My Presentations (Past and Future)

[Invited Talks and Organizations for International Conferences and Workshops]

T. Takayanagi, "TBA", Giambiagi School, Holography, Black Holes and Information Theory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 21-26, 2025.

.T.Takayanagi, "TBA", QIQG 2025: Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity, Perimete Inst., Canada, June23-27, 2025.

T. Takayanagi, "Quantum Entanglement and Spacetime in Gravity",2024 Dirac Medal and Prize Award Ceremony, ICTP, Italy, Apr.2, 2025.

T. Takayanagi, "Holographic Entanglement, Pseudo Entropy and Wormholes",Kyushu IAS-iTHEMS conference: Non-perturbative methods in QFT, Kyushu U., Mar12, 2025.

T. Takayanagi, "Bulk reconstruction of de Sitter space from CFT," Quantum Gravity and Information in Expanding Universe, YITP, Kyoto U., Feb.17-21, 2025

T. Takayanagi, "Emergence of Gravitational Spacetime from Quantum Information" Hitoshi Fest, IPMU, U of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Dec.16-20, 2024.

T. Takayanagi, "Aspects of Holographic Pseudo Entropy", Gauge/Gravity Duality 2024, Sanya, Hainan, China, Nov.30-Dec.4, 2024.

T. Takayanagi, "Holographic Entanglement Entanglement Entropy and Spacetime: New Insightst",ADVANCED LECTURES ON THEORETICAL PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS, Classical and Quantum Black Holes, Physics Latam Nov 4,6,11, 2024.

Organizing, OIST-ExU workshop: Quantum Extreme Universe: Matter, Information, and Gravity, OIST,Oct.21-.25, 2024.

T. Takayanagi, "Entanglement and emergence of gravitational spacetime" Infosys-ICTS Chandrasekhar Lectures, PROGRAM QUANTUM INFORMATION, QUANTUM FIELD THEORY AND GRAVITY, ICTS, India, Aug.12-.23, 2024.

T. Takayanagi, "Introduction to holographic quantum entanglement", School of Frontiers in Hydrodynamics, Effective Field Theory, and Holographic Duality, Jilin U., China, 8-21 July, 2024.

T. Takayanagi, "Entropic g-theorem and Holography" KITP Conference: Spacetime and String Theory, KITP, UC SantaBarbara, USA, Apr.3, 2024.

T. Takayanagi, "Holographic Pseudo Entropy and Emergent Spacetime" Quantum Complexity: Quantum PCP, Area Laws, and Quantum Gravity, Simons Institute, UC Berkeley, USA, Mar.18-22, 2024.

T. Takayanagi, "Is Spacetime an Illusion? The Mysterious Tale of Quantum Mechanics and Black Holes", Kinchakai, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, Dec15., 2023.

Organizing, "18th Kavli Asian Winter School (KAWS) on Strings, Particles and Cosmology", YITP, Kyoto U., Dec.5-14., 2023.

T. Takayanagi, "On Holography in de Sitter Space", The 32nd Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan (JGRG32), Nagoya, Japan, Nov.29-Dec.1, 2023.

T. Takayanagi, "On Holography in de Sitter Space", KEK Theory Workshop 2023, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov.29-Dec1., 2023.

T. Takayanagi, "Pseudo Entropy and Celestial Holography", Celestial Kick off, Harvard, USA, Oct.28., 2023.

T. Takayanagi, Organizing Long-term Workshop 2023 "Quantum Information, Quantum Matter and Quantum Gravity" YITP, Kyoto, Sep.4 - Oct.6, 2023

T. Takayanagi, "Holographic Entanglement and Beyond", The first International Congress of Basic Science (ICBS), Beijing, China, July .18, 2023.

T. Takayanagi, "Holographic Universe from Quantum Information", The KMI colloquium, Nagoya U., July .13, 2023.

T. Takayanagi, "Emergence of Extreme Universe from Quantum Information", iTHEMS colloquium, Riken, Wako, Apr. 17, 2023

T. Takayanagi, "Holography with End-of-the-World Branes and Quantum Entanglement", Eastern Hemisphere Colloquium of Geometry and Physics, IBS-CGP, Korea, Mar.22, 2023.

T. Takayanagi, "Holography with End-of-the-World Branes and Quantum Entanglement",Colloquium Princeton U. / Quantum Information, Dynamics and Ergodicity: From Many-Body Systems to Gravity, PCTS, Princeton, USA, Feb. 27- Mar. 2, 2023.

