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(theses & slides)

学位論文 (theses)

口頭発表 (talks)

  1. "A recent development of spin TQFT/CFT and level rank duality"
    Talk, The 34th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Strasbourg France, 20/Jul/2022, [link]
  2. "一様等方宇宙における球対称殻状の流体の重力崩壊"
    一般講演, 日本物理学会第77回年次大会, on-line, 15/Mar/2022, [link]
  3. "混合圧力下における球対称物質殻の重力崩壊に対する解析的模型"
    一般講演, 日本物理学会2021年秋季大会, 神戸大(on-line), 17/Sep/2021, [link]
  4. "Topologically protected phase factor, spin Chern-Simons theory and duality on lens space"
    Talk, YITP Workshop, Strings and Fields 2021, Kyoto, 25/Aug/2021 [link]
  5. "Charge conservation, entropy current, and gravitation"
    Talk, "XIV. International Workshop LIE THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN PHYSICS", Sofia, Bulgaria, 23/Jun/2021, [link]
  6. "U(1) spin Chern-Simons theory and Arf invariants in 2d"
    Talk, "Randomness, Integrability and Representation Theory in Quantum Field Theory 2021", Osaka City U, Japan, 23/Mar/2021, [link]
  7. "保存チャージ、エントロピーカレント、重力"
    一般講演, 日本物理学会第76回年次大会, 九州大(on-line), 14/Mar/2021, [link]
  8. "Is gravitational field theory special?"
    Invited talk, "Center for Gravitational Physics (CGP) internal workshop", YITP, Japan, 16/Dec/2020, [link]
  9. "Hole or Matter?"
  10. "フロー方程式を用いたド・ジッター時空の生成"
    一般講演, 日本物理学会第75回年次大会, 名古屋大(on-line), 17/Mar/2020
  11. "青木さんとの流れ"
    場の量子論における非摂動論的手法と素粒子物理学への応用, YITP, 20/Dec/2019 [link]
  12. "Non-relativistic hybrid geometry and gravitational gauge fixing term"
    Invited talk, East Asia Joint Workshop on Fields and Strings 2019, 國立清華大學(National Tsing Hua Univ=NTHU), 28/Oct/2019 [link]
  13. "CFTの励起状態に対応したAdS時空上のエネルギー運動量テンソルの計算"
    一般講演, 日本物理学会2019年秋季大会, 山形大, Sep/2019
  14. "Holography via Flow Equation"
  15. "Holography via Flow Equation"
    Invited talk, "Gauge theories, supergravity and superstrings", Benasque, Spain, June/2019, [link]
  16. "Holographic computation of quantum correction in the bulk"
    talk, It from Qubit school/workshop "Quantum Information and String Theory 2019", YITP, Japan, May/2019, [link]
  17. "ホログラフィーを用いた重力理論の量子補正の計算について"
    一般講演, 日本物理学会第74回年次大会, 九州大@伊都, Mar/2019
  18. "Anomaly, regularization and partition function on lens space"
    Invited talk, Fudan Univ, "String Theory and Quantum Field Theory", Shanghai, China, Mar/2019, [link]
  19. "Aspects of minimal N=4 Chern-Simons theories"
    Invited talk, International Institute of Physics (IIP), "Non-perturbative Non-Perturbative Effects in Supersymmetric Field Theories", Natal, Brazil, Oct/2018, [link]
  20. "Flow方程式、共形対称性、AdS幾何"
    一般講演, 日本物理学会第73回年次大会, 東京理科大, Mar/2018
  21. "Flow equation, conformal symmetry, AdS geometries"
    Talk, YITP workshop, ``Holography, Quantum Entanglement and Higher Spin Gravity II’’, Mar/2018 [link]
  22. "Flow equation, conformal symmetry, AdS geometries"
    Talk, East Asia Joint Workshop on Fields and Strings 2017, KEK Theory workshop, Nov/2017 [link]
  23. "Complete factorization in minimal N=4 Chern-Simons-matter theory"
    Talk, YITP Workshop, Strings and Fields 2017, Kyoto, Aug/2017 [link]
  24. "Superconformal index of N = 3 orientifold theories"
    Talk, XXIX Workshop Beyond the Standard Model, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Mar/2017 [link]
  25. "Chern-Simons vector models and duality in three dimensions" [pdf]
    Talk, YITP Workshop, Field Theory and String Theory, Kyoto, Aug/2013 [link]
  26. "Thermal Free Energy in Chern-Simons Vector Models" [pdf]
    Invited talk, India String Meeting, Puri, India, Dec/2012 [link]
  27. "Supersymmetric Chern-Simons Theories with Vector Matter" [pdf]
    Invited talk, Discussion Meeting, International Center for Theoretical Science, Bangalore, India, Sep/2012
  28. "Chern-Simons Theories with Vector Matter" [pdf]
    Invited talk, Mathematics and Applications of Branes in String and M-theory, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Science, Cambridge, UK, Jan/2012 [link]
  29. "Index for Three Dimensional Superconformal Field Theories and Its Applications." [pdf]
    Talk, International Conference Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS-7), Prague, Czech Republic, Aug/2011
  30. "Twisted sectors on gravity duals of N=4 Chern-Simons theories"
    一般講演, 日本物理学会2010年秋季大会, 九州工業大学, 13/Sep/2010
  31. "N=4 Chern-Simons 理論におけるモノポール指数"
    一般講演, 日本物理学会第65回年次大会, 岡山大学, 23/Mar/2010
  32. "N=4 Chern-Simons 理論とその重力双対"
    一般講演, 日本物理学会第64回年次大会, 立教大学, 29/Mar/2009

