19 February 2025I will give a talk in The 6th RIKEN AIP Mathematics Joint Seminar. The slides are here.
10 January 2025Our paper about new constructions of a decoderhas been published from npj Quantum Information.
1 January 2025Happy new year.
28 November 2024Updates for recent results.
Our paper `Low-depth random Clifford circuits for quantum coding against Pauli noise using a tensor-network decoder' is published from Physical Review Research.
Our paper `Hayden-Preskill Recovery in Hamiltonian Systems' is published from Physical Review Research (Letter).
New papers on the arXiv: `On computational complexity of unitary and state design properties' and `Explicit decoders using fixed-point amplitude amplification based on QSVT'. -
22 April 2024Updated the results in 2023.
30 March 2023Updates for recent results.
`Black holes as clouded mirrors: the Hayden-Preskill toy model with symmetry' in Quantum.
`One-Shot Triple-Resource Trade-Off in Quantum Channel Coding' in IEEE Trans. Inf..
`Hayden-Preskill Recovery in Hamiltonian Systems' and `Low-depth random Clifford circuits for quantum coding against Pauli noise using a tensor-network decoder' on the arXiv. -
1 August 2022I start working at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University as a research associate professor.
8 June 2022Our paper was published from Advances in Mathematics. My first math paper! (though my contribution is little)
30 May 2022Our new paper is now available on arXiv. Great collaboration with members in Owari group at Shizuoka University.
30 May 2022Our paper was published from Quantum.
10 May 2022I am invited to give a talk about unitary designs in QIT46.
10 May 2022Our paper was accepted in Quantum.
24 April 2022A new academic year has started.
17 December 2021I give a talk at IFQ-ExU workshop about a decoder of the Hayden-Preskill protocol.
16 December 2021I gave a talk at ISNTT2021 about randomized benchmarking. Happy that people were interested a lot!
10 November 2021Accepted as an oral talk at ISNTT2021.
8 November 2021We organize an international workshop Quantum Information Entropy in Physics in March 2022. If you are interested, please join us.
5 November 2021A website of Extreme Universe is now available.
10 September 2021Extreme Universe (Head Investigator: Tadashi Takayanagi, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(A) 2021) was accepted. It is great to be a member of such a big project.
6 September 2021I am invited to give a lecture on Workshop on quantum information and quantum black holes. I will talk about something about quantum information and black holes (perhaps conventional ones).
4 September 2021Our paper has been published from PRX Quantum.
16 August 2021Our result was acepted as a long talk in AQIS2021.
14 August 2021Our paper was acepted in PRX Quantum.
5 August 2021I will give a lecture on the black hole information paradox in the summer school of high energy physics, which starts tommorow.
16 July 2021Our paper was published from Communications in Mathematical Physics.
8 July 2021Our paper was published from Physics Review A.
8 July 2021I gave a talk at TQC2021. The video is available on youtube.
23 June 2021Our paper was accepted in Physical Review A.
4 June 2021Our paper was acepted in Communications in Mathematical Physics.
27 March 2021I gave a lecture at the Spring School of Quantum Information 2021.
15 March 2021I gave a talk at JPS spring meeting 2021.
4 March 2021I gave a talk about our recent result in Recent progress in theoretical physics based on quantum information theory at YITP. The slides and video are available at this page.
25 February 2021We have uploaded our new paper Quantum circuits for exact unitary t-designs and applications to higher-order randomized benchmarkingon the arXiv. It's a huge collaboration with mathematicians, theoretical physicists, and experimentalists.
13 January 2021Our paper New holographic generalization of entanglement entropy was published from Phys. Rev. D. I would like to thank the members in Takayanagi group in YITP for the great collaboration.
1 January 2021Happy new year!
3 November 2020Our new paper "One-shot quantum error correction of classical and quantum information is now on arXiv. We argue that channel codings is possible by using NISQ evices.
23 September 2020Our new paper "Explicit construction of exact unitary designs is now available on arXiv. What a great work!
14 September 2020I gave a talk about the workshop about thermodynamics in quantum many-body systems. It is about "scrambling and information recovery from a subsystem".
29 July 2020I gave a talk about "Information Leakage From Quantum Black Holes With Symmetry" in Qulink Seminar.
2 July 2020Our new paper "Information Leakage From Quantum Black Holes With Symmetry" is now available on the arXiv. It's a great work. Check it out.
23 June 2020Our new paper "One-Shot Trade-Off Bounds for State Redistribution of Classical-Quantum Sources" is now available on the arXiv. It's about one-shot hybrid state redistribution, from which numerous protocols are obtained.
19 June 2020My old paper "Generic Entanglement Entropy for Quantum States with Symmetry" was published in Entropy (Special Issue "Quantum Probability, Statistics and Control").
28 May 2020A new paper "Holographic Pseudo Entropy" is now on the arXiv. Thanks to the wonderful members in Takayanagi group in YITP.
16 May 2020I have moved to Koashi group in Photon Science Center of the University of Tokyo as an assistant professor.
28 April 2020Our new paper "Randomized Partial Decoupling Unifies One-Shot Quantum Channel Capacities" is now on the arXiv. We have shown the unified channel coding theorem for classical-quantum hybrid communication in the one-shot scenario.
6 February 2020I will move to Koashi group in the University of Tokyo from 5 May 2020. My new position is assistant professor.
4 February 2020I will give a talk about Classical-Quantum Hybrid Channel Coding in FQST2020.
11 January 2020I will give a poster presentation in the 9th QUATUO workshop. It is about the black hole information paradox.
7 January 2020I am happy to announce a Quantum Information Spring School 2020 at Osaka University (8-11 March).
5 January 2020I will give a talk about Classical-Quantum Hybrid Capacity in 2020 International Workshop on Quantum Information, Computing, and Control.
1 January 2020Happy New Year. I will update my website more frequently this year.
31 December 2019Our result about the classical-quantum hybrid channel coding was chosen as a contributed talk in FQST2020.
17 May 2019I become a program member of the 3rd JAGFoS (Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science Symposium).
11 May 2019I become a program committee of AQIS2019.
24. April 2019I will give a talk at the 2nd JAGFoS ((Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science Symposium)) about entanglement.
1 April 2019Our new result about new decoupling theorems with E. Wakakuwa was accepted as a talk in ISIT2019.
15 March 2019A new paper "One-Shot Randomized and Nonrandomized Partial Decoupling" with E. Wakakuwa is now available on the arXiv.
15 February 2019I will give a lecture in Winter School of quantum information at YITP (18.03~20.03). I plan to talk about the basics of quantum randomness.
15 February 2019I will go to JSP Annual (74th) Meeting (14.03~17.03). I am going to talk about the black hole information paradox when it has symmetry.
14 January 2019The poster presentation in QIP2019 was done. I needed to explain to so many people.
4 January 2019I will give a poster presentation in QIP2019. It is about the information paradox of quantum black holes with symmetry.
4 January 2019My website has been opened.
1 January 2019I start working at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University.
Yoshifumi Nakata
Research Associate Professor, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
I am a researcher working on quantum information science and its applications to problems in quantum physics.
I am a theorist with a broad interest, ranging from physics, information science, to mathematics.
Apart from my enthusiastic interest in the foundations, I am working hard to open the door of the forthcoming quantum era by exploring possible applications of currently available quantum technologies.
This website is to outreach my research activities.
You can find the explanations of the results, announcements of my talks, my publications, and so on.