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Upcoming (2)

        - 7-12 Jul '24, at Satellite conference of 2024 International Congress of Basic Science (China), TBA

2024 (5)
        - 27-31 May '24, at Frontier Forum on "Supersymmetry in Physics and Mathematics" (China), "New recursion relation for M2-brane matrix model"

        - 20-24 May '24, at ITHEMS-YITP Workshop: Bootstrap, Localization and Holography (Japan), "New recursion relation for M2-brane matrix model"

        - 24 Jun '24, at Center for Field Theory and Particle Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, "On exact calculations in M2-brane indices"

        - 17 Jun '24, at Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences, Shanghai, China, "M2-matrix models, large N expansion and q-discrete Painleve equations"

        - 29 Feb '24, at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, "Large N expansion of mass deformed ABJM matrix model: M2-instanton condensation and beyond"

2023 (8)
        - 29 Nov '23, at KEK Theory workshop 2023 (Japan), "Large N expansion of mass deformed ABJM matrix model: M2-instanton condensation and beyond"

        - 30 Oct '23, at 14th Taiwan String Workshop (Taiwan), "M2-branes and discrete integrable systems"

        - 22 Feb '23, at 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HOLOGRAPHY, STRING THEORY AND SPACETIME IN DA NANG (Vietnam), "M2-branes and q-Painleve equations"

        - 12 Aug '23, at KITS-ShanghaiTech Summer School: Frontiers in Theoretical High Energy Physics (China), "M2-branes, quantum curves and q-Painleve equations"

        - 27 Jun '23, at Shing-Tung Yau Center of Southeast University, Nanjing, China, "Weyl covariance of M2-brane matrix models and Painleve equations"

        - 17 May '23, at Jilin University, Changchun, China, "Quantum chaos and revival dynamics in coupled Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models"

        - 9 May '23, at Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, "Quantum chaos and revival dynamics in coupled Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models"

        - 28 Feb '23, at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, "Quantum chaos and traversable wormholes in coupled Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models"

2022 (4)
        - 9 Dec '22, at KEK Theory Workshop 2022 (KEK; Zoom), "M2-branes and q-Painleve equations"

        - 28 Jul '22, at Entanblement Meeting (YITP; Zoom), "Towards Black Hole Interior by Magic of Chaos"

        - 12 May '22, at University of Warshaw (Zoom), "Black Hole Interior by Magic of Chaos"

        - 22 Apr '22, at Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, "M2-branes and discrete integrable systems"

2021 (4)
        - 4 Aug '21, at 5th International Conference on Holography, String Theory and Discrete Approach (Hanoi, Vietnam (Zoom)), "M2-branes and discrete Painleve systems"

        - 24 Dec '21, at RIKEN iTHEMS (Coffee Meeting) (Zoom), "Quantum chaos, Entanglement and Black holes"

        - 10 Dec '21, at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (Zoom), "M2-branes and discrete Painleve systems"

        - 9 Sep '21, at NITEP・数理・素粒子合同セミナー (大阪市大 (Zoom)), "M2-branes and discrete Painleve systems"

2020 (2)
        - 19 Nov '20, at Strings and Fields 2020 (Kyoto, Japan (Zoom)), "chaos and thermodynamics of SYK traversable wormholes"

        - 4 Aug '20, at 4th international conference on holography, string theory and discrete approach (Hanoi, Vietnam (Zoom)), "A sharp transition in quantum chaos and thermodynamics of mass deformed SYK models"

2019 (7)
        - 10 Oct '19, at Universality and ergodicity in quantum many-body systems (SCGP, Stony Brook University), "Quantum chaos/integrable transition from level statistics, and its gravity dual"

        - 22 Aug '19, at Strings and Fields 2019 (Kyoto, Japan), "Quantum chaos transition in a two-site SYK model dual to an eternal traversable wormhole"

        - 5 Aug '19, at INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HOLOGRAPHY, STRING THEORY AND DISCRETE APPROACHES IN DANANG (Vietnam), "Chaotic/integrable transition and eternal traversable wormhole"

        - 22 Jul '19, at Recent developments in SYK model and wormholes (KMI, Nagoya University), "Traversable wormhole and chaotic/integrable transition"

        - 12 Jun '19, at Quantum Information and String Theory 2019, "Quantum chaos transition in a model dual to eternal traversable wormhole" (with Gong Show)

        - 9 Jan '19, at Kavli Asian Winter School 2019, "Symmetry Breaking in Quantum Curves and Super Chern-Simons Matrix Models" (with Gong Show)

        - 18 Mar '19, at Fudan University, Shanghai, "Quantum chaos transition in a two-site SYK model dual to an eternal traversable wormhole"

2018 (4)
        - 17 Sep '18, at 日本物理学会2018年秋季大会 (信州大), "Thouless time for mass deformed SYK"