T. Takayanagi, "Emergent holographic spacetimes from quantum information", 13th Conference on Physics of Particles and Fields, the Physics Society of Iran, Iran, Feb.8, 2023.,

T. Takayanagi, "Wedge Holography in Flat Space and Celestial Holography",Taiwan String Workshop 2022, NTU, Taiwan, Dec.22, 2023.

T. Takayanagi, "Pseudo Entropy and AdS(dS)/CFT", 2022 Simons Collaboration on It from Qubit Annual Meeting, Simons Foundation, New York, USA, ,Dec.8-9, 2022.

T. Takayanagi, "A New Generalization of Entanglement Entropy", 2nd Symposium on Trans-scale Quantum Science, U. of Tokyo, Nov.8-11, 2022.

T. Takayanagi, "CFT Dual of dS3 and Pseudo Entropy", HirosiFest, Kavli IPMU, U. .of Tokyo, Oct.20-21, 2022.

T. Takayanagi, Organizing YITP workshop "Quantum extreme universe from quantum information", YITP, Kyoto, Sep.26-30, 2022

T. Takayanagi, "CFT Dual of De Sitter Space in Three Dimensions", Quantum Information in QFT and AdS/CFT-III, online (IITGN, IITH), India, Sep.16-18, 2022

T. Takayanagi, "Wedge Holography in Flat Space and Celestial Holography", Workshop on celestial amplitudes and flat space holography, Corfu (online), Greece, Sep.11-18, 2022

T. Takayanagi, "Holographic Moving Mirrors", Fundamental aspects of gravity, Imperial College London, Aug. 8-12, 2022.

T. Takayanagi, "Moving Mirror and Page Curve", Current challenges in black hole physics and cosmology, YITP, Kyoto, June 21, 2022.

T. Takayanagi, "CFT Dual of De Sitter Gravity in Three Dimensions", Informational Architecture of Spacetime Workshop, OIST, Okinawa, May30-June3, 2022

T. Takayanagi, "Holography and Quantum Entanglement, " Lecture at YITP international workshop: Quantum Information Entropy in Physics YITP, Kyoto, Mar.22-25, 2022

T. Takayanagi, ``Emergence of Gravitational Spacetime from Quantum Information," The Physical Society of Japan 2022 Annual (77th) Meeting, Plenary Session Program(総合講演), JPS meeting.., Online, Mar.18, 2022

T. Takayanagi, "Extreme Universe of spacetime and matter from quantum information, " Physics Frontiers with Quantum Science and Technology, U. of Tokyo , Tokyo, Mar.9-10, 2022

T. Takayanagi, ``A new generalization of entanglement entropy, " Colloquium, ICTS, India, Jan.31, 2022

T. Takayanagi, ``Holography in de Sitter Space via Chern-Simons Gauge Theory, " RIKKYO MathPhys. 2022, Rikkyo U.., Tokyo, Jan.8-10, 2022

T. Takayanagi, ``Holography in de Sitter Space via Chern-Simons Gauge Theory, " Indian Strings Meeting 2021. , IIT Roorkee, India, Dec.12-17, 2021

T. Takayanagi, Organizing "IFQ-ExU Joint Workship: Extreme Universe from Qubits", YITP, Kyoto, Dec.16-18, 2021

T. Takayanagi, Organizing "KIAS-YITP 2021: String Theory and Quantum Gravity ", YITP, Kyoto, Dec.13-16, 2021

T. Takayanagi, ``Holography and Quantum Information, " Plenary Talk at IRCHEP 1400, Iran, ,Nov.8, 2021

T. Takayanagi, ``Emergent Holographic Spacetimes from Quantum Information, " Colloquium ,Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Seuol National Univ. ,Oct.27, 2021

T. Takayanagi, ``A New Generalization of Entanglement Entropy: Pseudo Entropy", Quantum Information in QFT and AdS/CFT-II, IIT Gandhinagar , Aug.19, 2021

T. Takayanagi, ``Page Curve from Holographic Moving Mirror and End of the World brane," Nordic remote HET seminar, Apr.13, 2021

T. Takayanagi, ``A New Generalization of Entanglement Entropy: Pseudo Entropy," , Seminar, Jilin University, Apr.12, 2021

T. Takayanagi, ``Page Curve from Holographic Moving Mirror and End of the World brane," online workshop on Quantum Gravity, Holography and Quantum Information, MPI Munich and LMU, Mar17-19, 2021

T. Takayanagi, ``A New Generalization of Entanglement Entropy: Pseudo Entropy," , String Theory Seminar, UC Berkeley, Mar.9, 2021

T. Takayanagi, Organizing the workshop ``Recent progress in theoretical physics based on quantum information theory", YITP, Kyoto, Mar1-5, 2021

