Title | Black Hole as a Baryon-Reactor --- Rapid Baryon Number Violation in Black Hole | |
Authors | Y. Nagatani | |
Abstract |
Title | Radiation Ball for a Charged Black Hole | |
Authors | Y. Nagatani | |
Abstract |
Title | Radiation Ball as a Black Hole | |
Authors | Y. Nagatani | |
Abstract |
Title | Spherical Domain Wall formed by Field Dynamics of Hawking Radiation and Structure Near Horizon | |
Authors | Y. Nagatani | |
Abstract |
Title | Spherical Domain Wall formed by Field Dynamics of Hawking Radiation and Spontaneous Charging-up of Black Hole | |
Authors | Y. Nagatani | |
Abstract |
Title | Dynamical Formation of Spherical Domain Wall by Hawking Radiation and Spontaneous Charging-up of Black Hole | |
Authors | Y. Nagatani | |
Abstract |
Title | Electroweak/GUT Domain Wall by Hawking Radiation: Baryogenesis and Dark Matter from Several Hundred kg Black Holes | |
Authors | Y. Nagatani | |
Abstract |
Title | Electroweak Domain Wall by Hawking Radiation: Baryogenesis and Dark Matter from Several Hundred kg Black Holes | |
Authors | Y. Nagatani | |
Abstract |
Title | Effective Theoretical Approach to Backreaction of the Dynamical Casimir Effect in 1+1 Dimensions | |
Authors | Y. Nagatani | |
Abstract |
Title | Electroweak Baryogenesis by Black Holes | |
Authors | Y. Nagatani | |
Abstract |
Title | Black Hole Baryogenesis | |
Authors | Y. Nagatani | |
Abstract |
Title | Dynamical Symmetry Breaking in Fractal Space | |
Authors | Y. Nagatani | |
Abstract |
Part | Elementary Particle | |
Title | Black Hole Baryogenesis | |
Number | 30aC-3 | |
Contents | (transparency in English) |
Part | Elementary Particle | |
Title | Dynamical Symmetry Breaking in Fractal Space | |
Number | 29aYQ-10 | |
Contents | (transparency in Japanese) |