We aim to elucidate the "extreme universe" from the new perspective that all things are composed of "quantum information", going beyond the conventional understanding of "time, space, and matter" in physics. This "extreme universe" refers to the extreme conditions of the natural world, and includes the following three targets:

(i) quantum theory of Black holes (i.e. the limit of space),
(ii) quantum theory of Cosmology (i.e. the limit of time),
(iii) Dynamics of quantum matter (i.e. the limit of matter).

To solve these problems, we need the ultimate understanding of the laws of physics.

  The 4th ExU Annual Meeting @ Osaka University


We have opened [a Youtube channel] dedicated to our collaboration activities. The videos we have now include the videos of the colloquia. We expect that more videos will come up in the near future. 


For participation in our online event, please register in our ExU mailing list here.



A press release is made by Etsuko Itou from our group D01 and her collaborators about "Development of a New Computational Method to Explore the Properties of Composite Particles - Toward the Elucidation of Physical Phenomena Hindered by the Sign Problem" [Link]


A press release is made by Etsuko Itou from our group D01 and her collaborators about "Development of an Efficient Simulation Method for the Schwinger Model Using a Quantum Computer - Revealing the Necessary Computational Processes and the Quantum Bit Scale -" [Link]


The 4th ExU annual meeting was held at the Yoichiro Nambu Hall, Osaka University. The meeting was attended by 96 participants (plus online participants), who enjoyed active discussions among the participants through presentations of the latest research results and discussions on quantum information, elementary particle physics, astrophysics, and condensed matter physics.[リンク]


A press release is made by Masazumi Honda from our group D01 and and his collaborator about "Discovery of a Method to Systematically Create New Types of Anyons: Potential New Applications for Quantum Computers" [Link]


The 3rd young researchers' workshop of the Extreme Universe Collaboration was held at Grand Park Otaru, Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan, with 76 participants, who exchanged their latest research results and had discussions on quantum information, elementary particle physics, cosmology, and condensed matter physics.