T. Takayanagi, ``Page Curve from Holographic Moving Mirror," HoloTube webnar The Applied Holography Webinars Network, Feb.16, 2021

T. Takayanagi, ``Quantum Entanglement and Holography," The 15th Kavli Asian Winter School on Strings, Particles and Cosmology, Jan.23-24, 2021[Video]

T. Takayanagi, ``Path-integral Optimization and AdS/CFT," TENSOR NETWORKS: FROM SIMULATIONS TO HOLOGRAPHY III  (Online) , Perimeter, Canada Nov.20, 2020

T. Takayanagi, ``Recent Progresses of AdS/BCFT," Quantum Aspects of Space-Time and Matter (Online) , MPI,(AEI), Potsdam, Nov.16, 2020 [Video]

T. Takayanagi, ``Recent Progresses in Path-integral Optimization," 10th International Conference on Exact Renormalization Group 2020 (Online) , YITP, Kyoto, Nov.2-6., 2020

T. Takayanagi, ``AdS/BCFT, Entanglement Wedges and Wedge Holography" Conference on The Dual Mysteries of Gauge Theories and Gravity (Online) , IIT Madras, Chennai, India Oct..23, 2020

T. Takayanagi, ``Emergence of Universe from Quantum Entanglement," Colloquium (Online) , IIT Gandhinagar, India Jun.9, 2020

T. Takayanagi, ``Holographic Pseudo Entropy and Complexity," Online Workshop ”Complexity from Quantum Information to Black Holes", Lorentz Center, Netherlands Jun. 2-Jun 5, 2020.[My Talk]

T. Takayanagi, ``Holographic Pseudo Entropy," Online Conference ”Frontiers of holographic duality", Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia, Apr.27-May 8, 2020.[My Talk]

T. Takayanagi, ``Looking at Shadows of Entanglement Wedges," Geometry from the Quantum, KITP, Santa Barbara, USA, Jan.13-17, 2020.

T. Takayanagi, Organizing the workshop ``Non-perturbative methods in quantum field theories and applications to elementary particle physics ", YITP, Kyoto, Dec.20, 2019.

T. Takayanagi, ``Entanglement Wedges and AdS/CFT," Gravity, Information and Fundamental Symmetries, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany, Nov.4-6, 2019..

T. Takayanagi, Organizing the workshop ``Theoretical Particle Physics and Mathematical Physics -40 years from Eguchi-Hanson - ", YITP, Kyoto, Oct,19-20, 2019.

T. Takayanagi, ``Entanglement Wedges from Information Metric in Conformal Field Theories," KIAS-YITP 2019, KIAS ,Seoul, Korea, Sep.23-27, 2019.

T. Takayanagi, ``Entanglement Wedges from Information Metric in Conformal Field Theories ," Entangle This: Chaos, Order and Qubits, UAM, IFT, Madrid, Sep.9-14, 2019.

T. Takayanagi, ``Entanglement Wedges from CFTs," Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity V, UC Davis, Aug 19-Aug. 23, 2019[Slides]

T. Takayanagi, Organizing the long term workshop: Quantum Information and String Theory, YITP, Kyoto, May 27-Jun. 28, 2019.

T. Takayanagi, `Quantum Entanglement and Holography`', Lectures at Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics, Trieste, Italy, March 28th-April 5th, 2019.

T. Takayanagi, ``Entanglement of Purification and Holography'', Tensor Networks from Simulation to Holography II, Berlin, DESY Zeuthen, Germany, March 4th-5th, 2019.

T. Takayanagi, ``Quantum Entanglement and Holographic Spacetime'', Coloquium, AEI, Potsdam, Germany, March 1st, 2019.

T. Takayanagi, ``Recent Developments in AdS/CFT', The 4th KMI International Symposium, KMI, Nagoya, Feb 18th-20th, 2019.

T. Takayanagi, ``Holographic Entanglement of Purification and CFT Dual'', NCTS Annual Theory Meeting 2018: Particles, Cosmology and Strings, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec 17-20, 2018.

T. Takayanagi, ``Holographic Entanglement of Purification and CFT Dual'', KEK Theory Workshop 2018, KEK, Dec 17-20, 2018.

T. Takayanagi, ``Holographic Spacetimes as Quantum Circuits of Path-Integrations'', East Asia Joint Workshop on Fields and Strings 2018, Seoul, Nov 5-9, 2018.

T. Takayanagi, ``From Black holes to Qubits through String Theoretic Microscopes'', Plenary Talk, ICHEP2018, Seoul, July 10, 2018.

