My Presentations (Past and Future)
[Invited Talks and Organizations for International Conferences and Workshops]
T. Takayanagi, "TBA", Giambiagi School, Holography, Black Holes
and Information Theory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 21-26, 2025.
.T.Takayanagi, "TBA", QIQG 2025: Quantum Information in Quantum
Gravity, Perimete Inst., Canada, June23-27, 2025.
T. Takayanagi, "Quantum Entanglement and Spacetime in Gravity",2024
Dirac Medal and Prize Award Ceremony, ICTP, Italy, Apr.2, 2025.
T. Takayanagi, "Holographic Entanglement, Pseudo Entropy and Wormholes",Kyushu IAS-iTHEMS conference: Non-perturbative methods in QFT, Kyushu U., Mar12, 2025.
T. Takayanagi, "Bulk reconstruction of de Sitter space from CFT," Quantum Gravity and Information in Expanding Universe, YITP, Kyoto U., Feb.17-21, 2025
T. Takayanagi, "Emergence of Gravitational Spacetime from Quantum
Information" Hitoshi Fest, IPMU, U of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Dec.16-20, 2024.
T. Takayanagi, "Aspects of Holographic Pseudo Entropy", Gauge/Gravity
Duality 2024, Sanya, Hainan, China, Nov.30-Dec.4, 2024.
T. Takayanagi, "Holographic Entanglement Entanglement Entropy and Spacetime: New Insightst",ADVANCED LECTURES ON THEORETICAL PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS, Classical and Quantum Black Holes, Physics Latam Nov 4,6,11, 2024.
Organizing, OIST-ExU workshop: Quantum Extreme Universe: Matter, Information,
and Gravity, OIST,Oct.21-.25, 2024.
T. Takayanagi, "Entanglement and emergence of gravitational spacetime"
FIELD THEORY AND GRAVITY, ICTS, India, Aug.12-.23, 2024.
T. Takayanagi, "Introduction to holographic quantum entanglement",
School of Frontiers in Hydrodynamics, Effective Field Theory, and Holographic
Duality, Jilin U., China, 8-21 July, 2024.
T. Takayanagi, "Entropic g-theorem and Holography" KITP Conference:
Spacetime and String Theory, KITP, UC SantaBarbara, USA, Apr.3, 2024.
T. Takayanagi, "Holographic Pseudo Entropy and Emergent Spacetime"
Quantum Complexity: Quantum PCP, Area Laws, and Quantum Gravity, Simons
Institute, UC Berkeley, USA, Mar.18-22, 2024.
T. Takayanagi, "Is Spacetime an Illusion? The Mysterious Tale of Quantum
Mechanics and Black Holes", Kinchakai, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, Dec15.,
Organizing, "18th Kavli Asian Winter School (KAWS) on Strings, Particles
and Cosmology", YITP, Kyoto U., Dec.5-14., 2023.
T. Takayanagi, "On Holography in de Sitter Space", The 32nd Workshop
on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan (JGRG32), Nagoya, Japan,
Nov.29-Dec.1, 2023.
T. Takayanagi, "On Holography in de Sitter Space", KEK Theory
Workshop 2023, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov.29-Dec1., 2023.
T. Takayanagi, "Pseudo Entropy and Celestial Holography", Celestial
Kick off, Harvard, USA, Oct.28., 2023.
T. Takayanagi, Organizing Long-term Workshop 2023 "Quantum Information,
Quantum Matter and Quantum Gravity" YITP, Kyoto, Sep.4 - Oct.6, 2023
T. Takayanagi, "Holographic Entanglement and Beyond", The first
International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS), Beijing, China, July .18,