 14:45−17:00 石川 剛郎(北大) 「ラグランジュ・ルジャンドル特異点論の基礎」(幾何光学の光線に関係、) 22日 10:15−12:30 森岡 達史(阪大)(光の回折の話に関係) 「影の領域を伝わる光の強さを観測する」 <昼休み1時間> 22日 13:30−14:30 名和 範人(名大) 「レーザービームの自己集束と非線形シュレディンガー方程式の爆発解」 22日 14:45−17:00 泉屋 周一(北大) 「ラグランジュ・ルジャンドル特異点論の応用」(幾何光学の光線に関係、) それぞれ講義のレジュメを作ることになっています。 森岡達史氏は、氏の龍谷大学の講義ノート「第2超局所解析の基本」に基づいて 講演されます。予め入手されたい方は森岡氏にご連絡ください。あるいは主催者 にご連絡くだされば仲介いたします。 石川剛郎氏、泉屋周一氏の講演の参考文献は「応用特異点論」(共立出版)で す。 お茶の水女子大学大学院人間文化研究科複合領域科学専攻数理自然情報科学講座 お茶の水女子大学大学院人間文化研究科数理・情報科学専攻数学コース お茶の水女子大学理学部数学科 真島秀行 〒112-8610東京都文京区大塚2−1−1 ======================================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.439 November 15, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 研究会「箱玉系とその周辺」のお知らせ(再) 日時: 2001年 12月 7日(金)〜 12月 8日(土) 場所: 東京都目黒区駒場 3-8-1 東京大学教養学部図書館(駒場)四階・視聴覚ホール (建物は図書館と同じですが、入り口は正面右手の階段です。) 及び 16号館 126/127 講義室 http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index-j.html 京王井の頭線 「駒場東大前」駅下車徒歩3分 プログラム (* の講演は16号館126/127 講義室、それ以外は教養学部視聴覚ホールです。) 12月7日(金) 10:00-11:00 高橋 大輔(早大理工) SBCA = Stochastic or Signalized Burgers Cellular Automaton 11:15-12:15 福田 香保理(神戸大自然) Box-Ball Systems and R-S-K correspondence 13:30-14:30 尾角 正人(阪大基礎工) Introduction to (geometric) crystal 14:50-15:50 Anatol Kirillov(京大数理研) Birational actions of the affine symmetric group and the Robinson-Schensted correspondence *16:20-17:20 野海 正俊(神戸大自然) Tropical RSK correspondence 18:00-20:00 懇親会 12月8日(土) 9:10-10:10 時弘 哲治(東大数理) On periodic box and ball system 10:20-11:20 高木 太一郎(防衛大応物) Energy Functions and their Tropical Analogues 11:30-12:30 新澤 信彦(都立大理) B\"aclkund transformation equation for Ultra-discrete KP equation 14:00-15:00 山田 泰彦(神戸大自然) Tropical actions of W(A^{(1)}_{m-1})× W(A^{(1)}_{n-1}) 15:10-16:10 国場 敦夫(東大総合文化) Tau-functions in tropical automata for A^{(2)}_{2n}, C^{(1)}_n and D^{(2)}_{n+1} 参加予定の方は 1) 氏名 2) 所属・職 (学生の方は学年も) 3) 連絡先(勤務先住所・電話番号・e-mail address) 4) 参加日程 5) 懇親会(12月7日)参加の有無 を, 国場まで電子メールにてお知らせください。 大まかな人数を確認したいだけですので, 予定で構いません。 すでに、参加予定をお知らせいただいた方、有り難うございます。 また大阪大学の川中宣明先生、神戸大学の山田泰彦先生の科研費等により、 旅費の補助が可能です。ご希望の方は上の情報とともに国場までご連絡ください。 旅費希望の〆切は11月16日とさせて頂きます。 締め切り間近ですが、まだ旅費の補助に余裕がありますので 奮ってご参加ください。 問い合わせ先 国場 敦夫 〒 153-8902 東京都目黒区駒場 3-8-1 東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seminars on Box-Ball System and Related Topics Date: December 7 (Fri) - December 8 (Sat), 2001 Place: Audio-visual Hall, College Library, and Lecture hall 126/127 in Building 16, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba) http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index-j.html PROGRAM (The talk with * is given in Lect. Room.126/127 in Building 16. The other talks are given in Audio-visual Hall at College Library.) DEC. 7(FRI) 10:00-11:00 Daisuke Takahashi(Waseda) SBCA = Stochastic or Signalized Burgers Cellular Automaton 11:15-12:15 Kaori Fukuda(Kobe) Box-Ball Systems and R-S-K correspondence 13:30-14:30 Masato Okado(Osaka) Introduction to (geometric) crystal 14:50-15:50 Anatol Kirillov(RIMS) Birational actions of the affine symmetric group and the Robinson-Schensted correspondence *16:20-17:20 Masatoshi Noumi(Kobe) Tropical RSK correspondence 18:00-20:00 Dinner DEC. 8(SAT) 9:10-10:10 Tetsuji Tokihiro(Tokyo) On periodic box and ball system 10:20-11:20 Taichiro Takagi(Bouei) Energy Functions and their Tropical Analogues 11:30-12:30 Nobuhiko Shinzawa(Tokyo Metropolitan) B\"aclkund transformation equation for Ultra-discrete KP equation 14:00-15:00 Yasuhiko Yamada(Kobe) Tropical actions of W(A^{(1)}_{m-1})× W(A^{(1)}_{n-1}) 15:10-16:10 Atsuo Kuniba(Tokyo) Tau-functions in tropical automata for A^{(2)}_{2n}, C^{(1)}_n and D^{(2)}_{n+1} Contact: Atsuo Kuniba for further information ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.438 November 5, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 東京無限解析セミナーのお知らせです。 今回もやや変則的で、講演が三件あります。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 日時: 11月10日(土)13:00〜17:30 場所: 目黒区駒場3-8-1 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科 117号室 13:00-14:00 題目: Intersection numbers of twisted cycles and the correlation functions of the conformal field theory 講演者: 三町勝久(東工大) 14:30-15:30 題目: CFT Description of String Theory on G_2 Manifold 講演者: 菅原祐二(東大理) 16:00-17:00 題目: TBA 講演者: Al. Zamolodchikov (Univ. Montpellier) 問い合わせ:白石潤一 Web page: http://www.math.ocha.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ ------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Nov. 10 (Sat) 2001 13:00-17:30 Place: Room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo, Komaba 13:00-14:00 Title: Intersection numbers of twisted cycles and the correlation functions of the conformal field theory Speaker: Katsuhisa Mimachi (Tokyo Institute of Technology) 14:30-15:30 Title: CFT Description of String Theory on G_2 Manifold Speaker: Yuji Sugawara (Univ. Tokyo) 16:00-17:00 Title: TBA Speaker: Al. Zamolodchikov (Univ. Montpellier) Contact: Junichi Shiraishi Web page: http://www.math.ocha.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.437 November 5, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 研究会「箱玉系とその周辺」のお知らせ 日時: 2001年 12月 7日(金)〜 12月 8日(土) 場所: 東京都目黒区駒場 3-8-1 東京大学教養学部図書館(駒場)四階・視聴覚ホール (建物は図書館と同じですが、入り口は正面右手の階段です。) 及び 16号館 126/127 講義室 http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index-j.html 京王井の頭線 「駒場東大前」駅下車徒歩3分 プログラム (* の講演は16号館126/127 講義室、それ以外は教養学部視聴覚ホールです。) 12月7日(金) 10:00-11:00 高橋 大輔(早大理工) SBCA = Stochastic or Signalized Burgers Cellular Automaton 11:15-12:15 福田 香保理(神戸大自然) Box-Ball Systems and R-S-K correspondence 13:30-14:30 尾角 正人(阪大基礎工) Introduction to (geometric) crystal 14:50-15:50 Anatol Kirillov(京大数理研) Birational actions of the affine symmetric group and the Robinson-Schensted correspondence *16:20-17:20 野海 正俊(神戸大自然) Tropical RSK correspondence 18:00-20:00 懇親会 12月8日(土) 9:10-10:10 時弘 哲治(東大数理) On periodic box and ball system 10:20-11:20 高木 太一郎(防衛大応物) Energy Functions and their Tropical Analogues 11:30-12:30 新澤 信彦(都立大理) B\"aclkund transformation equation for Ultra-discrete KP equation 14:00-15:00 山田 泰彦(神戸大自然) Tropical actions of W(A^{(1)}_{m-1})× W(A^{(1)}_{n-1}) 15:10-16:10 国場 敦夫(東大総合文化) Tau-functions in tropical automata for A^{(2)}_{2n}, C^{(1)}_n and D^{(2)}_{n+1} 参加予定の方は 1) 氏名 2) 所属・職 (学生の方は学年も) 3) 連絡先(勤務先住所・電話番号・e-mail address) 4) 参加日程 5) 懇親会(12月7日)参加の有無 を, 国場まで電子メールにてお知らせください。 大まかな人数を確認したいだけですので, 予定で構いません。 また大阪大学の川中宣明先生、神戸大学の山田泰彦先生の科研費等により、 旅費の補助が可能です。ご希望の方は上の情報とともに国場までご連絡ください。 旅費希望の〆切は11月16日とさせて頂きます。 問い合わせ先 国場 敦夫 〒 153-8902 東京都目黒区駒場 3-8-1 東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seminars on Box-Ball System and Related Topics Date: December 7 (Fri) - December 8 (Sat), 2001 Place: Audio-visual Hall, College Library, and Lecture hall 126/127 in Building 16, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba) http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index-j.html PROGRAM (The talk with * is given in Lect. Room.126/127 in Building 16. The other talks are given in Audio-visual Hall at College Library.) DEC. 7(FRI) 10:00-11:00 Daisuke Takahashi(Waseda) SBCA = Stochastic or Signalized Burgers Cellular Automaton 11:15-12:15 Kaori Fukuda(Kobe) Box-Ball Systems and R-S-K correspondence 13:30-14:30 Masato Okado(Osaka) Introduction to (geometric) crystal 14:50-15:50 Anatol Kirillov(RIMS) Birational actions of the affine symmetric group and the Robinson-Schensted correspondence *16:20-17:20 Masatoshi Noumi(Kobe) Tropical RSK correspondence 18:00-20:00 Dinner DEC. 8(SAT) 9:10-10:10 Tetsuji Tokihiro(Tokyo) On periodic box and ball system 10:20-11:20 Taichiro Takagi(Bouei) Energy Functions and their Tropical Analogues 11:30-12:30 Nobuhiko Shinzawa(Tokyo Metropolitan) B\"aclkund transformation equation for Ultra-discrete KP equation 14:00-15:00 Yasuhiko Yamada(Kobe) Tropical actions of W(A^{(1)}_{m-1})× W(A^{(1)}_{n-1}) 15:10-16:10 Atsuo Kuniba(Tokyo) Tau-functions in tropical automata for A^{(2)}_{2n}, C^{(1)}_n and D^{(2)}_{n+1} Contact: Atsuo Kuniba for further information ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.436 October 29, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Date: Dec. 6 (Thur.), 2001, 15:30-- Speaker: Keiji Nishioka (Keio Univ.), Title: The first and the seccond variations of Painlev\'e I, Place: C501, Dept. Math., Kobe Univ. