- Sep. 18th
- Talk videos are uploaded here.
- Aug. 23rd
- Workshop ends successfully. We'd like to thank all speakers and participants for this achievement!
- Aug. 20th
- Workshop start!
- Talk slides are available here. The list will be updated without notice.
- Aug. 18th
- Talk titles and abstracts are announced (here).
- Information updated.
- Aug. 4th
- Program is announced. Check it out here.
- July 18th
- Applications for poster presentations are closed.
- July 12th
- Deadline for poster presentations is extended to July 18th (due to a technical problem in the registration form).
- June 13th
- Deadline for contributed talks, financial support, and for visa documents is over.
- June 6th
- Léonie Canet cannot join us unfortunately. Instead, her collaborator, Bertrand Delamotte will come to give a talk on the same subject.
- Apr. 21st
- List of invitees updated.
- Apr. 15th
- Registration open!
- Changed abstract instruction (check here before submission).
- Apr. 2nd
- Web site open!

Workshop ended successfully. We'd like to thank all speakers and participants for this achievement!

Talk slides and videos are available here. |