Low-depth random Clifford circuits for quantum coding against Pauli noise using a tensor-network decoder,
A. S. Darmawan, Y. Nakata, S. Tamiya, and H. Yamasaki, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023055 (2024).
Black holes as clouded mirrors: the Hayden-Preskill toy model with symmetry, Y. Nakata, E. Wakakuwa, and M. Koashi, Quantum 7, 928 (2023).
Quantum circuits for exact unitary t-designs and applications to higher-order randomized benchmarking, Y. Nakata, D. Zhao, T. Okuda, E. Bannai, Y. Suzuki, S. Tamiya, K. Heya, Z. Yan, K. Zuo, S. Tamate, Y. Tabuchi, and Y. Nakamura, PRX Quantum 2, 030339 (2021).
One-shot quantum error correction of classical and quantum information: towards demonstration of quantum channel coding, Y. Nakata, E. Wakakuwa, and H. Yamasaki, Phys. Rev. A 104, 012408 (2021).
New holographic generalization of entanglement entropy, Y. Nakata, T. Takayanagi, Y. Taki, K. Tamaoka, and Z. Wei (alphabetical order), Phys. Rev. D 103, 026005 (2021).
Generic Entanglement Entropy for Quantum States with Symmetry , Y. Nakata, and M. Murao, Entropy 2020, 22(6), 684.
Decoupling with random diagonal-unitaries, Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, C. Morgan, and A. Winter, Quantum 1, 18 (2017).
Unitary 2-designs from random X- and Z-diagonal unitaries, Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, C. Morgan, and A. Winter, J. Math. Phys. 58, 052203 (2017).
Efficient unitary designs with nearly time-independent Hamiltonian dynamics, Y. Nakata, C. Hirche, M. Koashi, and A. Winter, Phys. Rev. X 7, 021006 (2017).
A framework for phase and interference in generalized probabilistic theories,
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Phase-random states: ensembles of states with fixed amplitudes and uniformly distributed phases in a fixed basis, Y. Nakata, P. S. Turner and M. Murao, Phys. Rev. A 86, 012301 (2012).
Entanglement and the Interplay between Staggered Fields and Couplings,
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Simulating typical entanglement with many-body Hamiltonian dynamics, Y. Nakata and M. Murao, Phys. Rev. A 84, 052321 (2011).
Thermal robustness of multipartite entanglement of the one-dimensional spin-1/2 XY model, Y. Nakata, D. Markham and M. Murao, Phys. Rev. A 79, 042313 (2009).
Thermal enhancement of entanglement sensitivity to the phase diagram in XY model, Y. Nakata, D. Markham and M. Murao, Int. J. Quantum Inform. 06, 751 (2008).
On computational complexity of unitary and state design properties, Y. Nakata, Y. Takeuchi, M. Kliesch, and A. Darmawan, arXiv:2410.23353.
Explicit decoders using fixed-point amplitude amplification based on QSVT,
T. Utsumi, and Y. Nakata, arXiv:2405.06051.
Constructing quantum decoders based on complementarity principle, Y. Nakata, T. Matsuura, and M. Koashi, arXiv:2205.14667.
Characterizing quantum pseudorandomness by machine learning,
M. Fujii, R. Kutsuzawa, Y. Suzuki, Y. Nakata, M. Owari, arXiv:2210.06661.
Fundamental energy cost for quantum measurement,
K. Abdelkhalek, Y. Nakata, and D. Reeb, arXiv:1609.06981.