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.435 October 25, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Title: Intertwining property of reflection matrices and affine Toda field theory with a boundary Date: October 26 (Fri) 2001 15:00-16:30 Place: Room 057, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences University of Tokyo, Komaba Speaker: Gustav W Delius (Department of Mathematics, Univ. of York) Abstract: The most practical way to find spectral parameter dependent R-matrices (solutions of the Yang Baxter equation RRR=RRR) is to impose that R is an intertwiner for a tensor product representation of a quantum affine algebra. This leads to a set of linear equation for the R-matrix. We explain how to similarly find spectral parameter dependen reflection matrices K (solutions of the reflection equation RKRK=KRKR) from an intertwining property for a coideal subalgebra of the quantized affine algebra. We apply this to find soliton reflection matrices for affine Toda field theories with a boundary. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.434 October 24, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 研究集会のお知らせ。 5th CREST workshop "Random Matrix and Random Field Theory" Time: November 5-8, 2001. Place: Mathematical Science Lecture Hall, Komaba, The University of Tokyo. tentativeなプログラムは以下のwebにあります。         http://vanilla-ice.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/2001workshop/5thtop.html ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.433 October 18, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar DATE:October 27 (Sat), 17:00-18:00, Room 206, RIMS, Kyoto University SPEAKER:Professor Sergei Loktev (Institute of Theoretical and Experemental Physics (ITEP) and Independent University, Moscow, Russia ) TITLE: Coinvariants of one-dimensional lattice VOAs ABSTRACT: Two character formulas for the spaces of coinvariants are proposed. First of them is a formula of widely used fermionic type. The other (bosonic) one is a q-analog of the Verlinde formula for dimensions. Along the way a fermionic formula for supernomial coefficients is obtained. Based on joint work with B.L. Feigin and I.Yu.Tipunin ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.432 October 16, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 題目: Integrable structure of W_3 Conformal Field Theory and Quantum Boussinesq Theory 日時: 10月26日(金) 10:30-12:30 (45 + break + 45 minutes) Place: 目黒区駒場3-8-1 東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 16号館 827 号室 (駒場キャンパスの西よりです) 講演者: V.V. Bazhanov (Australian National University) 要旨: In this talk we describe the Yang-Baxter integrable structure of Conformal Field Theories with extended conformal symmetry generated by the W_3 algebra. We explicitly construct various T- and Q-operators which act in the irreducible highest weight modules of the W_3 algebra. These operators can be viewed as continuous field theory analogues of the commuting transfer matrices and Q-matrices of the integrable lattice systems associated with the quantum algebra U_q(\hat{sl}(3)). We formulate several conjectures detailing certain analytic characteristics of the Q-operators and propose exact asymptotic expansions of the T- and Q-operators at large values of the spectral parameter. We show, in particular, that the asymptotic expansion of the T-operators generates an infinite set of local integrals of motion of the W_3 CFT which in the classical limit reproduces an infinite set of conserved Hamiltonians associated with the classical Boussinesq equation. 問い合わせ: 国場敦夫 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Integrable structure of W_3 Conformal Field Theory and Quantum Boussinesq Theory Date: October 26 (Fri) 2001 10:30-12:30 (45 + break + 45 minutes) Place: Room 827, Building No.16 (West side of the Komaba campus) University of Tokyo, Komaba Speaker: V.V. Bazhanov (Australian National University) Abstract: In this talk we describe the Yang-Baxter integrable structure of Conformal Field Theories with extended conformal symmetry generated by the W_3 algebra. We explicitly construct various T- and Q-operators which act in the irreducible highest weight modules of the W_3 algebra. These operators can be viewed as continuous field theory analogues of the commuting transfer matrices and Q-matrices of the integrable lattice systems associated with the quantum algebra U_q(\hat{sl}(3)). We formulate several conjectures detailing certain analytic characteristics of the Q-operators and propose exact asymptotic expansions of the T- and Q-operators at large values of the spectral parameter. We show, in particular, that the asymptotic expansion of the T-operators generates an infinite set of local integrals of motion of the W_3 CFT which in the classical limit reproduces an infinite set of conserved Hamiltonians associated with the classical Boussinesq equation. Contact: Atsuo Kuniba for further information ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.431 October 12, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== 研究会「箱玉系とその周辺」 開催のお知らせ(第一報) 日時: 2001年 12月 7日(金)〜 12月 8日(土) 場所: 東京都目黒区駒場 3-8-1 東京大学教養学部図書館(駒場)・視聴覚ホール http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index-j.html 講演予定者は以下の方を含みます。 尾角 正人 高木 太一郎 高橋 大輔 時弘 哲治 野海 正俊 福田 香保里 山田 泰彦 国場 敦夫 お問い合わせ:国場敦夫 ---------------------------------------------- Seminars on Box-Ball System and Related Topics (First announcement) Date: 12/7(Fri) - 12/8(Sat) Place: Audio-visual Hall, College Library, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba) http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index-j.html Tentative list of speakers includes Masato Okado Taichiro Takagi Daisuke Takahashi Tetsuji Tokihiro Masatoshi Noumi Kaori Fukuda Yasuhiko Yamada Atsuo Kuniba Contact: Atsuo Kuniba for further information ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.430 October 11, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== 神戸大学超幾何セミナー Speaker: Prof. Igor Dolgachev (Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor), Title: Symmetric bounded domains and periods of Calabi-Yau manifolds, Time: November 19 (Mon), 2001, 17:00 - Place: C 501, Dept. Math., Fac. Sci., Kobe University. Homepage: http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/rchs ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.429.1 October 9, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== CHANGE OF DATES ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar I. October 27 (Sat), 14:00-15:15, Room 206, RIMS, Kyoto University ~~~~~~~ Speaker: Professor Toshiki Nakashima ( Sophia University, Tokyo ) TITLE: Piecewise-linear Combinatorics of Crystal Bases ABSTRACT: We give a general way of representing the crystal (base) corresponding to the nilpotent part of quantized Kac-Moody algebras and their integrable highest weight modules, which is called polyhedral realizations. Those crystal bases are realized as the set of integer solutions of a system of linear inequalities (in infinitely many variables) under certain conditions. We produce the system of linear inequalities by some piecewise-linear operators on linear functions. We also describe braid-type isomorphisms in terms of piecewise-linear functions. The polyhedral realizations are applied to describe explicitly the crystal bases for arbitrary rank 2 Kac-Moody algebra cases, the classical A_n-case II. October 27 (Sat), 15:30- 16:45, Room 206, RIMS, Kyoto University ~~~~~~~ Speaker: Professor Kouichi Takemura ( Yokohama City University ) ~~~~ TITLE: The Heun equation and the Calogero-Moser-Sutherland model ABSTRACT: We propose and develop the Bethe Ansatz method for the Heun's equation. As an application, we justify the holomorphic pertur- bation for the 1-particle Inozemtsev model from the trigonometric model. We will give comments on the relationships to the finite gap property and the expression of the monodromy of the Heun's equation in terms of the hyper-elliptic integral. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.429 October 9, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar I. October 26 (Fri),, 14:00-15:15, Room 206, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Professor Toshiki Nakashima ( Sophia University, Tokyo ) TITLE: Piecewise-linear Combinatorics of Crystal Bases ABSTRACT: We give a general way of representing the crystal (base) corresponding to the nilpotent part of quantized Kac-Moody algebras and their integrable highest weight modules, which is called polyhedral realizations. Those crystal bases are realized as the set of integer solutions of a system of linear inequalities (in infinitely many variables) under certain conditions. We produce the system of linear inequalities by some piecewise-linear operators on linear functions. We also describe braid-type isomorphisms in terms of piecewise-linear functions. The polyhedral realizations are applied to describe explicitly the crystal bases for arbitrary rank 2 Kac-Moody algebra cases, the classical A_n-case II. October 26 (Fri), 15:30- 16:45, Room 206, RIMS, Kyoto University Speaker: Professor Kouichi Takemura ( Yokohama University ) TITLE: The Heun equation and the Calogero-Moser-Sutherland model ABSTRACT: We propose and develop the Bethe Ansatz method for the Heun's equation. As an application, we justify the holomorphic pertur- bation for the 1-particle Inozemtsev model from the trigonometric model. We will give comments on the relationships to the finite gap property and the expression of the monodromy of the Heun's equation in terms of the hyper-elliptic integral. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.428 October 9, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== 東京無限可積分系セミナー (今回は3時から始まりますので御注意御願いします。) 10月20日(土)3時00分 -- 4時00分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科117 講演者: 秋光 純(青山学院大理工物理) 表題 : "ホウ化物の超伝導と強磁性" 10月20日(土)4時30分 -- 5時30分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科117 講演者: 国場 敦夫 (東大総合文化) 表題 : "Difference L operators related to q-characters" 白石潤一 追伸: 今回の秋光先生のお話は、物理の最先端の話題を伺うことができる よい機会ですので、数学のみならずお近くの物理の方々にもお知ら せ頂ければ幸いと存じます。 東京無限可積分系セミナー home page: http://www.math.ocha.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ ================================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo Date: 20 October 2001 (Sat), 15:00 -- 16:00. Place: room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Jun Akimitsu (Aoyama Gakuin) Title : "Superconductivity and Ferromagnetism in Boride" Date: 20 October 2001 (Sat), 16:30 -- 17:30. Place: room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Atsuo Kuniba (Univ. of Tokyo) Title : "Difference L operators related to q-characters" For information: Shiraishi, Jun'ichi Our home page: http://www.math.ocha.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER "SPECIAL" September 25, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Please read the following letter, if you have a moment. I am hoping it might represent the views of the majority of the academic establishment. Please send it on to colleagues in the academic community. Ask them to send a signed copy back to me, and to forward it to their own colleagues, who might be interested. I will organize the signatures and remove duplicates, if any: Jordan B. Peterson Department of Psychology University of Toronto To President G.W. Bush and the Members of the U.S. Congress: The events of the past few days have made everyone understand how vulnerable a free and open society is to mass destruction and terror. But this terrible vulnerability is part of the strength of such a society, not a hallmark of its weakness. It takes courage to allow the free movement of people and ideas. That courage is predicated on voluntary acceptance of great risk, and not upon ignorance of its likelihood. The immediate response to such a catastrophe is anger and hatred. But the system of laws that supports the US and its allies has been designed by generations of great people to ensure that anger and hatred are never given the final word. Justice, truth, and respect for individual differences are principles whose power far outweighs the thoughtless desire for revenge. More importantly, revenge breeds revenge. It seems terribly dangerous to provide individuals motivated precisely by the desire to increase pain and suffering the luxury of the war they so much desire. Such a war turns them from rigid, totalitarian cowards to soldiers; from failures who are willing to prey upon the innocent to heroic exemplars of the fight against overwhelming external oppression. The craven acts of terrorism perpetrated in New York and Washington are dignified intolerably by their classification as acts of war. The individuals who perpetrated these appalling events must be regarded and treated as criminals, as international pariahs, who have committed crimes against humanity, and who must be brought publicly and rationally to justice. Our great technological power makes us increasingly vulnerable to the rigid madness of the ideologically committed and resentful. To turn against such madness with indiscriminate revenge seeking is merely to react in the same primitive and deadly manner. To risk the slaughter of innocent people in the hunt for such revenge is to absolutely ensure that constant episodes of international terror will come to be the hallmark of 21st century existence. The entire world stands behind the US, in the hope that the commission of crimes against civilization can be exterminated. Such solidarity was absolutely unthinkable even fifteen years ago. The US therefore has an unparalleled opportunity to demonstrate its unshakeable commitment to its own principles, particularly under such conditions of extreme duress, and to provide the world with the hope that democracy and freedom can truly rise above the parochial ideological madness of the past. Such a demonstration would truly lift the American state above all past national institutions, and would continue the tradition of great spirit that allowed for the rehabilitation of Germany and Japan after the Second World War. Perhaps the events of September 11 might therefore be regarded as the last war of the second Christian millennium, instead of the first war of the third. In consequence, we implore you to react with discrimination, to target only those truly responsible, and to avoid the cruel and thoughtless errors characterizing humanity's blind and ethnocentric past. Please punish only the guilty, and not the innocent. Otherwise the cycle of terror that seems an ineradicable part of human existence will never come to an end. Sincerely, 1. Jordan B. Peterson, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto 2. Daniel C. Dennett, University