T. Takayanagi, Organizing the long term workshop: New Frontiers in String Theory, YITP, Kyoto, July2-Aug.3, 2018.

T. Takayanagi, Organizing Strings 2018, OIST, Okinawa, Japan, June 25-29, 2018

T. Takayanagi, Organizing the workshop: Entanglement in Quantum Systems, GGI, Florence, Italy, June, 2018.

T. Takayanagi, ``Holographic Entanglement of Purification'', Groningen Scanning New Horizons Meeting, Groningen, Netherlands, Jun.1, 2018.

T. Takayanagi, ``Aspects of Entanglement Evolutions under Local Excitations'', AdS/CFT @ 20 and Beyond, ICTS, India, May 21-May 24, 2018.

T. Takayanagi, Organizing YITP workshop ``Holography, Quantum Entanglement and Higher Spin Gravity '', YITP, Kyoto, Japan, Mar 14-16, 2018.

T. Takayanagi, ``Holographic entanglement of purification, ''  It from Qubit workshop/school, Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina, Jan.4-6, 2018.

T. Takayanagi, ``Path-Integral Complexity, Liouville Action and AdS/CFT '', East Asia Joint Workshop on Fields and Strings 2017, KEK Theory workshop 2017, KEK, Japan, Nov. 13-17, 2017.

T. Takayanagi, Organizing YITP workshop ``Holography and Quantum Dynamics'', YITP, Kyoto, Japan, Nov 11, 2017.

T. Takayanagi, ``Holographic Entanglement of Purification'', 20 Years Later: The Many Faces of AdS/CFT, Princeton, USA, Oct.31-Nov.3, 2017.

T. Takayanagi, ``Holographic Entanglement and Purification'', Quantum Physics of Information, KITP, UCSB, USA, Oct. 9-27, 2017.

T. Takayanagi,``Optimization of Euclidean Path-integrals in CFTs and Complexity,'' Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity III, UBC, Canada, Aug. 14-18, 2017.

T. Takayanagi,``Liouville Action as Computational Complexity: From Continuous Tensor Networks to AdS/CFT,'' Relativistic Quantum Information- North 2017, YITO, Kyoto., July. 4-7, 2017.

T. Takayanagi,``AdS from Optimization of Path-Integrals in CFTs,'' Strings2017, TelAviv, Israel., June. 26-30, 2017.

T. Takayanagi,``AdS from Optimization of CFT Path-Integrals and Continuous Tensor Networks,'' Entangle This: Tensor Networks and Gravity, IFT, Madrid., Spain, May. 8-9, 2017.

T. Takayanagi,``Two Continous Approaches to AdS/Tensor Network duality,'' Tensor Networks for Quantum Field Theories II, Perimeter Institute, Canada, Apr. 18-21, 2017.

Organizing workshop at YITP, Kyoto, "Holography, Quantum Entanglement and Higher Spin Gravity' Feb. 6-7, 2017'

T. Takayanagi,``AdS from path-integrals in CFT,'' String Theory: Past and Present, ICTS Bangalore, India., Jan.11-13, 2017.

T. Takayanagi,``From path-integral to tensor networks for AdS/CFT,'' Frontiers in Mathematical Physics, Rikkyo U. , Tokyo, Japan., Jan.6-9, 2017.

T. Takayanagi,``From Path Integrals to Tensor Networks for AdS/CFT,'' Recent Developments in Fields, Strings, and Gravity, QMAP, Davis, USA., Dec12-16, 2016.

T. Takayanagi,``Aspects of Entanglement Entropy for Locally Excited States in CFTs,'' Entanglement and Dynamical Systems, Simons Center, Stony Brook, USA., Dec, 2016.

T. Takayanagi,``Emergent Spacetime from Qubits via Holography,'' The 35th Quantum Information Technology Symposium (QIT35), KEK, Tsukuba, Japan., Nov. 24-25, 2016.

T. Takayanagi,``Quantum Entanglement and Tensor Network Description of AdS/CFT,'' IGST 2016, Humboldt U., Berlin, Germany., Aug 22th-Aug. 26th, 2016.

T. Takayanagi,``Quantum Operations in CFTs and Holography,'' Strings 2016, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China., Aug 1th-Aug. 5th, 2016.

T. Takayanagi,``EPR Pairs, Local Projections and Quantum Teleportation in Holography,'' Conference on Entanglement and Non-Equilibrium Physics of Pure and Disordered Systems, ICTP., Trieste, Italy., July 25th-July. 27th, 2016.

T. Takayanagi, ``Boundary States in CFTs and cMERA,'' International Workshop on Tensor Networks and Quantum Many-Body Problems (TNQMP2016), ISSP, Kashiwa, Japan, June.31-July 6, 2016.

T. Takayanagi, Organizing YKIS 2016 conference ``Quantum Matter, Spacetime and Information'', YITP, Kyoto, June.13-June.17, 2016.