セミナー発表 (seminars)

  1. "Special flow equation and GKP-Witten relation"
    Seminar, BIMSA, 1/June/2022
  2. "On the definition of energy and a new conserved quantity in General Relativity"
    Seminar, UTokyo, 16/Dec/2021
  3. "Topological phase, spin Chern-Simons theory and duality on lens space"
    Seminar, TITECH, 27/Nov/2021 [link]
  4. "A quick guide to the level-rank duality"
    Seminar, KeioU, 10/Dec/2020
  5. "Flow equation, black hole and singularity"
    Seminar, NagoyaU, 27/July/2020 [link]
  6. "Flow equation, black hole and singularity"
    Seminar, KyushuU, 21/July/2020
  7. "Holography via Flow Equations For Non-relativistic CFT"
    Seminar, KyotoU, 22/Jan/2020 [link]
  8. "Holography via Flow Equations For Non-relativistic CFT"
    Seminar, MeijigakuinU, 10/Dec/2019 [link]
  9. "Holography via Flow Equation"
    Seminar, HokkaidoU, July/2019 [link]
  10. "Anomaly, regularization and partition function on lens space"
    Seminar, TITECH, Apr/2019 [link]
  11. "Holographic geometries for non-relativistic systems emerging from generalized flow equations"
    Seminar, OIST, Japan, Mar/2019 [link]
  12. "Flow equation, conformal symmetry and AdS geometries"
    Seminar, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan, Dec/2018 [link]
  13. "Aspects of minimal N=4 Chern-Simons theories"
    Seminar, SNU, Korea, Nov/2018
  14. "Flow equation, conformal symmetry and AdS geometries"
    Seminar, KIAS, Korea, Nov/2018 [link]
  15. "Flow equation, conformal symmetry and AdS geometries"
    Seminar, Maskawa Institute of Science and Culture, Kyoto SangyoU, July/2018 [link]
  16. "Flow equation, conformal symmetry and AdS geometries"
    Seminar, NihonU, May/2018 [link]
  17. "Complete factorization in minimal N=4 Chern-Simons-matter theory"
    Seminar, King's College London (KCL), Apr/2018 [link]
  18. "Flow equation, conformal symmetry and AdS geometry with general conformally flat boundary"
    Seminar, TITECH, Dec/2017 [link]
  19. "Flow equation, conformal symmetry and AdS geometry with general conformally flat boundary"
    Seminar, OsakaU@Toyonaka, Dec/2017 [link]
  20. "Flow equation, conformal symmetry and AdS geometry with general conformally flat boundary"
    Seminar, SinshuU, Oct/2017 [link]
  21. "Complete factorization in minimal N=4 Chern-Simons-matter theory"
    Seminar, Osaka CityU, Jun/2017 [link]
  22. "Matrix models of Chern-Simons matter theories beyond the spherical limit"
    Seminar, SNU, Korea, Feb/2017
  23. "Superconformal index of N=3 orientifold theories"
    Seminar, KIAS, Korea, Feb/2017 [link]
  24. "Matrix models of Chern-Simons matter theories beyond the spherical limit"
    Seminar, OsakaU@Toyonaka, Jan/2017 [link]
  25. "Scattering Amplitude and Bosonization Duality in Chern-Simons Vector Models"
    Seminar, UTokyo@Komaba, Nov/2016 [link]