Professor, Director, Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University 3. Steven Pinker, Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 4. Hilary Putnam, Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA 5. Nicholas Humphrey, School Professor, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, 6. Joan McCord, Professor, Criminal Justice Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 7. Endel Tulving, Rotman Research Institute of Baycrest Centre, 3560 Bathurst Street, Toronto M6A 2E1 8. Paul R. Lawrence, Donham Professor, Emeritus, Organizational Behavior Unit, Harvard Business School 9. Arnold Modell, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School 10. Janet Polivy, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto 11. Charles Helwig, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto 12. Chris Westbury, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Alberta 13. George Mandler, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Ca 92093 14. Jean M. Mandler, Research Professor, Department of Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 15. David LeMarquand, Psychologist, North Bay Psychiatric Hospital, North= Bay, ON, CA 16. Corinne Santa, Principal, G. Theberge School, Temiscaming, Quebec, CA 17. Jean R. S=E9guin, Department of Psychiatry, Universit=E9 de Montr=E9al= 18. Myriam Mongrain, Professor, York University, Department of Psychology, Toronto, Canada 19. Romin Tafarodi, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto 20. Paul Wong, Professor, Trinity Western University, Langley, B.C., Canada 21. R. Mara Brendgen, Department of Psychology, Universit=E9 du Qu=E9bec = =E0 Montr=E9al, CA 22. Jean Toupin, Department of Education, Universit=E9 de Sherbrooke, Qu= =E9bec, CA 23. Richard W. Price, M.D., and Mrs. Ellen Price, Neurology Service, Room= 4M62, San Francisco General Hospital, 1001 Potrero Ave., San Francisco, CA= 94110-3518 24. Raymond H. Baillargeon, Ph.D., Chercheur, Centre de recherche de l'H=F4pital Sainte-Justine 3175, C=F4te Sainte-Catherine, Montr=E9al, Canada 25. David Pincus, Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Case= Western University, Cleveland, Ohio 26. Mihnea Moldoveanu, Professor, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, micamo::mgmt.utoronto.ca 27. Gerald C. Cupchik, Professor, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 28. Bernie Schiff, Professor, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 29. Keith R. Happaney, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 30. Paul A. Spiers, Ph.D., Clinical Research Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 31. Kathleen O'Craven, fMRI Scientist, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest= Centre 3560 Bathurst St, Toronto, OntarioM6A 2E1 Canada 32. Douglas F. Watt, Ph.D., Director of Neuropsychology, Quincy Medical Center, Boston University School of Medicine 33. Jean Rife, Department of Music and Theatre Arts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 34. Robert Soussignan, Laboratoire Vuln=E9rabilit=E9, Adaptation et Psychopathologie CNRS UMR 7593, H=F4pital de la Salp=EAtri=E8re, Paris, France 35. Alison S. Fleming, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto at= Mississauga, Mississauga, Canada 36. Shitij Kapur, MD,FRCPC,PhD, Canada Research Chair in, Schizophrenia an= d Therapeutic Neuroscience, Associate Prof. Psychiatry, Univ. Toronto, Research Scientist, PET Centre, Section Head, Schizophrenia Research 37. Stephen K. Levine, Professor of Social Science and Social and Politica= l Thought, York University 38. James V. Wertsch, Professor and Co-chair, Program on International and= Area Studies, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130 39. Irving Zucker, Dept. of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley= , CA, USA 40. Kay E. Holekamp, Professor, Department of Zoology, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI, USA 41. Eilenna Denisoff, Lecturer, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Toronto , Toronto, Canada 42. Michaela Hynie, Professor, Department of Psychology, York University, Toronto, Canada 43. Antonio Zadra, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada 44. Marie Dumont, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada 45. C=E9lyne Bastien, Research Associate, School of Psychology, University Laval, Qu=E9bec, Canada, 46. Hermann Riecke, Professor, Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA. 47. Dieter Armbruster, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA 48. Debra Lewis, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.426 August 24, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminars on hyperKaehler geometry Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University 9/10(Mon) Room 123 10:30 -- 12:00 H. Nakajima (Kyoto Univ.), Introduction to quiver varieties 13:00 -- 14:30 R. Goto (Osaka Univ.), Moduli spaces of topological calibrations (Calabi-Yau, Kaeher-Einstein, G_2, Spin(7) structures) 15:00 -- 16:30 T. Hausel (UC Berkeley), Cohomology rings of quiver varieties 9/11(Tue) Room 123 10:30 -- 12:00 T. Hausel, Yang-Mills instantons over Taub-NUT spaces There might be additional talks by H.Konno and J.Sawon. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.425 August 24, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== 皆様、 東京可積分系セミナーでは、以下のように夏の合宿を企画していま す。奮って御参加お願い致します。 参加ご希望の方は9月10日(月)までに 〒153-8914 東京都目黒区駒場3-8-1 東京大学数理科学研究科 白石潤一 あて御連絡下さい。 それでは宜しくお願い致します。            東京無限解析セミナー企画委員会 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\documentclass[11pt]{jarticle} \documentstyle[11pt]{jarticle} \setlength{\topmargin}{-20pt} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0pt} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0pt} \setlength{\textheight}{650pt} \setlength{\textwidth}{475pt} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\large 東京無限可積分セミナー 木津の湯合宿のご案内} \end{center} \noindent 皆様\\ %\vspace{5mm} 日頃より東京無限可積分セミナーの運営にご協力いただきありがと うございます。おかげさまで、本セミナーも、二年目を迎えること ができました。毎回できるだけ違った話題を取り上げられるように、 というのが運営の基本方針でありますが、このところ、月一回のペー スで実施している通常セミナーだけでは、可積分系に関連する広範 囲の話題を十分補い切れない、ということも感じられてまいりまし た。この分野の研究者の方々にできるだけ多数お集り頂き、できる だけ横断的な視野を持って議論して頂くことを目的といたしまして、 この度下記の要領で合宿を行うことになりました。お近くの方にも お知らせいただければ幸いです。以下のプログラムに、現在予定し ている講演を示してありますが、今回、若手の方を中心としてさら に講演を募集します。多数のご連絡お待ちしております。\bigskip \noindent 日時:平成13年9月25日(火)より28日(金)まで\\ 場所:新潟県小千谷市 木津の湯 篠田館\\ 費用:宿泊費は朝夕2食付きで一泊6千円。必要な方には費用(交通費、宿泊費)の 補助を考えてお りますのでご連絡ください。\\ 申し込み〆切:9月10日(月)\\ \begin{center} {\large 仮プログラム} \vspace{3mm} \begin{tabular}{|l||l|l|} \hline 25日&尾角正人&クリスタルとフェルミ公式\\    &小森靖&楕円型Ruijsenaars模型の保存量について\\ \hline 26日 &山田泰彦&A型箱玉系と超離散パンルベ\\     &白石潤一&ハチ公の足跡--Baxterのeight vertex模型について\\    &神保道夫&TBA\\  &筧三郎&(2+1)次元におけるソリトン方程式と\\ & &\qquad 自己双対ヤン・ミルズ方程式\\ \hline 27日 &国場敦夫&$g_n$ オートマン\\ & 武部尚志&TBA\\    &中屋敷厚&SU(2)不変Thirring模型の局所作用素の空間について\\    &長谷川浩司&Deforming Noumi-Yamada's Realization of Weyl group\\    & &\qquad as rational transformations\\ \hline 28日    &山田裕二&面模型について\\ &野海正俊&なんとなくトロピカル\\ & &\qquad --an introduction to tropical combinatorics\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \noindent 篠田館への行き方:\\ JR小千谷駅より徒歩十数分。 車の場合は、関越自動車道小千谷ICより十分。住所:新潟県小千谷市木津 987 、電 話:0258-83-2676。 参考URL:http://www.city.ojiya.niigata.jp/また、\\ http://www.onsen.ab.psiweb.com/niigata/kidunoyu.htm等。 \vspace{5mm} \noindent 連絡先:〒153-8914 東京都目黒区駒場3-8-1\\ \qquad\qquad 東京大学数理科学研究科 白石潤一 \quad \newpage \noindent 参加ご希望の方は以下にご記入の上ご返送(郵送またはe-mail)下さい。\\ \vspace{5mm} \newcommand{\maru}{\circ} 必要とされる食事、宿泊の該当個所にすべて○印(\verb+ $\maru$ +) をお付けください。 \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|} \hline & 朝食 & 夕食 & 宿泊 \\\hline\hline 9月25日 & $\times$ & & \\\hline 9月26日 & & & \\\hline 9月27日 & & & \\\hline 9月28日 & & $\times$ & $\times$ \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \vspace{5mm} \noindent \begin{itemize} \item 御名前:\\ \item 所属:\\ \item 電話番号:\\ \item e-mail address:\\ \item 旅費補助の希望:\\ \item 宿泊費補助の希望:\\ \item 講演希望の場合、講演のタイトル、黒板またはOHPの希望:\\ \item 家族参加の御希望があれば、小部屋の用意等の調整をさせて頂きます:\\ \end{itemize} \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.424 August 8, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== 神戸大学超幾何セミナー Date: 8月 27日(月), 15:00- Speaker: 鈴木 範男 氏 & 渡辺 文彦 氏 (北見工大) Title: Monodromy preserving deformation of the Heun equation and rational solutions of the sixth Painlev\'e equation Place: C501, Dept. of Math. Kobe Univ. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.423 July 27, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== > お知らせ > > 平成13年7月27日 > >筑波大学物理学系 教授 梁 成吉(やん そんぎる)氏は、病気療養中の所、 >7月27日午前1時50分に肺ガンのため永眠されました。謹んでご冥福をお祈り >いたしますと共に、謹んで皆様にお知らせいたします。 > > > 筑波大学物理学系長 滝川 紘治 > 筑波大学物理学系  宇川 彰 > > >葬儀通知 > >前夜式    平成13年7月29日(日) 18時から > >前夜式場所     つくばメモリアルホール >          茨城県つくば市大字玉取1766番地 >          電話: 0298-79-0330 > >告別式日時 平成13年7月30日(月) 13時から > >告別式場所   上記に同じ > >喪主(続柄)   趙 文恵(妻) > >備  考     つくばメモリアルホールの地図を下記にリンク致します。 > > http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/map.jpg > >問い合わせ先: 筑波大学物理学系事務室 > 電話:0298-53-4010 FAX:0298-53-6618 > > >以上 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.422 July 19, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 皆様: 8月29日から31日の間大津市で 下記のスクールを開く事になりました。 (下記はplatex fileです)。 奮って御参加ください。 登録が必要で、宿泊の人数の把握をするために なるべく早く御返事いただければと思います。 (最終の締切は8月3日です。) 英語版の案内が http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/HOME/mhsaito/2001otsu.html にありますので参照してください。 大学院生で興味を持たれている方がいれば 参加される様お勧めくだされば幸いです。 齋藤 政彦 %%%%% CUT HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[11pt]{jarticle} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\large \bf International School on \\ Geometry of Moduli Spaces and Integrable Systems} \end{center} \vspace{0.5cm} 下記の要領で、8月の最終週に、「モジュライ空間の幾何学と 可積分系」というテーマで国際スクールを開きます。是非御参加いただきます 様お願いしますと共に, 興味をお持ちの研究者および大学院生に ご周知いただきますようお願いします。このスクールの次週に京大数理研で同名の 国際研究集会(9月3日--7日)を開きますので、そちらのほうにも ご参加くださいます 様お願いいたします。 \begin{itemize} \item {\bf 場所:} 大津市 ピアザ淡海会議室 (ピアザ淡海への交通は \begin{quote} http://www.hotelpiazza.com/map/index.html \end{quote} をご覧ください.) \item {\bf 時 :} 8月29日午前 9時--8月31日午後 \item {\bf プログラム:} プログラムは \begin{quote} {\small http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/HOME/mhsaito/2001otsu.html} \end{quote} に順次掲載していく予定です. 現在まで、下記の5人の方に 2回ずつ話してもらおう と思っています. 空いた時間にshort communication等(大学院生歓迎)も入れたいと思いますので 講演したい方は登録表にその旨を記してください. \item {\bf 講義者および講義題目:} \begin{enumerate} \item {\bf Boris Dubrovin (SISSA, Trieste)}, TBA, \item {\bf Philip Boalch (SISSA, Trieste)}, Symplectic Geometry and Isomonodromic Deformations, \item {\bf Alexander Kitaev (St. Petersburg)}, Double Asymptotics of Special Functions of the Isomonodromy Type. \item {\bf Masatoshi Noumi (Kobe)}, Birational Weyl Group Actions and their appliacations. \item {\bf Jacques Hurtubise (Montreal)}, TBA. \end{enumerate} \item {\bf 会場および宿泊:} 会場は100人程度の収容力をもっています. 宿泊については 講演者を含めて30名分, ピアザ淡海内の ホテルピアザ琵琶湖での宿泊を主催者側で予約してあります。 シングル一泊8800円で朝食と税金込みです. 希望者は下記登録表 にその旨を書いてください. 人数の都合上、こちらでの予約分での宿泊を お断りする事があります. その際も 自分でホテルピアザ琵琶湖を予約する(077-527-6333)事も可能な場合があります. また、近くのホテルの情報を上記のホームページに載せる予定です. \item {\bf 参加料:} Schoolの経費の一部にあてる為に、5000円の参加料を承ります.(学生割引 3000円). 参加時にお支払いください. \item {\bf 旅費の援助:} 国内の運賃、宿泊費等の 補助が、若干, 主催者側の科研費で可能です. (原則として 大学院生を主にします. ) 下記の登録表にその旨を 記してください. \end{itemize} \begin{center} {\bf 登録表} 郵便, 電子メール またはFaxで, 下記連絡先までご返送ください. {\bf 〆切:2001年8月3日 必着} \end{center} \begin{itemize} \item \underline{\bf 氏名: \hspace{10cm}} \item \underline{\bf 所属・身分: \hspace{8.8cm}} \item \underline{\bf 住所:\hspace{10cm}} \item \underline{\bf 電話番号 \hspace{4cm} Fax 番号\hspace{3.6cm}} \item \underline{\bf email address: \hspace{8cm} } \item \underline{\bf ホテルピアザ琵琶湖に \quad 宿泊を希望する. \quad 自分で宿を取る} \item \underline{\bf 宿泊を希望する場合到着日 ( 8月 28日, 29日, 30日 ) \hspace{0cm}} \item \underline{\bf 宿泊を希望する場合出発日 ( 8月 29日, 30日, 31日 ) \hspace{0cm}} \item \underline{\bf 旅費の援助を希望する \quad 希望しない \hspace{2.5cm}} \item \underline{ {\small S.C.の講演題目} \hspace{8cm}} \end{itemize} \begin{center} {\bf 連絡先:齋藤 政彦(神戸大学理学部)}\\ 〒657−8501, 神戸市灘区六甲台1−1, \\ 神戸大学理学部数学科 \\ \end{center} \end{document} ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.421 July 11, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 国際シンポジウム開催のお知らせ (First announcement)  名古屋大学大学院多元数理科学研究科では研究科の事業として、年度ごとの統一テ ー マの下国際シンポジウムを開催することを予定しています。  第一回多元数理国際シンポジウム(仮称)では 「保型形式と p-進表現」 を題材に開催することに決定いたしました。以下がそのあらましです。興味のある方 にもお知らせください。 開催地:飛騨高山(ひだホテルプラザ) 日程:2001年8月20日(月)から24日(金) (25名まで organizer 側で予約可能) Organizers: Kazuhiro Fujiwara (藤原 一宏, Nagoya University) Tohru Uzawa (宇沢 達, Rikkyo University) Participants include: Anne-Marie Aubert (Ecole Normale Superieur, Ulm and CNRS) * Don Blasius (UCLA)* Masaaki Furusawa (古澤 昌秋, Osaka City University)* Kaoru Hiraga (平賀 郁, Kyoto University)* Jing-Song Huang (Hong Kong Science and Technology University) * Kazuko Konno (今野 和子, Kyushu University) Takuya Konno (今野 拓也, Kyushu University) Jean-Pierre Labesse (Paris VII) * Allen Moy (University of Michigan) Dipendra Prasad (Harish-Chandra Research Institute)* Hiroshi Saito (斉藤 裕, Kyoto University) Toshiaki Shoji (庄司 俊明, Tokyo Science University)* Tetsuya Takahashi (高橋 哲也, Osaka Metropolitan University) * Takao Watanabe (渡部 隆夫, Osaka University) * Hiroyuki Yoshida (吉田 敬之, Kyoto University)* (* = confirmed speakers) 尚、シンポジウムの web page address は http://www.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ http://www.rikkyo.ne.jp/~uzawa/autom.htm です。ホテル等についての最新情報を更新します。 ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.420 July 6, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 東京無限可積分系セミナー 7月14日(土)1時00分 -- 2時00分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科117 講演者: 佐垣 大輔(筑波大学数学研究科) 表題 : "Crystal bases and diagram automorphisms" 7月14日(土)2時30分 -- 3時30分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科117 講演者: 原 祐次 (東大数理) 表題 : "プリンシパルグラデーションを持つ脇本表現のBRSTコホモロジー" 白石潤一 東京無限可積分系セミナー home page: http://www.math.ocha.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ ================================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo Date: 14 July 2001 (Sat), 13:00 -- 14:00. Place: room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Daisuke SAGAKI (Univ. Tsukuba) Title : "Crystal bases and diagram automorphisms" Date: 14 July 2001 (Sat), 14:30 -- 15:30. Place: room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Yuji Hara (Univ. of Tokyo) Title : "BRST-resolution for Principally Graded Wakimoto module" For information: Shiraishi, Jun'ichi Our home page: http://www.math.ocha.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takebe/iat/ ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.419 June 19, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== 日本数学会無限可積分系セッションでの講演のお願い ============================================== 皆様, 2001年度秋季総合分科会が九州大学箱崎キャンパスにおいて 10月3日から6日まで行なわれます。 皆様には奮って講演申込みをして下さるようよろしくお願い申し上げます。 講演申し込みの締切は7月2日(必着)です。 詳しくは「数学通信」を御覧下さい。 当セッションが盛会となりますよう、 皆様の御協力をお願い申し上げます。 尾角正人(無限可積分系セッション責任者) ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.418 June 9, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 「有理楕円曲面に付随する周期と楕円型リー環」 ``Periods associated to rational elliptic surfaces and elliptic Lie algebras" 下記の要領で、研究会を開きますので、御参加下さい。 