Unofficial mirror page of 2nd CAPRA meeting
Unofficial mirror of 2nd CAPRA slides @
Warren Anderson (UWM)
Radiation reaction in the normal neighbourhood
Nils Andersson (University of Southampton)
Late time dynamics of Kerr black holes
Lior Burko (Caltech)
Practical calculation of radiation reaction forces
Scott Hughes (Caltech)
Recent progress using poor man's radiation reaction
Brien Nolan (Dublin City University)
Trapping horizons and black holes
Eric Poisson (Universiy of Guelph)
A model problem: scalar charges in FRW spacetime
Alan Wiseman (UWM)
Instantaneous forces and the resulting motion of scalar charges moving
in Schwarzschild space time
Administrator: Soichiro Isoyama
email: isoyama [AT]
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