GCOE Symposium
Links among Hierarchies


Feb.13-15, 2012
Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall International Conference Hall


This is an annual symposium of the Kyoto University global COE Program, "The next-generation physics spun from universality and emergence". The purpose of the symposium is to encourage collaboration among different research areas under the two keywords, universality and emergence. The main theme of this year is "connection between hierarchies". In addition to regular sessions by the research groups, there will be a special session for research reports by GCOE post-doctoral fellows and a session organized by graduate students. We will also discuss measures to be taken for post-GCOE activities.

Invited Speaker

Social gathering

  • Faculty: 3000 Yen
  • Student: 1500 Yen
Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall International Conference Hall
January 31st, 2012


Those who wish to give a poster presentation have to register through the registration page by January 31st. The presentation file in the PDF format should also be uploaded through [upload] upload by noon on February 13rd for the convenience of the selection of the poster award. The poster presentation is also regarded as a report of the TRA activity, and those who are GCOE TRA are supposed to give a poster presentation.

Please put up the poster by the poster session in the afternoon on February 13rd. The poster should be on the board until the end of the symposium. The size of the poster board is 90cm times 210cm, but the organizers recommend you not to use the very lower part of the board for readability.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to make a contact with gcoesymp_at_yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp (_at_ has to be replaced with @).

GCOE Poster Award

We are planning to award prizes to several poster speakers. Those who OAOC are awarded will be anounced at the concluding session of the symposium. OB We would like to encourage all the poster speakers to make their bes presentations.

Student Session

Feb.14th 15:50-17:20

Planning Session "About post GCOE"

Feb.14th 13:30-15:30


Speaker Takakuni Ikeda (University Promotion Division) etc.

Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee

Session Coordinator