日時:2001年6月20日(水)−22日(金) 場所:国際基督教大学(ICU) Othmer Library Multimedia Room プログラム : 6月20日 (水曜日) 11:00--12:00 加藤晃史 (東大数理)「物理における duality -- 数学者向けの入門的な話」 13:30--14:30 清水勇二 (ICU) 有理楕円曲面に付随する周期 15:00--16:00 松澤淳一 (京大工学研究科) ルート系による3次曲面族のコンパクト化 16:30--17:00 問題提起および討論 6月21日 (木曜日) 10:00--11:00 斉藤義久 (東大数理) Elliptic Lie algebra について 11:30--12:30 毛利健司 (筑波大物理学系) E ストリングのインスタントン展開について 14:30--15:30 金銅誠之 (名大多元数理) A complex ball uniformization of the moduli of del Pezzo surfaces via periods of K3 surfaces 16:30--17:30 問題提起および討論 6月22日 (金曜日) 10:00--11:00 清水勇二 (ICU) 有理楕円曲面に付随する周期 II 11:30--12:30 山田 泰彦 (神戸大学自然科学) 楕円曲面のmonodromyとstring junction 14:30--15:30 土屋 昭博 (名大多元数理) TBA 15:30--17:00 問題提起および討論 交通:地図が http://www-lib.icu.ac.jp/kotu/index.html にありますので、参照してください。JR武蔵境駅、JR三鷹駅から 国際基督教大学の構内行きのバスがあります。あるいは、バス停「富士重工前」から 徒歩で10分弱です。 また、バスの時間割が上のページにリンクしてあります。 Mildred-Topp Othmer Libraryへは、http://www-lib.icu.ac.jp/kotu/campus.html の地図を参照下さい。図書館は、ほぼキャンパス中央にあり、本部棟の西隣、 ICU教会(Chapel)の北隣にあり、図書館の南側の建物がオスマー図書館です。 その入り口は、西側の芝生のある広場の方にあります。入り口は建物の地下1階に あり、Multimedia Roomは入り口を入り正面(あるいは右側)にあります。 宿泊:JR武蔵境駅、JR三鷹駅の近くにホテルがあります。 参考までに、 http://alcom.icu.ac.jp/alcom97/accommodation-j.html のホテルのリストをご覧ください。(4年前のデータです !!!) !! ホテルメッツ武蔵境(Tel: 0422-32-5111 (Fax 5100))をご予約になるとき、 本研究会に参加することを告げられると、1割引になります。 連絡先: 清水 勇二 (国際基督教大学 教養学部 理学科 数学教室) ---- Yuji Shimizu shimizu Department of Mathematics, International Christian University Ohsawa 3-10-2, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo 181-8585,JAPAN ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.417.1 June 6, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 先ほどお送りした No. 417 の差し換えです. ********* Infinite Analysis Seminar ******************************** We start a monthly seminar. The first seminar takes place on June 30. A. Kirillov. M. Kashiwara, T. Miwa Date: June 30 (Sat), 11:00-16:30 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto University RIMS building is closed on Saturday. To enter the building, call 102 by the phone at the north entrance. Speakers: Yoshihiro Takeyama (11:00-12:00) Boris Feigin (14:00-15:00) Martin Guest (15:30-16:30) Program 11:00--12:00 Yoshihiro Takeyama (RIMS) Title: On form factors of SU(2) invariant Thirring model Abstract: Integral formulae for form factors of a large family of charged local operators in $SU(2)$ invariant Thirring model are given extending Smirnov's construction of form factors of chargeless local operators in the sine-Gordon model. New abelian symmetry acting on this family of local operators is found. It creates Lukyanov's operators which are not in the above family of local operators in general. This is a joint work with Atsushi Nakayashiki. 14:00--15:00 Boris Feigin(RIMS) Title: Coinvariants for $1$-dimensional lattice VOA and the $sl_2$-multinomial coefficents 15:30--16:30 Martin Guest (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Title: Introduction to quantum cohomology and related integrable systems Abstract: This will be an introduction to quantum cohomology, mainly through concrete examples. Relations with systems of pde will be discussed, including for example the observation of Givental and Kim that the quantum cohomology of the flag manifold is related to the quantum Toda lattice. *********************************************************************
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.417 June 6, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Date: June 30 (Sat), 11:00-16:30 Place: Room 102, RIMS, Kyoto Unviersity Speakers: Yoshihiro Takeyama (11:00-12:00) Boris Feigin (14:00-15:00) Martin Guest (15:30-16:30) Program 11:00--12:00 Yoshihiro Takeyama (RIMS) Title: On form factors of SU(2) invariant Thirring model Abstract: Integral formulae for form factors of a large family of charged local operators in $SU(2)$ invariant Thirring model are given extending Smirnov's construction of form factors of chargeless local operators in the sine-Gordon model. New abelian symmetry acting on this family of local operators is found. It creates Lukyanov's operators which are not in the above family of local operators in general. This is a joint work with Atsushi Nakayashiki. 14:00--1500 Boris Feigin(RIMS) Title: Coinvariants for $1$-dimensional lattice VOA and the $sl_2$-multinomial coefficents 15:30--16:30 Martin Guest (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Title: Introduction to quantum cohomology and related integrable systems Abstract: This will be an introduction to quantum cohomology, mainly through concrete examples. Relations with systems of pde will be discussed, including for example the observation of Givental and Kim that the quantum cohomology of the flag manifold is related to the quantum Toda lattice. ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.415.1 June 5, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Correction of No. 415 ============================================== We correct the English title of the first talk. ---------------------------------------------- 東京無限可積分系セミナー 6月23日(土)1時00分 -- 2時00分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科117 講演者: 矢作 秀之(早大理工情報学科) 表題 : "可積分性を持つ非線形差分方程式" 6月23日(土)2時30分 -- 3時30分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科117 講演者: 竹縄 知之 (東大数理) 表題 : "2次元離散力学系の初期値空間とルート系" 白石潤一 東京無限可積分系セミナーの Home page: http://www.math.ocha.ac.jp/~takebe/iat http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takebe/iat ================================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo Date: 23 Jun. 2001 (Sat), 13:00 -- 14:00. Place: room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Yahagi Hideyuki (Univ. Waseda) →→Title : "Integrable nonlinear discrete equations" Date: 23 Jun. 2001 (Sat), 14:30 -- 15:30.  Place: room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Takenawa Tomoyuki (Univ. of Tokyo) Title : "Root systems and the initial value spaces for 2-dimensional discrete dynamical systems" For information: Shiraishi, Jun'ichi ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.416 June 4, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 談話会のお知らせ 日時: 6月13日(水)15:00ー16:30 場所:岡山大学理学部Bー305(代数学セミナー室) 講師: 寺尾 宏明氏 氏(東京都立大学) 題目: Algebras generated by reciprocals of linear forms アブストラクト: Let $\Delta$ be a finite set of nonzero linear forms in several variables with coefficients in a field $\mathbf K$ of characteristic zero. Consider the $\mathbf K$-algebra $C(\Delta)$ of rational functions generated by $\{1/\alpha \mid \alpha \in \Delta \}$. Then the ring $\partial(V)$ of differential operators with constant coefficients naturally acts on $C(\Delta)$. We study the graded $\partial(V)$-module structure of $C(\Delta)$. We especially find standard systems of minimal generators and a combinatorial formula for the Poincar\'e series of $C(\Delta)$. Our proofs are based on a theorem by Brion-Vergne [brv1] and results by Orlik-Terao [ort2]. [brv1] M. Brion and M. Vergne, Arrangement of hyperplanes I. Rational functions and Jeffrey-Kirwan residue. Ann. sceint. \'Ec. Norm. Sup., {\bf 32} (1999) 715--741 [ort2] P. Orlik and H. Terao, Commutative algebras for arrangements, Nagoya J. Math., {\bf 134} (1994) 65 -- 73 なお寺尾氏は集中講義のため,6月11日から15日まで 岡山大学理学部に滞在されます. 