2023 |
Fuminobu Takahashi (Tohoku University, Professor) For his research on "Particle Cosmology and Early Universe" [details] |
2023 |
Kazuya Koyama (The University of Portsmouth, Professor) For his research on "Cosmological Test of Gravity" [details] [presentation file] Video(Secondary use is prohibited.) |
2022 |
Kenta Hotokezaka (Reaseach Center for the Early Universe, The University of Tokyo, Associate Professor) For his research on "Electromagnetic Counterparts of Neutron Star Mergers" [details] [presentation file] Video(Secondary use is prohibited.) |
2021 |
Tatsuma Nishioka (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics/Program-Specific Associate Professor) For his research on "Studies of various entropies in quantum field theory and gravity theory" [details] [presentation file] |
2020 |
Kenji Fukushima (The University of Tokyo/Professor) For his research on "Theoretical studies of chiral magnetic effects" [details] [presentation file] Video(Secondary use is prohibited.) |
2019 |
Teruaki Suyama (Tokyo Institute of Technology/Associate Professor) Masahide Yamaguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology/Professor) For their research on "Non-Gaussianity in primordial fluctuations of the universe" [details] [presentation file] |
2018 |
Yuichiro Sekiguchi (Toho University/Associate Professor) For his research on "Numerical-relativity simulation of binary neutron star mergers with realistic microphysics" [details] [presentation file] |
2017 |
Hiroshi Suzuki (Kyushu University/Professor) For his research on "Study of gradient flow and energy-momentum tensor in lattice gauge theory" [details] [presentation file] |
2016 |
Atsushi Taruya (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics/Associate Professor) For his research on "Exploration of precision nonlinear perturbation theory for gravitational evolution of structures in the universe" [details] [presentation file] |
2015 |
Jun Nishimura (KEK/Associate Professor) Masanori Hanada (Kyoto university Hakubi center, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics/Associate Professor (Hakubi Researcher) For their research on numerical studies of supersymmetric gauge theory [details] [presentation file] |
2014 |
Ishibashi (Kinki university/Associate Professor) For his research on higher dimensionial general relativity [details] [presentation file] |
2013 |
Masahiro Kawasaki (ICRR, The university of Tokyo/Professor) Kazunori Kohri (KEK/Lecturer) Takeo Moroi (The university of Tokyo/Professor) For their research on supergravity and nucleosynthesis [details] [presentation file] |
2012 |
Hosomichi (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics/Associate Professor(GCOE)) For his research on exact solutions of supersymmetric gauge theories on curved space [details] [presentation file] |
2011 |
Chiba (Nihon University/Professor) For his research on the Dark Energy Problem [details] [presentation file] |
2010 |
Takayanagi (Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the
Universe/Associate Professor) For his research on holography and tachyon condensation in superstring theory [details] [presentation file] |
2009 |
Jiro Soda (Kyoto university/Associate Professor) For his research on cosmology and black holes in higher dimensional gravity [details] [presentation file] |
2008 | Tadakatsu Sakai (Ibaraki university/Associate Professor) Shigeki Sugimoto(The university of Tokyo, Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) Research Professor) For their proposal of holographic QCD model based on gauge theory/gravity correspondence [details] [presentation file] |
2007 |
Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto university/Associate Professor) For his research on General Relativity and its Extensions [details] [presentation file] |