  26. "Matrix models of Chern-Simons matter theories beyond the spherical limit"
    Seminar, KyotoU, Nov/2016 [link]
  27. "Superconformal index of N=3 orientifold theories"
    Seminar, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan, Jun/2016 [link]
  28. "Scattering Amplitude and Bosonization Duality in Chern-Simons Vector Models" [pdf]
    Seminar, YITP, Kyoto, Apr/2016 [link]
  29. "Chern-Simons vector models and 3d bosonization"
    Seminar, IPMU, 4/Feb/2016
  30. "Supersymmetry Algebra in Super Yang-Mills Theories"
    Seminar, TITECH, Dec/2015 [link]
  31. "Chern-Simons vector models and 3d bosonization"
    Seminar, CERN, Switzerland, Oct/2015 [link]
  32. "Large N thermal free energy in Chern-Simons vector models"
    Seminar, Tel Aviv U, Israel, 27/Nov/2014 [link]
  33. "2 body scattering and duality in Chern-Simons vector models"
    Seminar, Neve Shalom, Israel, 25/Nov/2014 [link]
  34. "Large N thermal free energy in Chern-Simons vector models" [pdf]
    Seminar, KIAS, Korea, Mar/2014 [link]
  35. "Phases of large N Chern-Simons vector models on S2 x S1"
    Seminar, Harish Chandra Research Institute (HRI), India, 13/Mar/2013
  36. "Supersymmetric Chern-Simons Theories with Vector matter"
    Seminar, UTokyo@Hongo, Oct/2012 [link]
  37. "Chern-Simons Theories with A Vector Fermion"
    Seminar, University of Tokyo (UTokyo) @Hongo, Dec/2011 [link]
  38. "Chern-Simons Theories with A Vector Fermion"
    Seminar, TITECH, Dec/2011 [link]
  39. "Chern-Simons Theories with A Vector Fermion" [pdf]
    Seminar, KIAS, Korea, Dec/2011 [link]
  40. "Superconformal index and its applications."
    Seminar, CQUeST, Korea, 1/June/2011
  41. "Superconformal Index and Its Applications." [pdf]
    Seminar, KIAS (Korea Institute for Advanced Study), Korea, May/2011 [link]
  42. "Superconformal index and its applications."
    Seminar, HokkaidoU, Feb/2011 [link]
  43. "A Monopole Index for N=4 Chern-Simons Theories."
    Seminar, RikkyoU, May/2010 [link]
  44. "A Monopole Index for N=4 Chern-Simons Theories."
    Seminar, TIFR, 5/Feb/2010 [link]
  45. "A Monopole Index for N=4 Chern-Simons Theories."
    Seminar, Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITECH), Oct/2009 [link]

ポスター発表 (poster)

  1. "Aspects of minimal N=4 Chern-Simons theories"
    String-math 2018, Tohoku Univeristy, June/2018 [link]
  2. "Flow equation, conformal symmetry and AdS geometries"
    Eurostrings, "Strings, Geometry and Black hole", KCL, Apr/2018 [link]
  3. "Supersymmetry Algebra in Super Yang-Mills Theories"
    School on Strings and Fields, YITP, Mar/2016 [link]
  4. "BPS solutions in ABJM theory and Maximal Super Yang-Mills on RxS2"
    Workshop "String Theory, Holography, and Beyond", KIAS, 20-24/Sep/2011 [link]
  5. "N=4 Chern-Simons Theories and Wrapped M-branes in Their Gravity Duals"
    KEK理論研究会2009, 高エネルギー加速器研究機構, Mar/2009