岡山大学 山田裕史 ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ Dr. Hiro-Fumi YAMADA Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Okayama University ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.415 June 4, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 東京無限可積分系セミナー 6月23日(土)1時00分 -- 2時00分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科117 講演者: 矢作 秀之(早大理工情報学科) 表題 : "可積分性を持つ非線形差分方程式" 6月23日(土)2時30分 -- 3時30分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科117 講演者: 竹縄 知之 (東大数理) 表題 : "2次元離散力学系の初期値空間とルート系" 白石潤一 東京無限可積分系セミナーの Home page: http://www.math.ocha.ac.jp/~takebe/iat http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takebe/iat ================================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo Date: 23 Jun. 2001 (Sat), 13:00 -- 14:00. Place: room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Yahagi Hideyuki (Univ. Waseda) Title : "Non-linear difference equations with integrable properties" Date: 23 Jun. 2001 (Sat), 14:30 -- 15:30. Place: room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Takenawa Tomoyuki (Univ. of Tokyo) Title : "Root systems and the initial value spaces for 2-dimensional discrete dynamical systems" For information: Shiraishi, Jun'ichi Home page of Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo: http:/www.math.ocha.ac.jp/~takebe/iat http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~takebe/iat ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.414 May 17, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 神戸大学超幾何セミナー 日時: 6月5日(火) 4時から(1時間程度) 場所: 神戸大理学部C501 講演者: 国場敦夫氏(東大総合文化) タイトル:Simple algorithm for factorized dynamics of $g_n$-automaton (文献 nlin.CG/0103022 ) 連絡先:庵原 謙治  ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.413 May 14, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 東京無限可積分系セミナー 5月26日(土)1時00分 -- 2時00分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科117 講演者: Christian Kassel (Universit\'e Louis Pasteur) 表題 : "Two-parameter quantizations of Lie bialgebras" 要約 :This is joint work with V. Turaev, published in Pacific J. Math.195:2 (2000), 297--369. Lie bialgebras were introduced by Drinfeld in the 1980's in his work on Lie-Poisson groups. Drinfeld-Jimbo's quantum groups are quantizations of certain Lie bialgebras. In 1995 Etingof and Kazhdan quantized arbitrary Lie bialgebras. We extend Etingof and Kazhdan's work by constructing a two-parameter quantization of Lie bialgebras, which has the advantage of being self-dual. 5月26日(土)2時30分 -- 3時30分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科117 講演者: 村田 実貴生 (東大数理) 表題 : "Elliptic Painleve Equation and Elliptic Hypergeometric Series" 白石潤一 ================================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo Date: 26 May. 2001 (Sat), 13:00 -- 14:00. Place: room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Christian Kassel (Universit\'e Louis Pasteur) Title : "Two-parameter quantizations of Lie bialgebras" Abstract: This is joint work with V. Turaev, published in Pacific J. Math.195:2 (2000), 297--369. Lie bialgebras were introduced by Drinfeld in the 1980's in his work on Lie-Poisson groups. Drinfeld-Jimbo's quantum groups are quantizations of certain Lie bialgebras. In 1995 Etingof and Kazhdan quantized arbitrary Lie bialgebras. We extend Etingof and Kazhdan's work by constructing a two-parameter quantization of Lie bialgebras, which has the advantage of being self-dual. Date: 26 May. 2001 (Sat), 14:30 -- 15:30. Place: room 117, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Murata Mikio (Univ. of Tokyo) Title : "Elliptic Painleve Equation and Elliptic Hypergeometric Series" For information: Shiraishi, Jun'ichi ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.412 May 8, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Speaker: Barry McCoy Title: Dimers and the Critical Ising Model on Lattices of genus $>1$ Date: May 10 (Thu), 13:30-- Room: RIMS 005, Kyoto University ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.411 April 12, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 東京無限可積分系セミナー 4月14日(土)1時00分 -- 2時00分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科056 講演者: 山田 裕二 (立教大学) 表題 : "Segre threefold and N=3 reflection equation" 4月14日(土)2時30分 -- 3時30分 駒場・東大数理科学研究科056 講演者: 出口 哲生 (お茶の水女子大学) 表題 : "On the spectral degeneracy of the XYZ model and the sl2 loop algebra" 白石潤一 ================================================== Infinite Analysis Seminar Tokyo Date: 14 Apr. 2001 (Sat), 13:00 -- 14:00. Place: room 056, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Yuji Yamada (Rikkyo Univ.) Title : "Segre threefold and N=3 reflection equation" Date: 14 Apr. 2001 (Sat), 14:30 -- 15:30. Place: room 056, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus). Speaker: Tetsuo Deguchi (Ochanomizu Univ.) Title : "On the spectral degeneracy of the XYZ model and the sl2 loop algebra" For information: Shiraishi, Jun'ichi ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.410 February 15, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 無限可積分系メーリングリストの皆様 John Cardy氏(Oxford 大学理論物理)を2月22日(木)から 3月8日(木)まで,科研費基盤研究(B)(2)「統計力学の 数理モデルにおけるランダムな形の形成とゆらぎの研究」 (研究代表者:樋口保成(神戸大理学部数学))で招聘いたします. 下記の研究会「数理物理と確率論の新しい展開」において, Conformal Invariance and Percolation というタイトルで講義を お願いいたしました.研究会のプログラムと合わせてご案内いた します.ご関心のある方はぜひご参加ください.Cardy 氏の講義は, 下に添付しましたアブストラクトにありますように入門的なところから 始めてくださいますので,大学院生の方もどうぞ聴講ください. この研究会に先立ち,幾つかのセミナー等が計画されて います.それらの情報は,横浜国大工学部応用数学の今野紀雄氏 の研究室ホームページの「Cardy氏関連研究会情報」 http://welldef.osu.seg.ynu.ac.jp/cardy.html に掲載されています.セミナーの新着情報を順次UPし,内容を更新し て下さるそうですので,参考にしてください. 以上,宜しくお願いいたします. 香取眞理 中央大学理工学部物理学科 *****************************: 研究会「数理物理と確率論の新しい展開」 世話人:樋口保成(神戸大),種村秀紀(千葉大), 香取眞理(中央大),今野紀雄(横浜国大) 日時:2001年3月5日(月)−3月6日(火) 場所:中央大学理工学部5号館1階5137教室 〒112−8551 東京都文京区春日1−13−27 (営団地下鉄丸の内線・南北線「後楽園」下車徒歩5分, 都営地下鉄三田線・大江戸線「春日」下車徒歩7分, JR「水道橋」下車徒歩約15分) プログラム 3月5日〈月) 10:30−12:30:John Cardy (Oxford 大学理論物理) Conformal Invariance and Percolation I 14:00−15:30:三苫至(佐賀大学理工学部)   On su(2) Chern-Simons theory 16:00−17:30:深井康成(九州大学大学院数理学研究科)  Green's function and hitting distribution   for two-dimensional random walk 18:30−懇親会 3月6日(火) 10:30−12:30:John Cardy (Oxford 大学理論物理) Conformal Invariance and Percolation II 14:00−15:30:岩田耕一郎(広島大学大学院理学研究科)   n点関数の特殊値が保型形式を表現する確率場について 連絡責任者:香取眞理 中央大学理工学部物理学科 ********************************************** CONFORMAL INVARIANCE AND PERCOLATION Professor John Cardy, Oxford University A great of progress has been made in recent years by theoretical physicists in obtaining new, and presumably exact, results for two-dimensional percolation. Some of these have been based on the analogy between percolation and critical phenomena, and the well-developed approach to the latter using ideas of continuum field theory, the renormalization group, and conformal symmetry. However in percolation and related models conformal symmetry plays a more explicit role than in other critical systems, because of their particularly geometrical nature. This course will provide an introduction to some of the ideas of conformal symmetry as applied to critical phenomena, with particular application to the percolation problem, as well as describing other recent approaches. No previous familiarity with field theory will be assumed, but students should have a basic knowledge of lattice problems and transfer matrix methods in statistical mechanics, as well as elementary complex analysis. Outline: 1) Percolation, the random cluster model, and the Potts model. 2) The continuum limit of critical lattice models: scale invariance and scaling operators. 3) From scale invariance to conformal invariance. 4) The relation between scaling operators and states in conformal field theory. 5) The Virasoro algebra and null states. 6) Null operators and differential equations for crossing probabilities. 7) Modular properties of crossing probabilities. 8) The approach of Lawler, Schramm and Werner. ==========================================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.409 February 6, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 東京無限可積分系セミナー (場所、曜日、時間がいつもと違います。) 日時: 3 月 2 日(金) 午後2時から3時頃まで 場所:お茶の水女子大学理学部 1号館 2 階 241 号室 (cf. http://www-s.cc.ocha.ac.jp/) 講演者:  V.E. Korepin (YITP, SUNY at Stony Brook) 表題: Charge and Spin separation in 1D Hubbard model. 