
A press release is made by Tadashi Takayanagi from our group C01 and his collaborators about "Deriving monotonicity of boundary degrees of freedom at quantum critical points from quantum information - Geometric understanding of quantum matter using triangular inequalities of quantum entanglement" [Link]


We will have the 26th online colloquium Extreme Universe Colloquium on July 10th (Wed) 16:30 (JST). The speaker is Prof. Seiji Yunoki (RIKEN). For details, please refer to the poster. If you have not registered yet, please register at our online event website at least three days prior to the colloquium. (It is not necessary to register again if you have done it already.)


The video of the 1st and 2nd ExU Schools held on March 3-5 and July 4-12, 2022 are now available on [YouTube].

Slides and video of the 4th and 5th ExU Schools are available on [4th ExU School] and [5th ExU School].


A press release is made by Hiroshi Ueda from our group D02 and and his collaborator about "World's first large-scale survey on the use of quantum computers after the launch of cloud services" [Link]


Prof. Kohei Kawabata from our group E2 has received the "5th Research Front Award, Clarivate".

クラリベイト:日本がリードする先端研究領域と、その領域で活躍する研究者を発表 ~ 5度目の「リサーチフロントアワード」において、11領域11名を選出、表彰~ - Clarivate - Japan

~ 5度目の「リサーチフロントアワード」において、 11領域11名を選出、表彰 ~   [2024年5月22日] クラリベイト・アナリティクス・ジャパン株式会社(日本オフィス…


A press release is made by Daisuke Yamamoto from our group B02 and and his collaborator about "Establishment of Cryogenic Cooling Method for Quantum Simulator by Controlling Entropy - Expectations for Elucidation of Mechanisms of High-Temperature Superconductivity and Quantum Magnetism" [Link]


The slides and the video of the 25nd Extreme Universe Colloquium held on May 13th, 2024 are now available [Colloquium Video][Slides].


We will hold the 4th ExU Annual Meeting of the Extreme Universe Collaboration at Osaka University from September 25 to September 28, 2024. There will be reports on research activities and seminars by each of the project groups in this area, as well as oral talks by the principal investigators of the publicly offered researches. For more information, please visit the following website. https://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~extremeuniverse/en/forth-annual-meeting-sept-25-28-osaka-university/


Mr. Shu Hamanaka, who participated in our domestic circulation program for young researchers last year, has received the "Student Presentation Award of the Physical Society of Japan". https://www.jps.or.jp/activities/awards/gakusei/2024_student_presentation_award.php


We will hold the 3rd young researchers' workshop of the Extreme Universe Collaboration & The 6th "Extreme Universe" School at Grand Park Otaru in Hokkaido from September 12 to September 15, 2024. We are accepting registrations from outside the research area. For more information, please visit [Website]