Quantum Information - from the viewpoint of randomness, a.k.a.,"scrambling", Y. Nakata CGP internal workshop, Kyoto, Japan, 16 December 2020.
Quantum Information Approach to Information Paradox of Black Holes with Symmetry, Y. Nakata, E. Wakakuwa, and M. Koashi Qulink Seminar, Tokyo, Japan, 29 July 2020.
Applications and constructions of random dynamics in quantum information theory, (slides) Y. Nakata, UT-ANU Workshop @ The University of Tokyo, 28 February 2018, Tokyo.
Randomness and one-shot decoupling in quantum information science (note), Y. Nakata,
Math Seminar @Shanghai university, 22 December 2017, Shanghai.
Unitary t-designs: constructions and applications (slides), Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, M. Koashi, and A. Winter, IWQIQC2017, 20 December 2017, Shanghai.
Approximate unitary 2-designs: constructions and applications, Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, C. Morgan, and A. Winter, RAQUEL 3rd scientific meeting, 9 October 2015, Gdansk, Poland.
Decoupling with random diagonal-unitary matrices, Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, C. Morgan, and A. Winter,
Qulink seminar, 15 June 2015, Tokyo, Japan.
Diagonal-unitary matrices and their applications in QIP, Y. Nakata, QuPa, December 2014, Paris, France.
Higher-order randomized benchmarking, Y. Nakata and others, ISNTT2021, 16 December 2021, Online (hosted by NTT).
Explicit constructions of exact unitary t-designs and applications to higher-order randomized benchmarking, Y. Nakata and others, AQIS2021, 3 September 2021, Online (hosted by The University of Tokyo).
Quantum circuits for exact unitary t-designs and applications to higher-order randomized benchmarking, Y. Nakata and others, TQC2021, 8 July 2021, Online (hosted by University of Latvia).
One-shot Classical-Quantum Hybrid Capacity by partial decoupling theorem,
E. Wakakuwa, H. Yamasaki, and Y. Nakata, FQST2020, 4 February 2020, Tokyo, Japan.
Partial Decoupling Approach to Information Leakage Problem from Black Holes with Symmetry, Y. Nakata, E. Wakakuwa, and M. Koashi, AQIS2019, 20 August 2019, Seoul, Korea.
Efficient unitary designs with nearly time-independent Hamiltonian dynamics, Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, M. Koashi, and A. Winter, AQIS2017, 8 September 2017, Singapore.
Efficient unitary designs with nearly time-independent Hamiltonian dynamics, Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, M. Koashi, and A. Winter, TQC2017, 15 June 2017, Paris, France.
Decoupling with random diagonal-unitaries, Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, C. Morgan, and A. Winter, AQIS2016, 2 September 2016, Taipei, Taiwan.
Implementing unitary 2-designs using random diagonal-unitary matrices, Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, C. Morgan, and A. Winter, TQC 2015, May 2015, Brussels, Belgium.
Generating a state design by diagonal quantum circuits, Y. Nakata, M. Koashi, and M. Murao, AQIS2014, August 2014, Kyoto, Japan.
Measurement-based quantum computation protected by a long-range order induced by a thermal phase transition, Y. Nakata, K. Fujii, M. Ohzeki and M. Murao, AQIS2014, August 2014, Kyoto, Japan.
Simulating typical entanglement with many-body Hamiltonian dynamics in polynomial time, Y. Nakata, P. S. Turner and M. Murao, AQIS2011, August 2011, Busan, Korea.
Thermal enhancement of entanglement sensitivity to the phase diagram in XY model, Y. Nakata, D. Markham and M. Murao, AQIS2007, September 2007, Kyoto, Japan.
Transmitting quantum information by symmetry-preserving unitary coding, Y. Nakata, E. Wakakuwa, and M. Koashi, QIP2019, 14 January 2019, Boulder, USA.
Efficient unitary designs with nearly time-independent Hamiltonian dynamics, Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, M. Koashi, and A. Winter, QIP2017, 17 January 2017, Seattle, USA.
Decoupling with random diagonal-unitaries, Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, C. Morgan, and A. Winter, TQC2016, 27 September 2016, Berlin, Germany.
Unitary 2-designs and decoupling with random diagonal-unitary matrices, Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, C. Morgan, and A. Winter, QIP2016, 11 January 2016, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Measurement-Based Quantum Computation protected by cooperative phenomena induced by a thermal phase transition, Y. Nakata, K. Fujii, M. Ohzeki and M. Murao, QIP2014, January 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
Measurement-Based Quantum Computation on Symmetry Breaking Thermal States, Y. Nakata, K. Fujii, M. Ohzeki and M. Murao, QIP2013, July 2013, Florence, Italy.
Phase-random states and their approximate generation by quantum circuits, Y. Nakata, P. S. Turner and M. Murao, QISM2012, September 2012, Innsbruck, Austria.
Entanglement of phase-random states, Y. Nakata, P. S. Turner and M. Murao, QCMC2012, July 2012, Vienna, Austria.
Phase-random states, Y. Nakata, P. S. Turner and M. Murao, QIP2012, December 2011, Montreal, Canada.
How effectively can Hamiltonian dynamics with multi-body interactions generate random states? Y. Nakata, P. S. Turner and M. Murao, DMQS2010, February 2011, Tokyo, Japan.
How effectively can Hamiltonian dynamics with multi-body interactions generate random states? Y. Nakata, P. S. Turner and M. Murao, QIP2011, January 2011, Sentosa, Singapore.
Thermal enhancement of entanglement sensitivity to the phase diagram in XY model, Y. Nakata, D. Markham and M. Murao, Noise Information and Complexity @ Quantum Scale07, November 2007, Erice, Italy.