        - 31 Jul '18, at Strings and Fields, "Thouless time for mass deformed SYK"

        - 18 May '18, at Workshop on Fields, Strings and Gravity (KIAS), "Thouless time for mass-deformed SYK"

        - 9 Apr '18, at EuroStrings2018, "Spontaneous SUSY breaking in a Large N gauge theory" (with Gong Show)

2017 (6)
        - 29 Oct '17, at 10th Taiwan String Workshop, "Phases in mass deformed ABJM theory from Monte Carlo Simulation"

        - 14 Sep '17, at 日本物理学会2017年秋季大会 (宇都宮大), "Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories from del Pezzo Geometries"

        - 8 Aug '17, at Strings and Fields, "Instantons in rank-deformed Chern-Simons matter theory from topological string"

        - 20 Sep '17, at KIAS-YITP 2017, "Complete factorization of partition function of 3d Chern-Simons-matter theories" (with Gong Show)

        - 12 Jun '17, at Korea Institute for Advanced Study, "Instanton Effects in Rank Deformed Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories from Topological Strings"

        - 26 May '17, at National Taiwan University, "Instantons in rank-deformed Chern-Simons matter theory from topological string"

2016 (4)
        - 16 Dec '16, at Current Topics in String Theory (KIAS), "Massive ABJM theory on three sphere and phase transition in large N limit"

        - 8 Aug '16, at Strings and Fields 2016, "Orientifold ABJM Matrix Model: Chiral Projections and Worldsheet Instantons"

        - 26 Jul '16, at APCTP Mini Workshop on Gauge theory and Supergravity, "M2-branes on orbifold and exact large N expansion"

        - 13 Jun '16, at Korea Institute for Advanced Study, "Orientifold in ABJ(M) Fermi Gas"

2015 (10)
        - 20 Nov '15, at 日本-ハンガリー二国間交流国内研究会, "Instanton effects of M2-branes in various orbifolds"

        - 11 Nov '15, at Strings and Fields 2015, "Exact large N partition function of (non-)conformally deformed ABJM theory"

        - 26 Sep '15, at 日本物理学会2015年秋季大会 (大阪市大), "超対称共形Chern-Simons行列模型のインスタントン効果と位相的弦理論"

        - 9 Jun '15, at 2nd String Theory in Greater Tokyo, "Exact Large N Expansion of Partition function of 3d Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories"

        - 16 Sep '15, at KIAS-YITP 2015 (KIAS), "Exact partition function of quiver superconformal Chern-Simons theories" (with Gong Show)

        - 14 Jul '15, at IGST15 (King's College London), "M-theoretical expansion for quiver superconformal Chern-Simons theories"

        - 22 Jun '15, at Strings 2015, "Exact partition function of quiver Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories"

        - 29 Jan '15, at KEK Theory Workshop 2015, "Exact Instanton Expansion of Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories from Topological Strings" (with Gong Show)

        - 18 Nov '15, at 京都大学素粒子論研究室, "Partition function of 3d superconformal Chern-Simons theory and instanton effects in M-theory"

        - 9 Feb '15, at Department of Mathematics in King's College London, "Exact Large N Expansion of Partition function of 3d Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories"

2014 (6)
        - 27 Nov '14, at 7th Taiwan String Workshop, "ABJM Membrane Instanton from Pole Cancellation Mechanism"

        - 18 Sep '14, at 日本物理学会2014年秋季大会 (佐賀大), "Perturbative Sum of Chern-Simons Partition Function"

        - 25 Jul '14, at Strings and Fields 2014, "The Partition Function of Super Chern-Simons theories from Fermi Gas Approach" (with Gong Show)

        - 19 Feb '14, at KEK Theory Workshop 2014, "Supersymmetric Gauge theory on a Squashed four sphere" (with Gong Show)

        - 3 Feb '14, at Cern Winter School on Supergravity, Strings and Gauge Theory 2014, "Supersymmetric Gauge theory on squashed four sphere"

        - 22 Jan '14, at 東京工業大学素粒子論研究室, "Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on a squashed four sphere"

2013 (1)
        - 21 Sep '13, at 日本物理学会2013年秋季大会 (高知大), "Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on a squashed four sphere"

2012 (4)
        - 13 Sep '12, at 日本物理学会2012年秋季大会 (京都産業大), "Multiple M5 solutions in ABJM theory"

        - ? Aug '12, at 2012年原子核三者若手夏の学校, "Multiple M5 solutions in ABJM theory"

        - 25 Jul '12, at 場の理論と弦理論2012, "Multiple M5 solutions in ABJM theory" (with Gong Show)

        - 16 Nov '12, at 名古屋大学多元数理研究室, "Multiple M5 solutions in ABJM theory"