Poster Award

Shigefumi HataOptimal phase response curves for stochastic synchronization of limit-cycle oscillators
Taisuke HattoriSpin-triplet superconductivity induced by ferromagnetic fluctuation in UCoGe
Kenta HotokezakaGravitational Waves as a Probe for Supernuclear-Density Matter
Tetsuya IyeNMR evidence of direct coupling between magnetic and superconducting order parameters in iron pnictide BaFe2(As1-xPx)2
Kiseki NakamuraNEWAGE - direction-sensitive dark matter search
Tomohiko SanoThree Dimensional Simulation of Granular Jet Scattering
Satoshi TakadaSimulation of cohesive granular particles under a plane shear
Shinsuke TakasaoAcceleration Mechanism of Chromospheric Jet on the Sun
Yuki UematsuEffects of selective additive on volume phase transition in gels
Yuki YokokuraA Model of Black Hole Evaporation