T. Takayanagi, Organizing Long-term Workshop ``Quantum Information in String Theory and Many-body Systems'', YITP, Kyoto, May.23-June.24, 2016.

T. Takayanagi, ``Holographic Quantum Teleportation'', Nathan Seiberg Symposium, IPMU, Kashiwa, Mar.23, 2016.

T. Takayanagi, ``Gravitational Spacetime and Quantum Entanglement'', KEK-PH 2016, Tsukuba, Feb.11, 2016.

T. Takayanagi,``Information Metric and Holography'', the 12th Vienna Central European Seminar on Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory, Viena, Austria, Nov.27-28, 2015.

T. Takayanagi, ``Entanglement Entropy and Holography'' , Lectures at Ph.D. school in Niels Bohr Institue, Denmark, Oct.26-30, 2015.

T. Takayanagi,``Gravity Dual of Quantum Information Metric,' ' KIAS-YITP joint workshop ``Geometry in Gauge Theories and String Theory'', KIAS, Seoul, Korea, Sep.15-18, 2015.

T. Takayanagi, Organizing International Workshop on Strings, Black Holes and Quantum Information, TFC, Tohoku U, Sep.7-11, 2015.

T. Takayanagi,``Gravity Dual of Quantum Information Metric,' ' workshop:``Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity II '', Perimeter Institute , Canada, Aug. 17-21, 2015.

T. Takayanagi, ``Gravity Dual of Information Metric,' ' Andy Fest ``Black Holes, Holography and Strings '', Harvard , USA, July 30-31, 2015.

T. Takayanagi,``Gravity Dual of Information Metric,' ' workshop:``Numerical approaches to the holographic principle, quantum gravity and cosmology '', YITP , Kyoto, July. 21-24, 2015.

T. Takayanagi, ``Surface/State Correspondence as a Generalized Holography'', KITP conference: Closing the entanglement gap: Quantum information, quantum matter, and quantum fields, KITP, UCSB, Santa Barbra, June.1-5, 2015.

T. Takayanagi,``'Emergence of Holographic Spacetime from Quantum Entanglement'', International Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics & AdS/CFT, Kavli-IPMU, Tokyo U., May.25-29, 2015

T. Takayanagi,``Quantum Entanglement of Locally Excited States,' ' Simons Symposium on Quantum Entanglement, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, Mar.15-21, 2015.

T. Takayanagi,``A proposal for Surface/State correspondence from quantum entanglement,' ' Entangle This: Space, Time and Matter, IFT, Madrid, Spain, Feb. 16-20, 2015.

T. Takayanagi,``Time Evolution of Entanglement Entropy for Locally Excited States,' ' NCTS Program on Topological Aspects of Quantum Matter, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec.8-12, 2014.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Entropy and Spacetime Geometry,'' 20th European Workshop on String Theory, Mainz, Germany, Sep. 22th-Sep. 26th, 2014.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Renormalization for General CFTs,'' Workshop: `Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity', UBC, Canada, Aug.18th-Aug.22th, 2014.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Spacetimes from Entanglement Renormalization,'' YITP Workshop on Quantum Information Physics (YQIP2014), Kyoto, Japan, Aug. 4th-7th, 2014.

T. Takayanagi, ``Holographic Entanglement between Two Interacting CFTs'', Aspen Summer Workshop: Emergent Spacetime in String Theory, Aspen, USA, July 6-Aug 3, 2014.

T. Takayanagi,``Time evolution of entanglement entropy for local operator excitations in conformal Field Theories,'' Conference on Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Condensed Matter and String Theory, Trieste, Italy, June 30th-July 4th, 2014.

T. Takayanagi,``Quantum Entanglement and Local Operators,'' Strings 2014, Princeton, U.S.A., June 23th-June 27th, 2014.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Entropy and Spacetime,'' Lectures at Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics, Trieste, Italy, March 31th-April 2nd, 2014.

T. Takayanagi,``Time Evolution of Entanglement Entropy for Local Operator Excitations in Conformal Field Theories ,'' Aspen Winter Conference: New Perspectives on Thermalization: Condensed Matter, Quantum Information, QCD and String Theory, Aspen, USA, March 16-22, 2014.

T. Takayanagi,``Quantum Entanglement and Holography ,'' lectures at 8th Asian Winter School, Puri, India, Jan.13-19, 2014.

T. Takayanagi,``Quantum Entanglement of Local Operators in Conformal Field Theories,'' International Symposium RIKKYO MathPhys 2014, Jan 11-12, 2014.

