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The problem of interface fluctuations and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class has been developed, in our view, by two main streams from physics and mathematics. On the one side, physicists have established scaling laws of the KPZ class for describing a host of phenomena driven out of equilibrium, such as fluctuating interfaces, stirred fluid, and rupture lines. Different theoretical approaches and extensive simulations have revealed various universal characteristics of the KPZ class, which have been underpinned, recently, by a growing number of experiments in physics, chemistry, and biology. On the other side, mathematics has marked a breakthrough since the year 2000, which led to exact expressions of the distribution and correlation for the (1+1)-dimensional KPZ class, and even to exact solutions of the KPZ equation. This development has also unveiled deep connections to random matrix theory, combinatorics, integrable systems, and so forth.

The central aim of the workshop is to bring together leading researchers from both KPZ communities, as well as active scientists interested in this problematic, in a single venue. We believe this will provide a unique opportunity to learn recent developments in different areas, to exchange the latest results, and to develop personal and scientific relationship with those working on the KPZ class and related problems by different approaches.

Invited speakers


  • Alexei Borodin (MIT)
  • Ivan Corwin (Columbia Univ.)
  • Patrik Ferrari (Bonn Univ.)
  • Tadahisa Funaki (Univ. of Tokyo)
  • Craig A. Tracy (UC Davis)

theoretical physics

  • Ezequiel V. Albano (IFLYSIB)
  • Bertrand Delamotte (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie)
  • Silvio C. Ferreira (Univ. Federal de Viçosa)
  • Timothy Halpin-Healy (Columbia Univ.)
  • Mehran Kardar (MIT)
  • Makoto Katori (Chuo Univ.)
  • Joachim Krug (Univ. of Cologne)
  • Pierre Le Doussal (ENS)
  • Herbert Spohn (TU München)

experimental physics

  • Séverine Atis (MIT)
  • Markko Myllys (Univ. of Jyväskylä)
  • Peter J. Yunker (Harvard Univ.)


  • Hisao Hayakawa (Kyoto Univ.)
  • Takashi Imamura (Chiba Univ.)
  • Tomohiro Sasamoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology) : vice-chair
  • Kazumasa A. Takeuchi (Univ. of Tokyo) : chair
  • Yu Watanabe (Kyoto Univ.)