We aim to elucidate the "extreme universe" from the new perspective that all things are composed of "quantum information", going beyond the conventional understanding of "time, space, and matter" in physics. This "extreme universe" refers to the extreme conditions of the natural world, and includes the following three targets:

(i) quantum theory of Black holes (i.e. the limit of space),
(ii) quantum theory of Cosmology (i.e. the limit of time),
(iii) Dynamics of quantum matter (i.e. the limit of matter).

To solve these problems, we need the ultimate understanding of the laws of physics.


We have opened [a Youtube channel] dedicated to our collaboration activities. The videos we have now include the videos of the colloquia. We expect that more videos will come up in the near future. 


For participation in our online event, please register in our ExU mailing list here.



A press release is made by Tadashi Takayanagi from our group C01 and his collaborators about "Deriving monotonicity of boundary degrees of freedom at quantum critical points from quantum information - Geometric understanding of quantum matter using triangular inequalities of quantum entanglement" [Link]


We will have the 26th online colloquium Extreme Universe Colloquium on July 10th (Wed) 16:30 (JST). The speaker is Prof. Seiji Yunoki (RIKEN). For details, please refer to the poster. If you have not registered yet, please register at our online event website at least three days prior to the colloquium. (It is not necessary to register again if you have done it already.)


The video of the 1st and 2nd ExU Schools held on March 3-5 and July 4-12, 2022 are now available on [YouTube].

Slides and video of the 4th and 5th ExU Schools are available on [4th ExU School] and [5th ExU School].


A press release is made by Hiroshi Ueda from our group D02 and and his collaborator about "World's first large-scale survey on the use of quantum computers after the launch of cloud services" [Link]


Prof. Kohei Kawabata from our group E2 has received the "5th Research Front Award, Clarivate".

クラリベイト:日本がリードする先端研究領域と、その領域で活躍する研究者を発表 ~ 5度目の「リサーチフロントアワード」において、11領域11名を選出、表彰~ - Clarivate - Japan

~ 5度目の「リサーチフロントアワード」において、 11領域11名を選出、表彰 ~   [2024年5月22日] クラリベイト・アナリティクス・ジャパン株式会社(日本オフィス…