T. Takayanagi,``Quantum entanglement and holographic spacetime,'' plenary talk at19th International Symposium on Particle, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 20-26, 2013.

T. Takayanagi,``Excited States and Holographic Entanglement Entropy,'' Mathematics and Physics of the Holographic Principle, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
Cambridge, UK, Oct. 2, 2013.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Entropy and AdS/CFT,'' Lectures at Arnold Sommerfeld School `Gauge-gravity duality and condensed matter physics', Munich, Germany, Aug.5-Aug. 9, 2013.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Entanglement Entropy of Excited States,'' Gauge/Gravity Duality 2013, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich, Germany, July 29-Aug. 2, 2013.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Entropy and Gravity/Condensed Matter Correspondence,'' Plenary Lecture at The 20th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation (GR20), Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw, Poland, July 7-13, 2013.

Organizing workshop at YITP, Kyoto, "KIAS-YITP joint workshop: String Theory, Black Holes and Holography,"' July. 1-5, 2013.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Entanglement Entropy of Excited States,'' Strings 2013, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, Jun. 23-29, 2013.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Entanglement Entropy,'' lectures given at Holography 2013 :Gauge/gravity duality and strongly correlated systems, APCTP, Pohang, Korea, Jun. 13-22, 2013.

T. Takayanagi,``Property of EntanglementEntropy for Excited States,'' Workshop: Emergence and Entanglement II, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada, May 6-10, 2013.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Entropy and Holography,'' Lecture at 7th Asian Winter School on Strings, Particles and Cosmology, Beijing, China, Feb.18-25, 2013.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Entanglement Entropy and Emergent Spacetime,'' , A Workshop: Entangle This: Strings, Fields and Atoms, IFT UAM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain, Nov. 19-Nov. 21, 2012.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement and Holography,'' Entanglement in Discrete and Continuous Quantum Systems, Princeton Center for Theoretical Physics, USA,
Oct. 25-Oct. 26, 2012.

T. Takayanagi,``Emergent spacetimes from entanglement renormalization,'' Workshop on RG flows, holography, and entanglement entropy, the Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, USA, Sep. 17-Sep. 21, 2012. )

T. Takayanagi,``Recent developments in holographic entanglement entropy,'' International Symposium Ahrenshoop on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Berlin, Germany, Aug. 27-Aug. 31, 2012.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Entanglement Entropy: from Condensed Matter to Emergent Spacetime ,'' Gravity Theories and Their Avatars, Crete Center of Theoretical Physics, Heraklion, Greece, July 13-July 19, 2012.

T. Takayanagi,``" Introduction to Gravitational Holography" and "Geometric Calculations of Entanglement Entropy via Holography,"
International Workshop : Physics of information, information in physics, and the demon, Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan, Jun. 27-Jun. 28, 2012.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Entanglement Entropy and Entanglement Renormalization,'' Discussion Meeting on String Theory, ICTS, Bangalore, India, Jun. 18-Jun. 22, 2012.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Dual of BCFT,'' A London Satellite Meeting: Branes and Black Holes, King's College London, UK, May. 28-Jun. 1, 2012.

T. Takayanagi,``Developments of Holographic Entanglement Entropy,'' KITP conference: Blackholes and Information, KITP, UCSB, USA, May. 21-25, 2012.

T. Takayanagi,``Strange Metals and Holographic Entanglement Entropy,'' Progress in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory, Osaka City University, Osaka, Apr. 3-7, 2012.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Entropy and AdS/CFT,'' Lectures at the CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings and Gauge Theory, Switzerland, Feb. 6-10, 2012.

T. Takayanagi,``Recent Updates of Holographic Entanglement Entropy,'' KITP program: Holographic Duality and Condensed Matter Physics, KITP, USA, Oct. 19, 2011.

T Takayanagi,``Holographic Dual of BCFT,'' KIAS-YITP Joint Workshop: String Theory, Holography and Beyond, KIAS, Korea, Sep.20-24, 2011

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Entanglement Entropy and its New Developments,'' Strings 2011, Uppsala, Sweden, June 27-July 1, 2011

T. Takaynagi, Organizing, "Quantum information in quantum gravity and condensed matter physics", Aspen Center for Physics, USA, May 22-June.5, 2011.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Quantum Quenches,'' Strongly Correlated Systems and Gauge/Gravity Duality, Aspen Center for Physics, USA, Jan.31-Feb.5, 2011.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Entanglement Entropy and Black Holes,'' Indian Strings Meeting, Puri, India. Jan.4-11, 2011.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Entropy and Quantum Quenches in AdS/CFT,'' workshop: AdS/CM duality and other approaches, 
KITPC, Beijing. Nov.1-5, 2010.