出口哲生 ======================================================== Date: 2 March 2001 (Friday), 14:00-15:00   Place: Bldg. 1, room 241, Faculty of Science, Ochanomizu University (cf. http://www-s.cc.ocha.ac.jp/) Speaker: V.E. Korepin (YITP, SUNY at Stony Brook) Title: Charge and Spin separation in 1D Hubbard model. (This is a colloqium, it has historical introduction about the discovery of an electron.) For information: Tetsuo Deguchi ==========================================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.408 January 30, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 基研研究会「 Quantum Integrable Models 」のお知らせ 期日:2001年3月7日(水),8日(木),9日(金) 場所:〒606-8502 京都市左京区北白川追分町  京都大学基礎物理学研究所 研究棟2階K206号室 Quantum Integrable Models という表題で,量子可積分系とそれに関連した物 理と数学の話題についての研究会を京都大学基礎物理学研究所で開きます.あ まり多くない人数の講師に,その時点でご自分が一番興味を持っている話題に ついてゆったりとお話ししていただこうと考えています.質問・討論の時間を 十分にとって,有意義な相互作用を図りたいと思っています.第2日目,8日 (木)の全講演終了後に,懇親会を企画しています.研究会と同様にふるって ご参加下さい. 今のところ、参加希望者と講師は日本人だけなので,日本語での講演を考えて います.会議録などは予定していませんので,参加登録は不要です.なるべく 多くの方の参加をお待ちしています.財源がないため,一般参加者への旅費/ 滞在費補助は行いません. 現在白川学舎は,すべてを個室に換える改装工事中で,研究会期間中は使えま せん.宿の予約は,参加者各人でお願いします.ご参考のために,基礎物理学 研究所のホームページの宿舎紹介のurlを下に記します. http://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~yitpic/kyodo/inn.html この研究会は,京都大学基礎物理学研究所の員等旅費を財源として開催されま す.末尾に、プログラムのLaTeX2e ファイルを添付します.印刷して研究室に 掲示願います.多数の方々の参加をお待ちしています. 世話人 久保礼次郎 京都大学基礎物理学研究所 佐々木隆 京都大学基礎物理学研究所  高崎金久 京都大学総合人間学部基礎科学科 ******** 基研研究会「 Quantum Integrable Models 」プログラム ********* 期日:2001年3月7日(水),8日(木),9日(金) 場所:〒606-8502 京都市左京区北白川追分町  京都大学基礎物理学研究所 研究棟2階K206号室 毎日朝10時に始めて夕方5時半まで. 質問・討論の時間を含めて各人1時間 演題は,今のところ仮題 毎日 Tea-Coffee (A):10:00--11:00 Tea-Coffee (B):11:20--12:20 Lunch (C):14:00--15:00 Short Break (D):15:10--16:10 Tea-Coffee-Sweets (E):16:30--17:30 7日(水) (A):小竹 悟(信州大物理), Lepowsky-Wilson のZ 代数と変形 Virasoro代数, (白石 潤一と共同研究) (B):山田 泰彦(神戸大数学), TBA (To be announced) (C):池田 岳(岡山理大応用数学),Hierarchies with toroidal symmetry, (筧 三郎・高崎 金久と共同研究) (D):長谷川 浩司(東北大数学),Deforming Noumi-Yamada's rational representation of Weyl groups (E):安井 幸則(大阪市大物理),Spin 7 holonomy manifold and superconnection 8日(木), (A):稲見 武夫(中央大物理),Non-commutative field theories of the WZW and other two dimensional models (B):国場 敦夫(東大総文物理),q-character に関連した差分的 L operator の話? (C):黒木 玄(東北大数学),楕円曲線上の臨界レベルの WZW 模型と可積分系 (武部尚志と共同研究) (D):斉藤 義久(広島大数学),TBA (To be announced), (粟田 英資と共同 研究) (E):小森 靖(東大総文物理)(30分)TBA (To be announced) 西野 晃徳(東大物理)と宇治野 秀晃(群馬工業高専)(30分) 非対称多変数エルミート・ラゲール多項式の代数的構成とその対称化・ 反対称化 17:30--19:00 懇親会,基礎物理学研究所 研究棟1階サロン 9日(金) (A):鈴木 淳史(静岡大物理),Integrable/ODE correspondence (B):吉田 春夫(天文台),シンプレクティック数値解法による可積分性の 保存,非保存 (C):高崎 金久(京大総人数学),有理スペクトル曲線をもつ可積分系 他に、今までに確認されている出席予定者: 粟田 英資(名大数学),江口 徹(東大物理),筧 三郎(早稲田数学), 菅野 浩明(広島大数学),白石 潤一(東大数理),武部 尚志(お茶大数学) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Cut Here%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[12pt]{jarticle} \setlength{\topmargin}{-1.5cm} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.cm} \setlength{\textwidth}{16cm} \setlength{\textheight}{25cm} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2} %\parskip 12pt %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \font\mybb=msbm10 at 12pt \font\dun=cmdunh10 at 24pt \font\duns=cmdunh10 at 12pt \def\bb#1{\hbox{\mybb#1}} \def\R {\bb{R}} \begin{document} \baselineskip .6cm \pagestyle{empty} \begin{center} {{\large\bf 乞掲示} \small \hfill 2001.3.7--9,京大基研研究棟 2階会議室(K206)}\\ \bigskip \vspace{1cm} {\dun Quantum Integrable Models} \end{center} \vspace{.5cm} \begin{center} {\large\bf プログラム } \end{center} \bigskip \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline &7日(水) & 8日(木) & 9日(金)\\ \hline \hline &{\em Tea} & {\em and} & {\em Coffee}\\ \hline 10:00--11:00& 小竹 & 稲見 & 鈴木 \\ \hline &{\em Tea} & {\em and} & {\em Coffee}\\ \hline 11:20--12:20& 山田 & 国場 & 吉田 \\ \hline &昼食 &昼食 &昼食 \\ \hline \hline 14:00--15:00& 池田 &  黒木   &高崎\\ \hline &休憩 &休憩 & 終了\\ \hline 15:10--16:10&長谷川 & 斉藤 &\\ \hline & {\em Tea}, &{\em Coffee \& Sweets} &\\ \hline 16:30--17:30&安井&小森,西野&\\ \hline 17:30--19:00&&懇親会&\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \bigskip \vspace*{.5cm} \noindent \begin{center} {\large\bf3月7日(水)} \end{center} \smallskip \begin {tabbing} 10:00--11:00~ \={\bf 小竹 悟}(信州大物理)\\ \> Lepowsky-Wilson の$Z$ 代数と変形 Virasoro代数, (白石 潤一と共同研究)\\ 11:20--12:20 \>{\bf 山田 泰彦}(神戸大数学)\\ \> TBA (To be announced)\\ 14:00--15:00 \>{\bf 池田 岳} (岡山理大応用数学)\\ \> Hierarchies with toroidal symmetry, (筧 三郎・ 高崎 金久と共同研究)\\ 15:10--16:10 \>{\bf 長谷川 浩司} (東北大数学)\\ \> Deforming Noumi-Yamada's rational representation of Weyl groups \\ 16:30--17:30 \>{\bf 安井 幸則}(大阪市大物理)\\      \>Spin 7 holonomy manifold and superconnection \\ \end {tabbing} \bigskip \begin{center} {\duns \hfill Quantum Integrable Models}\\ {\small \hfill 2001.3.7--9,京大基研研究棟 2階会議室(K206) }\\ \end{center} %\newpage %\vspace*{0.0cm} \noindent \begin{center} {\large\bf 3月8日(木)} \end{center} \smallskip \begin{tabbing} 10:00--11:00~ \= {\bf 稲見 武夫}(中央大物理)\\ \> Non-commutative field theories of the WZW and other two dimensional models\\ 11:20--12:20 \> {\bf 国場 敦夫}(東大総文物理)\\ \> $q$-character に関連した差分的 L operator\\ 14:00--15:00 \> {\bf 黒木 玄}(東北大数学)\\ \> 楕円曲線上の臨界レベルの WZW 模型と可積分系, (武部 尚志と共同研究)\\ 15:10--16:10 \> {\bf 斉藤 義久}(広島大数学)\\ \> TBA (To be announced), (粟田 英資と共同研究)\\ 16:30--17:00 \> {\bf 小森 靖} (東大総文物理) \\ \> TBA (To be announced) \\ 17:00--17:30 \> {\bf 西野 晃徳} (東大物理),{\bf 宇治野 秀晃} (群馬工業高専) \\ \> 非対称多変数エルミート・ラゲール多項式の代数的構成 とその対称化・反対称化 \\ %\\ \end{tabbing} \bigskip %\newpage \noindent \begin{center} {\large\bf 3月9日(金)} \end{center} \smallskip \begin {tabbing} 10:00--11:00~ \={\bf 鈴木 淳史}(静岡大物理)\\ \> Integrable/ODE correspondence\\ 11:20--12:20 \> {\bf 吉田 春夫}(天文台)\\ \> シンプレクティック数値解法による可積分性の保存, 非保存\\ 14:00--15:00 \> {\bf 高崎 金久}(京大総人数学)\\ \> 有理スペクトル曲線をもつ可積分系\\ \end{tabbing} \bigskip \noindent $ \begin{array}{ll} 研究代表者&\\ 久保 礼次郎&京都大学基礎物理学研究所 \\ 佐々木 隆&京都大学基礎物理学研究所 \\ 高崎 金久&京都大学総合人間学部 \\ \end{array} $ \end{document} ==============================================
========================================================= INFINITE ANALYSIS NEWS LETTER No.407 January 25, 2001 ========================================================= ============================================== Seminar Information ============================================== 研究会「可積分系研究の現状と展望」 2001年2月3日(土)- 4日(日)京大会館 ---- プログラムのお知らせ ---- 研究会のプログラムが下記の通り決まりましたのでお知らせ いたします。今回は若手中心の新鮮な顔触れとなりました。 多くの方のご参加をお願いいたします。 初日の講演終了後に京大会館で立食形式の懇親会を行ないます。 研究会と併せてそちらの方も奮ってご参加下さい。 詳しい情報は下記URLの研究会ホームページをご覧下さい。 研究会世話人中村佳正、永友清和、高崎金久 研究会ホームページ: http://www.math.h.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~takasaki/soliton-lab/nis/iss2001 連絡先:高崎金久 ********************* プログラム ************************ 2月3日(土) 9:50 開会 10:00-10:45 桑野泰宏(鈴鹿医療科学大学) "CTM bootstrap approach for the boundary $\mathbb{Z}_n$-symmetric model and the boundary $A^{(1)}_{n-1}$-face model" 10:45-11:30 小島武夫(日本大学理工学部) "The 19 Vertex Model at critical regime $|q|=1$" == lunch == 13:00- 13:45 安部利之(大阪大学大学院理学研究科) "トレース関数のモジュラー不変性" 13:45-14:30 池田薫(熊本大学 理学部), "旗多様体$\bar N$B_+/B_+$以外の胞体で パラメトライズされる戸田格子の有理解について" == tea == 15:00-15:45 竹縄知之(東京大学大学院数理科学研究科), "Hyperbolicなルート系に付随する離散力学系" 15:45-16:30 松谷茂樹(キヤノン中央研究所), "超楕円シグマ関数とループソリトン" 16:30-17:15 定兼知行(京都大学総合人間学部), "XYZ lattice Landau-Lifshitz 方程式のソリトン解" == 懇親会(京大会館)== 2月4日(日) 10:00-10:45 浜中 真志(東京大学大学院理学系研究科), "非可換ゲージ理論におけるソリトン解" 10:45-11:30 鎌田 勝(木更津高専), "ADHMN構成法のq-類似と軸対称Witten解" == lunch == 13:00-13:45 矢作秀之(早稲田大学理工学研究科), "The Search of the integrable difference Equations of third order" 13:45-14:30 岩尾昌央(早稲田大学理工学研究科), "有限次元超離散可積分系と対称性について" == tea == 15:00-15:45 吉澤真太郎(東京理科大学理工学部), "Convergence Analysis for Principal Component Flows" 15:45-16:30 峯崎 征隆(大阪大学基礎工学研究科) "離散相対論的戸田方程式の行列式解とその応用" 16:30 閉会 ==============================================