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Venue: Yukawa hall, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University.


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See also this page for maps. Directions from major airports and train stations can be found here.


Mail address (_at_ = @; valid until the year 2014)
kpz _at_ daisy.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp (organizers & secretariat)

Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University,
Kitashirakawa Oiwake-Cho, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto, 606-8502, Japan



We regret that we cannot arrange accommodations for participants, except for the invited speakers and for a few students and young researchers (see below). Concerning hotels, useful information can be found here on the YITP website. Here are some links to hotel booking sites: Rakuten, Booking.com, Expedia.

University lodge

We booked a limited number of rooms in Kitashirakawa Gakusha (university lodge) for students and young researchers. Applications are closed now.


As of July 1st 2013, Japan has visa exemption agreements with 66 countries and regions (list). If you are not nationals or citizens of these countries and regions, you need to apply for a visa.
If you need a visa, you should complete a registration at the latest by June 13th. We will contact you individually to confirm your affiliation and to prepare a document for visa application. You are then strongly advised to make a visa application well in advance of the workshop. For visa applications, please visit this web page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, or consult an Embassy or a Consulate of Japan in your country or region (list).