T. Takayanagi,``Geometric Calculation of Entanglement Entropy via AdS/CFT,''  workshop: New Development of Numerical Simulations
in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems: From Density Matrix Renormalization Group to Tensor Network Formulations,
YITP, Kyoto University, Oct. 29, 2010.

T. Takayanagi,``Black Holes and Holographic Quantum Quench,'' Autumn Symposium on String/M Theory, KIAS, Seoul, Oct. 14, 2010.

T. Takayanagi,``Topological Insulators and Superconductors,'' and `` Emergent Horizons on D-branes and Quantum Quench
from AdS/CFT ,'' APCTP Focus Program Aspects of Holography and Gauge/String Duality, APCTP, Pohang, Korea, Aug.17-18, 2010.

T. Takayanagi,``Introduction to AdS/CMT,'' Summer Institute 2010, Fujiyoshida,, Japan, Aug. 8th, 2010.

T. Takayanagi,``Mini Black Holes and Quantum Quench from AdS/CFT,'' YKIS2010 symposium: Cosmology--The Next Generation--,
YITP, Kyoto University, Jun. 28th, 2010.

T. Takayanagi,``Mini Black Holes and Quantum Quench from AdS/CFT,'' Gravity and Cosmology2010, YITP, Kyoto University, Jun. 10th, 2010.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Entanglement Entropy,'' ESI program on Quantum Field Theory on Curved Space-times and Curved Target Spaces,
The Erwin Schrodinger Institute in Vienn, Apr. 29th, 2010.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Entropy and Topological Insulators from String Theory,''
IPMU Focus Week, Condensed Matter Physics Meets High Energy Physics, IPMU, the University of Tokyo, Feb. 12th, 2010.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Insulator/Superconductor Phase Transition at Zero Temperature,''
AdS/CFT: strongly coupled systems and exact results, Ecole Normale Supérieure / Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, Nov. 26th, 2009.

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Insulator/Superconductor Phase Transition at Zero Temperature,''
Branes, Strings and Black holes, YITP, Kyoto University, Oct. 9th, 2009

T. Takayanagi,``Can we really have string theory duals of non-relativistic fixed points ?'',
2009 NIMS-APCTP Joint International workshop "String Theory and Cosmology", Daejeon, Korea, Sep .24th, 2009

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Entanglement Entropy,'' Quantum Criticality and the AdS/CFT Correspondence, KITP, University of
California, Santa Barbara, California, USA, July 20, 2009

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Entanglement Entropy, Fractional Quantum Hall Effect, and Lifshitz-like Fixed Points", Plenary talk at Quantum Theory
and Symmetries 6, Lexington, Kentucky, USA, July 23, 2009

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Lifshitz-like Fixed Points in String Theory and Entanglement Entropy,'' Frontiers in Black Hole Physics
, JINR, Dubna, Russia, May 26, 2009.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Entropy and Phase Transition in AdS/CFT Correspondence'',
Recent Developments in String/M Theory, KIAS, Seoul, Korea, September 25, 2008

T. Takayanagi, ``Fuzzy Ring from M2-brane Giant Torus'',
Focus Week on Quantum Black Holes, IPMU, Tokyo University, Japan, September 16, 2008.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Entropy and Phase Transition
in AdS/CFT Correspondence'', Monsoon workshop on string theory, TIFR, Mumbai, India, July 28, 2008

T. Takayanagi,``Holographic Boundary Entropy and Janus Solutions,''
30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics
Reaseach Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, March 17, 2008.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Entropy from AdS/CFT'', Miami 2007, Celebrating ten years of AdS/CFT,
Lago Mar Resort, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Dec. 16, 2007.

T. Takayanagi,``Covariant Entanglement Entropy,'' Progress of String Theory and Quantum Field Theory, Osaka City University,
Dec. 7, 2007.

T. Takayanagi,``Holography and Entanglement Entropy,'' The 17th Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan,
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Dec. 4, 2007.

T. Takayanagi,``Entanglement Entropy and AdS/CFT,'' Komaba 2007, Recent Developments in Strings and Fields, Komaba, Tokyo U.,
Feb. 11, 2007.

T. Takayanagi,``AdS/CFT Correspondence and Entanglement Entropy'', Indian Strings Meeting, Toshali Sands, Puri, India, Dec. 16, 2006

T. Takayanagi, ``Time-like Linear Dilaton and Open-Closed Duality'', Strings 2005, Toronto, Canada, July 15, 2005

T. Takayanagi, ``c<1 String with Time-like Linear Dilaton Matter'', Einstein Symposium 2005, Scientific Meeting, Alexandria, Egypt, June 4, 2005

T. Takayanagi, ``D-branes in Melvin background'', D-branes and Mirror Symmetry, Reaseach Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Feb. 7, 2002

[その他の国内の招待講演(Domestic Talks)]

高柳 匡  「量子エンタングルメントから創発するホログラフィック宇宙」 日本物理学会 第23回オンライン物理講話、2024年9月8日 [講演スライドはこちら]
高柳 匡  「量子重力と量子情報」 日本物理学会2024年春季大会オンライン、2024年3月21日

高柳 匡  「量子情報から創発する宇宙」 QIQBセミナー,  阪大、2022年12月16日 [ポスター]

高柳 匡  「量子情報から創発する理論物理学」  南部コロキウム, 阪大、2022年5月12日 [ポスター]

高柳 匡、 「量子情報と重力理論」、量子情報春の学校2021、2021年3月28日

高柳 匡、「AdS/CFT対応とテンソルネットワーク」、領域11領域3素粒子論合同シンポジウム、日本物理学会 第72回年次大会、阪大、2017年3月18日

高柳 匡、「
量子エンタングルメントと重力理論における時空のダイナミクス」、基研研究会 素粒子物理学の進展2014、京大基研、2014年8月1日

高柳 匡、「AdS/CFT対応とMERA、今後の展開」、日本物理学会 第69回年次大会、東海大、2014年3月27日

高柳 匡、「量子多体系の物理から量子重力へ:ホログラフィー原理の最先端」、日本物理学会 第68回年次大会、広島大、2013年3月27日

高柳 匡、「エンタングルメント・エントロピーと熱力学第一法則」、静岡大素粒子集中セミナー、静岡大、2013年3月1日

高柳 匡、「AdS/CFT 対応と物性物理」、基研研究会:場の理論と弦理論、京大基研、2012年7月27日

高柳 匡、「時空の構造と量子エンタングルメント」、KEK理論研究会、KEK、2012年3月7日

高柳 匡、「AdS/CFT対応とフェルミ面」、立教研究会「弦理論、場の理論における非摂動的手法」、立教大学、2012年2月19日

高柳 匡、「AdS/CFT対応とエンタングルメント.エントロピー」、基研研究会:量子多体系のエンタングルメントとくりこみ群、京大基研、2011年12月15日

高柳 匡、「AdS/CFTと物性」、理論核物理領域,素粒子論領域合同シンポジウム、主題:強相関物理の新展開、日本物理学会、弘前大、2011年秋季大会、2011年9月18日

高柳 匡、「AdS/CFT対応入門」、原子核三者若手夏の学校、木島平、2010年8月6-7日

高柳 匡、「Lifshitz固定点のAdS/CFTへの応用」、研究会 第三回 超弦理論と宇宙、城崎温泉、旅館「志なのや」2010年2月18日

高柳 匡、「Two Approaches to Black Hole Entropy via AdS/CFT: Microstate Counting and Entanglement Entropy」、高次元ブラックホール研究最前線、KEK、2008年10月24日

高柳 匡、「エンタングルメント・エントロピーと重力エントロピーの双対性」、研究会 第一回 超弦理論と宇宙、尾道、松翠園、2008年2月12日

高柳 匡、「AdS/CFTによるエンタングルメント・エントロピーの重力的理解」、日本物理学会 第62回年次大会、北大、2007年9月23日

高柳 匡、「AdS/CFT Correspondence and Entanglement Entropy」、基研研究会「弦理論と場の理論 --- 量子と時空の最前線」、2007年8月9日

高柳 匡、「Free Yang-Mills 近似を用いたAdS/CFT の解析」、KEK理論研究会2007、KEK、2007年3月12日

高柳 匡、「Entanglement Entropy and AdS/CFT Correspondence」、弦理論研究会、立教大学、2006年12月27日

高柳 匡、「Noncommutative geometry in SU(2) WZW-model via tachyon condensation」、弦理論と場の理論における非可換幾何, 京大基研, 2001年2月20日

高柳 匡、「Tachyon condensation in superstring theory」、東京大学山上会館(平成12年度総括研究会,2/14)、2001年2月14日

 [集中講義(Special Lectures)]

2023年7月12日-14日 名古屋大

2020年10月6-8日 東大駒場

2018年3月5-7日 神戸大   

2017年10月4-6日 阪大   
特別講義II:Holographic Entanglement Entropyとその最近の 発展

2014年6月10-12日 東大駒場   

2011年7月13-15日 北大   

2010年12月20-22日 東工大 

2010年10月27日 京大基研

2009年12月16-18日 東北大 大学院集中講義

2009年12月10-12日 立教大  数理物理特論(LA101)
